
Blood of the Elden Souls

In the year 2121, virtual reality gaming has reached its zenith with the advent of VR pods, extraordinary devices capable of transporting players into fully immersive game worlds. These pods not only provide an unparalleled gaming experience but also extend players' time within the virtual realm, thanks to advanced life support systems. Meet Alex Mercer, a professional gamer renowned for his charismatic streaming and fearless exploration of the latest VR games. With his name etched in the gaming world's annals, Alex is a connoisseur of virtual adventures. He thrives on the adrenaline rush, the mysteries, and the challenges that these digital realms offer. One fateful day, as Alex prepares to dive into the latest VR sensation, he receives an exclusive invitation that changes the course of his life. A mysterious message arrives, granting him a coveted spot in the beta testing of "Blood of the Elden Souls," the most anticipated open-world VR game from Softfrom, the legendary game developer. With only a select hundred players worldwide granted access, Alex steps into this enigmatic realm, where reality blurs with the fantastical. "Blood of the Elden Souls" merges the best elements from Softfrom's previous masterpieces. The game is a paradox—a gruesome beauty where players must navigate unimaginable difficulties and unravel a sprawling lore hidden deep within its virtual world. As Alex delves deeper into "Blood of the Elden Souls," he discovers that the game is far more than a mere form of entertainment. It holds secrets that transcend the boundaries of the virtual realm. The choices he makes within the game begin to affect not only his in-game character but his real-life existence as well. Bound by a sense of duty, curiosity, and the desire to conquer the ultimate gaming challenge, Alex embarks on an ethereal odyssey. He forges alliances with fellow beta testers, confronts the game's grotesque yet alluring landscapes, and unearths fragments of a mysterious prophecy that hints at world-altering consequences.

northernlight · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 1: The Invitation

Alex Mercer leaned back in his gaming chair, bathed in the neon glow of his dimly lit room. The soft hum of his VR pod filled the space as he ran his fingers over the sleek, black headset resting on the desk before him. His streaming setup, adorned with posters of his favorite games and a wall of monitors, cast a faint bluish hue across his face. 

At twenty-seven, Alex had become a household name in the world of professional gaming. His streaming channel, "MercilessMercer," boasted millions of followers, all eager to witness his fearless exploits in the virtual realms. From intense first-person shooters to mind-bending puzzle games, Alex had conquered them all. 

But today was different. Today, he was about to dive into uncharted territory. 

He adjusted the headset and took a deep breath. The screen before him displayed a series of text messages from his fellow gamers and fans, all buzzing with anticipation for his next stream. Chat messages scrolled by at a dizzying pace, but one message caught his eye: 

[Beta Testing Invitation] 

Sender: [Unknown] 

Subject: Blood of the Elden Souls - Exclusive Beta 

Curiosity piqued, Alex opened the email. The message contained nothing but a single, ominous sentence: 

"Greetings, Alex Mercer. You have been selected as one of the hundred chosen to partake in the exclusive beta testing of 'Blood of the Elden Souls,' the newest creation from Softfrom." 

Alex's heart raced. Softfrom was a legendary game developer known for crafting experiences that transcended the virtual realm. Their previous titles, "Bloodborne" and the "Souls" series, were masterpieces that had left an indelible mark on the gaming world. 

He quickly switched to his streaming window and addressed his viewers, his excitement palpable. "Hey, everyone! It looks like we're in for a special treat today. I just received an email about a game I've never heard of before—'Blood of the Elden Souls.' It's from Softfrom, the studio that gave us 'Borne of Blood' and the 'Soul slayers' series!" 

The chat erupted with excitement, fans clamoring for more information. Alex continued, "Apparently, I've been invited to participate in the exclusive beta testing. They're only inviting a hundred players worldwide. I have no idea what this game is about, but it sounds like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." 

As he spoke, Alex opened the attachment that came with the email. It contained a download link for the beta version of "Blood of the Elden Souls." His hands trembled slightly as he clicked the link, initiating the download. 

"The download's in progress, folks," he announced to his viewers. "I'll give you a sneak peek of the game as soon as it's ready. Stay tuned!" 

Alex Mercer couldn't help but wonder what awaited him in the mysterious world of "Blood of the Elden Souls." With each passing second, his anticipation grew, and the chat was filled with fans eagerly awaiting the first glimpse of this enigmatic virtual realm. 

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the download was completed. Alex took a deep breath, the gravity of the moment settling in. He knew that once he stepped into the world of "Blood of the Elden Souls," there would be no turning back. 

With a determined nod, he placed the VR headset over his eyes, obscuring the room's neon glow. The screen before him came to life, displaying the game's logo. His fingers hovered over the virtual start button. 

Alex Mercer took one last look at his streaming setup, where his viewers' anticipation was palpable, and then he pressed the button. 

The world around him dissolved into darkness, and he felt the unmistakable sensation of being pulled into the virtual realm. The journey had begun.