

What if Rhaenyra had had a twin? Watch as Baelon makes his way through his father's court

AgustinaGM18 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
10 Chs

Chapter 01

113 DC

Red Keep

Pov Baelon

Fifteen-year-old Baelon Targaryen was in his bedroom preparing for the tournament his father King Viserys I Targaryen was holding, for the birth of his future brother.

I don't understand why my father keeps trying to have more children, and my mother queen Aemma fades more and more with each abortion, Nobody deserves to see so many children die. My mother told me that when we were born the masters didn't think we'd make it through the day, but we made it.

Coming out of my thoughts I look at the mirror, a tall teenager of one meter eighty with platinum hair, pale skin, bright lilac eyes, marked jaw, and a slim body, but with muscle, looks back at me.

I dress in black boots, pants and a black shirt with red details and a jubón above.

When I am ready my gaze moves away from my body and I set my sights on the corner of the room, there was leaning "Blackfire" the Valyrian Steel sword that was once wielded by his ancestor Aegon I Targaryen "The Conqueror".

Father granted me the sword when I defeated his white cloaks. When I held the sword for the first time I was surprised, it was a big and long sword, it seemed to be heavy but when I started practicing with it it was the opposite, it was light as air.

Adjusting the sword at my waist I leave my room, I go to the royal chambers, I walk through the empty corridors, the whole court was in the tournament. I arrive at my mother's room I see one of her guards guarding the door, when she sees me she bows and speaks to me.

- My prince."

- Good morning, I would like you to announce me with my mother." I answer.

- As my prince orders" He tells me.

He enters the chambers, I hear him say that I am at the door to see her, when he returns he allows me to enter, I enter and observe my mother in her bed, her maids around her doing her work.

Mother has her eyes closed, a grimace of pain on her face, her body swollen with pregnancy. She still looks beautiful even though today she may be born the baby, she has the beauty of Targaryen women, pale skin like the moon, platinum blonde horse, big lilac eyes, pug nose, and full lips.

When she feels my footsteps she opens her eyes, despite the discomfort she has, a smile forms on her face and her eyes observe me full of love and pride, my heart is filled with love for her.

- My sweet boy, what are you doing here? You should be celebrating the tournament" He asks me while trying to get comfortable on the bed.

- Muña came to see how you were before leaving for the tournament" I Respondo as I lean over and place a kiss on his cheek, kneel down and grab one of his hands, start rubbing my thumb on his hand.

- I'm fine my sweet, only pregnancy pains" She tells me, trying not to worry.

- Don't lie to me, muña, I know this pregnancy has been difficult for you. I hope this is the last attempt to have another baby, father can't keep doing this, your life is at risk, he is selfish" I tell him bitterly.

- Don't talk like that about your father my sweet, it's my duty to the kingdom to give your father one more son ."

- You've done your duty, mother. You gave father twin sons." I exclaim, tears of frustration forming in my eyes.

- Sh, sh, sh my sweet don't cry" She replies as she wipes tears from my face.

- I'm worried about you muña, you could die, my sister and I couldn't bear to lose you" I finish as frustration grows inside me.

- My sweet son I need you to listen to me carefully, your sister and you are the most important people in my life, I love you with all my being, if something happens to me I want you two to move on. I will always be with you two, I want you to promise me that you will take care of your sister" He ends and looks at me waiting for an answer. My heart breaks when I hear his words, but I need to be strong and promise to take care of Rhaenyra.

- I promise you muña, I will always take care of her" I answer firmly, she gives me a smile.

- I also want you to tell your sister after the tournament how you feel about her Baelon, I know you love her more than yourself and you're going to protect her "She finishes and my cheeks turn red.

- Muña, you're embarrassing me "I exclaim as a chuggle comes from my lips.

- None of that son, I am proud that you love your sister in that way, I give you my blessing so that you are with her" She says full of love and pride.

- You don't know how happy it makes me that you tell me this, muña, I was afraid that you and father would not accept it, since father has moved away from Valyrian traditions. - I let out a sigh for the last.

It is a shame for our blood that father is so weak and is carried away by the comments of the sheep of the court. The Targaryen blood has to remain pure and not be diluted. Dragons mate with dragons.

- Don't worry about that, after the baby is born I will talk to your father so that he will let them get married and give him his blessing." She replies with a soft smile.

- Thank you very much muña, it makes me happy that you support me" I exclaim with a huge smile on my face.

- Well enough talk, you have to go to the tournament otherwise you will be late." She cuts me.

- It's okay mom, I love you" I tell her as I lean over and place a kiss on her cheek and hug her.

- I plus my son"

I leave the room and walk to the exit of the fortress, one of the guards accompanies me to the stables where my horse awaits me.

Boash is a completely black horse of pure Raza, My father gave it to me for my fifth birthday. I also gave Rhaenyra a horse. My sister's mare was born to the same mother as Boash and is all white.

When I am ready I leave the fortress, I start riding through the streets of the city, a guard follows me from behind. People see me and start shouting my name both commoners and nobles, I greet him with my hand.

I arrive at the venue where the tournament takes place. I leave Boash with the other horses, I get down from him and adjust my sword, I move my eyes to the front and I notice that a servant is waiting for me to direct me to where the royal box is located.

When I arrived I saw Father sitting in the center of the box and next to him was the hand of King Otto Hightower.

Cuchichiando in the seats below was my twin Rhaenyra with her friend and also a daughter of the hand of King Alicent Hightower, in the seats on the side was Princess Rhaenys Targaryen or Velaryon now since she is married to Lord Corlys Velaryon and in the seats below his children my cousins Laenor and Laena Velaryon.

Princess Rhaenys or better known as the "Queen Who Never Was" is the daughter of Aemon Targaryen and Jocelyn Baratheon.

Prince Aemon Targaryen was the third son of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and his wife Queen Alysanne Targaryen. He was named heir, his daughter was supposed to be the heiress after his death, but was set aside by the king and my grandfather Baelon Targaryen was chosen younger brother of Aemon. When my grandfather died, the old king did not know who would make his heir so he called the great council of Harrenhal to decide the matter of succession. Fourteen claims were considered, but the strongest were those of my father Viserys, and Laenor Velaryon the son of Princess Rhaenys. When all the lords of Westeros gave their vote they elected my father King Viserys I Targaryen.

Moving towards my father I lean down and speak.

- Your grace" I exclaim as I bow, father realizes my presence and answers me.

- My boy, you arrived just in time, the tournament is about to start" he answers me with a smile on his face, always so happy.

- Sorry for the delay father, I was late because I went to see mother." I answer.

- It's okay boy, you arrived on time, go sit down, it's about to start" he tells me.

- Your grace" I bow once more.

I advance to where my sister is, when I am steps away from her I observe her and stand in my place like a fool, she looks beautiful with her Valyrian features. I started seeing Rhaenyra as more than a sister months ago, but I haven't confessed to her for fear that she will reject me and lose our relationship as brothers.

Lost in my thoughts I don't realize that she is calling me, "Baelon" "Baelon" "Baelon".

- Hello, sweet sister"

- Come sit with me brother." She tells me as she points to the seat next to her. She made my way to sit next to her, greeting Lady Alicent who was on the other side of my sister.

Once seated I turn and kiss her cheek and run my arm over her shoulders as I hug her against me. We are silently embraced when she speaks to me quietly in her ear and tells me.

- I thought you would not come brother" I hear his sweet voice in my ear

- How could I miss the show that father put on, for a baby that has not yet been born "I look at her with a mocking face.

- I don't understand why the father keeps insisting on having another child. Isn't it enough for him with us? Why continue forcing the mother with more pregnancies?" As she talks about her, her voice breaks, her eyes fill with tears, hugging her, I reply.

- shh, shh sister everything is going to be alright. I don't understand father, but mother will be fine, soon we will have a new brother "I answer her, while I try to comfort her.

As I continue to hug her I think of the pain that mother is going through due to pregnancy, I know that she has a very high risk of dying. Damn you father for making her go through this again, if something ever happens to her in my life I'll forgive you!

I move away from her and lift her face, while I stare at her she begins to blush, smiling I lean over and place a kiss on her cheek and then another on her neck and whisper "Avy jorrāelan" (I love you). She leans more on me, right now we seem more than brothers, but I don't care, We are the blood of the dragon, they don't have to give an opinion about us, we hold each other for a long time.

I look back when I see Otto looking at us with suspicion and disgust, I look back at him and he realizes that I caught him looking at us, damn snake is always involved in the wrong thing, he turns to my father and they continue talking in whispers. Leaving aside the situation I focus back on my sweet sister and ask her.

- Did Uncle Daemon arrive at Kings Landing today?" I ask him

- Yes, he called me to the throne room before coming to the tournament, you can believe that he was sitting on the throne of father "He exclaims with a little anger. I start to laugh

- I wouldn't be surprised coming from Uncle Daemon, did he tell you anything else? I ask.

- He said that he came to participate in the tournament and to be able to talk about something with our father" He answers me. We fall silent and she talks to Alicent again.

What does my uncle want with father? , the relationship between the brothers is not the best, Daemon has made a lot of messes, and my father has let his head be filled by Otto Hightower's viper. My uncle hates Otto and Otto hates my uncle.

I get out of my thoughts when I hear the presenter say that the meetings are about to start, I look at the participants and I don't see anyone interesting apart from my uncle Daemon, the participants begin to pass when a gentleman who has been the best catches my attention, winning all rounds.

It's Daemon's turn, he gets on his horse, wears an all-black armor with the motto of our family, the three-headed dragon, and a black helmet begins to advance to choose who to face, I see that he points to the knight who calls meor attention, the knight accepts the challenge and everyone else leaves the place. The mysterious knight and my uncle approach the royal box, when they arrive the helmets are removed, and I see who the knight is, it is none other than Ser Criston Cole, I recognize it because my father has told me that it was Ser Criston who had defeated my uncle in His first tournament since then holds a grudge.

My uncle speaks first.

- Nephews, how wonderful to see you after so long" He says with his usual arrogant smile.

- Likewise, uncle" Rhaenyra and I reply.

- I would like to have the favor of her Lady Alicent "She exclaims out loud for Lady Alicent and Otto to hear, she looks at Otto mockingly, he is red with anger. He let out a laugh as I looked at my uncle.

- Good luck my prince" she says as she places the flower crown on her spear.

Daemon takes one last look at Otto and turns around as he walks past Ser Criston, looking at him with a smirk as he snickers and says "Good luck Crispin".

Ser Criston looks at him without flinching, but he can see the anger in his eyes, he advances toward the royal box, he approaches and I can see how he looks at my sister, surely he asks her for a favor.

- My princess, my prince, Lady Alicent" Greets.

I do not return the greeting while I look at him, as he dares to ask my sister for his favor, to look at her that way.

- Ser Criston" Alicent and Rhaenyra return the greeting.

- Princess I would like to ask you for your favor, I promise to win and crown her my queen of love and the beautiful. – He speaks to my sister while putting on her smile

- It's okay Ser Criston can have my favor. – Rhaenyra responds and grabs the damn crown and places it on his spear.

I try not to show jealousy on my face, but surely now I am killing Ser Crispín with my gaze.

I get so angry that I get up from my place to leave when I watch as father quickly rises from his seat and leaves the box. The first thing that comes to mind is that the mother has gone into labor.

It's something the quietest in the box so as not to scare Rhaenyra. When I'm away from her sight, she ran out to where Boash is and I rode on him. I'm galloping as fast as I can toward strength. People see me and start approaching me and I can't move forward as fast as I can. When I manage to get out of all the people, it's been a long time.

I get to the fortress and jump from the horse and start running through the corridors as fast as I can when I reach the tower of Maegor, I start running towards the queen's chambers, when I arrive I open the doors and what I see leaves me petrified in my place.

Master Mellos is opening my mother's belly so he can take out the baby while my father looks away and my mother begs them to stop. I start screaming to get away from her, but they don't listen to me, I advance towards the master so I can get him away from her, but my father beckons the guards to stop me, "damn bastard" I start yelling at my father.

The three guards that were in the room advance to stop me, when I see them approaching I draw blackfyre and prepare to kill them, the first one lunges at me, but before he can move his sword, I go through his abdomen, I take the sword out of his body and charge against the other two, our swords collide when I manage to disarm one, I stick the sword in his eye, but while doing this I feel that I am hit with the handle of a sword

My vision begins to cloud, I turn to see who it is, I see another guard who had entered the room, my sword falls from my hand and I feel myself losing consciousness, I try to move towards my mother, but black dots begin to appear on my vision I fall to my knees unconscious, in my last moments of lucidity I whisper "Avy jorrāelan muña" (I love you mother).

Hello people. This is my first time writing something, if you see any mistake I apologize.

My first language is not English, so I use google Translate, it will indeed have an error. Till next time

AgustinaGM18creators' thoughts