
Confrontation cont.

We got to the principal's office and waited on the sofa outside. After 20 minutes went by a man stormed into the building. He stalked right into the principal's office. Before the door closed we heard him yelling at Francis.

"What the hell did you do boy!" And the door shut closed. About 10 more minutes went by and the whole time we could hear Francis's father yelling at Francis on and off. Then my mom came rushing through the door. She caught sight of me and her eyes went to the bruise on my cheek that had fully formed by then.

"Oh my poor baby! What did that horrible boy do to you?" She cried running to me and pulling me into a bone crushing huge. "Mamma I'm fine..." I didn't get to finish the sentence because she cut me off. "No, you most certainly are not fine. Look at you. That boy left your beautiful face bruised and I can feel a bump forming on your head. I am pretty sure that he bruised your little belly because the minute I hugged you, you flinched from pain." She said with piercing eyes. Usually I would be slightly embarrassed at her calling my stomach "my little belly" But today I was more comforted by it than anything else.

"You four helped my little girl?" my mom asked. She eyed Becky, Madeline, Mike, and Max. They all nodded. Max smiled shyly and blushed when my mom hugged them too.

"Thank you all for taking care of her. You know what, I want to invite you four over for dinner as a thank you. I'll order pizza and what not." They all smiled at that.

"We didn't do it to get something out of it Mrs. Rei. We did it because Izabella is a sweet girl and needed help. Besides, no guy should ever lay a hand on a girl." Replied Max, he blushed deeply while Becky smiled.

"Sweet what time should we come over? And Max is right Isabella is our friend now and we won't let anything like that happen to her again. We'll take care of her Mrs. Rei." Becky said smiling I had made friends with them without realizing it I thought to myself smiling.

The door opened then and the older man came out. His eyes roamed over all of us until they landed on my bruised face. "So, you're the little bitch that said no to my nephew? Pretty little thing isn't you. Serves you right for telling him no." He spat at me. He had gotten closer as he said it. His breath smelled of tequila. He smelled quite rancid, as if he hadn't showered in a few days. My mom stepped in-between us, mother bear ready to defend her cubs. Her voice rang like steal.

"Excuse me? Your nephew hurt my daughter and you're telling her that it's her fault?! How dare you come down here and blame my little girl! As a matter of fact your nephew will be lucky if he only gets probation when we press charges against him. Mr. Rods" Francis's uncle stepped closer to my mom.

"Go ahead. I really don't give a damn about what happens to the boy. He aint my son. I got landed with him after his mother died." He said coolly and then burped in her face. He turned and started walking out.

"Francis get your lousy ass over here!" He yelled back towards the office. Francis came out and glared at us as he walked off after his uncle. The principle came walking out after them and called after Francis. " young man you still need to unlock your phone so we can delete the photos you have taken of Miss. Rei." my mom gasped. " he has photos of my daughter on his phone!" My mom glared at francis and then looked at me. "He took them through my bedroom window." I said in a small voice.

I just wanted this over and done with. "I'm not opening shit Lady!" francis said while continuing to walk towards the front desk until his uncle grabbed him by the neck and shoved him back towards the principle sending him tumbling to the floor with the force he used. " open the fucking phone boy ! I want to go home!"

"Mr. Rods there is no need to be rough with your nephew" the principle said as he tried to help him up only for francis to yank away from him. "I'm fine! give me the damn phone."

"No, just tell me the code. you'll get your phone when I delete the photos." He replied sternly. "it's 082697" he grumbled looking at the ground.

The principal's face grew disgusted as he found all the photos and deleted them from the phone. He handed the phone back shaking his head. " You are suspended from school for a week and we will be rearranging your classes in order to make sure that you are no longer in any with Miss. Rei. You are free to go now." he and his uncle stormed out once he got his phone back.

"That man and his boy need Jesus in their lives." My mom whispered to herself. The rest of the day went by in a blur. The other parents soon arrived and the principal decided not to suspend us. Mainly because my mom threatened to sue the school for negligence and trying to victim shame me. My mom kept thanking them and invited the parents over for dinner the next night. The police got there to take everyone's statements and they took photos off my face and abdomen for proof. the principal handed over the email he had sent himself of all the photos from franicis's phone. printed that is.

We went home early afterwards. All this had happened so fast. It had only been an hour by the time this whole confrontation had been dealt with. Alright more like 2 hours but I was just focused on getting home.

I sighed in relief at the sight of my house. It looked so cozy and welcoming. Strait out of a fairy tale book. There were roses and tulips and sunflowers in the garden. There was a fountain and a really pretty path around it with a bench too. I absolutely loved it. We got out of the car and headed inside. Mrs. Adams opened the door with my baby sister in her arms. "Oh my! Look at your face!" She exclaimed. "It's alright I'm fine now." I said a little tired.

I didn't like so much attention and somehow, I was getting a little too much for comfort. Evangeline held her tiny little hands out to me and I smiled. I reached for her as Mrs. Adams handed her over. I ignored the pain that flashed across my abdomen. I walked with her towards the living room and sat down on the couch with her. Having her in my arms made me feel comforted. My mom and Mrs. Adams were talking about what happened in the kitchen but I honestly just wanted to forget about it all.

Evangeline looked at me while holding her little hand to my cheek.

"You have an Ouchy" Her lip trembled and a tear fell down her little face. She put her head in the crevice of my neck and put her little arms around me. "Is ok baby girl. I'm ok. It doesn't hurt." I lied hugging her close. She was only two and already was so smart for her age. I couldn't be more proud of her. No matter what anyone said to me two years ago, I would never regret standing my ground about her.

I played with Evangeline until Niklaus came down the stairs. He was rubbing his eyes as if he had just woken up from a nap. "Hey booger how was school?" I asked still playing with little Angle. "It was ok angel pooped big time earlier and it was gross. You should have seen it. It was like a poop bomb exploded." Niklaus said sitting down.

He looked at my face and his little nine-year-old face became red with anger. "Who hurt you? I'll get them for it! No one messes with my sisters!" He said grinding his knuckle into his right hand. I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh Niklaus. I'm fine. Besides he's more than twice your size...if it makes you feel better, I smacked him right across the face and hit him in his babymaker." I sighed. He was so small when everything happened two years ago and it hurt to hear him say sisters but I shrugged it off.

"That must have really hurt him, you smack hard...wait you hit him there too…. Nice!" he said smiling. Then the concerned expression came right back onto his angelic little face. "Does it hurt a lot?" He said reaching up and gently touching the bruise. "No." I lied refraining from wincing as his little finger lightly touched it. "Let's watch a movie, no?" I said trying to distract the little booger.

I sifted through all the recordings on the TV until Niklaus saw The Pr***cess d***ries on the list. I smiled at him and put it on. He loved this movie. He didn't care if it was a "girl" movie at all. We sat watching the movie until dinner was ready.

My mom left for work shortly after and I put the kiddos to sleep. I went to my room and laid in bed and winced at the pain in my stomach. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.