

The Human Race is faced with a dilemma after an unknown race attacks and abducts humans. With their intentions unknown, the humans fight dearly for their lives, even though they make little to no progress. While humanity struggles to survive, one particular characters gets chosen to become a walking weapon for the Alien Race, The Granians. Ace Underwood, who was one of the unlucky thousands that got abducted,wakes up to find himself inside a green tube. With no idea what's going on, he manages to escape only to learn of his new changed form. [Congratulations: Your DNA is a match with the Blood Mutant Gene.] [You must consume blood in order to survive.] Left to roam on the Earth, Ace must now survive from the Granians who wish to use him as biological weapon and learn to cope in a world of humans, and higher, intelligent life forms. Instagram: jt3art. Discord:https://discord.gg/fXdgzMrsmQ. ------------------

joshua_jt3 · แฟนตาซี
351 Chs


[Granian Central Spaceship]

[Main Command Center]

Inside the larger alien spaceship, the top Granian leaders were seated around a large holographic table to discuss their further plans. The table currently accommodated up to fifty alien beings, its width and length being vast.

The Granian generals wore distinct body armor that differentiated their ranks or status, except for one who was endowed with white and gold armor.

"Grand Master, the human species has proven to be more resilient than we anticipated," one general remarked.

"I agree, General. They have posed quite a challenge for us. We didn't expect them to be this..."

"Technologically advanced?"

"Yes, precisely. They surely have advanced since we were last here."

"Then we must unleash our full force upon them. Attack with everything we have."

"No," the Granian in white armor stood up, demanding everyone's attention. "Our purpose is not to eradicate these beings. We are here in search of a specific host compatible with the blood mutant gene. Any updates on that?"

The doors to the main control room burst open, and two Granians entered, their heads bowed.

"Grand Master," they greeted. "We have discovered not one, but four suitable hosts compatible with the blood mutant program," one of the Granians reported.

"Excellent," the Grand Master smiled. "Prepare them for a demonstration. Let's assess their effectiveness."

"Um... There's a problem, Grand Master." There was an awkward silence in the room.

"Well, speak up."

"The... the one who showed positive signs of compatibility... has escaped, Grand Master," the second Granian spoke with a trembling voice. The Grand Master sighed in frustration but remained composed.

"Do not worry," he calmly stated. "I expected this issue to arise. Remember planet Vehatar?"

"What shall we do, Grand Master?" one of the generals asked.

The Grand Master pointed out through the spaceship's front mirror, towards Earth, and said, "These humans are more intelligent than we anticipated, and an individual with such power could easily destroy us, depending on how quickly they learn to control it. However, this is a good opportunity for us to let them run wild with it.

"But sir, we dispatched two scouts to retrieve him alive. Shouldn't we give them a chance?" a general questioned.

"Nonsense," the Grand Master replied. "I want that human to experience and grow with the system. in the meantime, we can aid them through gaseous flushing. We will employ biochemicals, the same ones that turned the Rengions into mindless savages."

"But didn't you say we wouldn't harm the humans?" another general inquired.

"This humans have become smarter in this short time span. They'll find ways of handling the gas. Also, if there are more dangerous creatures roaming the planet, the blood mutant will have more opportunities to exercise his new-found abilities. The danger isn't for them. It's for the one with the blood mutant gene. By the time we capture it, it'll possess capable skills so we won't have to train it over and over again. Let it run around, learn how to use the system and then we'll go after it." The Grand Master tapped a few screens and recorded a message to the other alien ships, stating, "Prepare for the Gaseous Flushing Phase. Circle the Western and Eastern hemispheres of the planet. We will take the top."

"You two, prepare the remaining three for inspection. If any of them show no progress, return them to their planet. Let them live to inform others of our capabilities."

"Yes, Grand Master."


Ace cautiously followed the two Granians, ensuring he didn't alert them. Thanks to his system, he could understand their conversation, even though they remained silent while searching for him.

"One of them might help me get back on their ship so I can find Cherry but....I don't think I have the energy to take on both of them, let alone one." he thought to himself while trying to see a way he could handle the two beings before him.



[Your body will grow weaker is you do not consume enough blood.]

[Your bloodlust is rising. Emergency protocols will be initiated if you fail to consume sufficient blood.]

"Crap," he cursed internally. His eyes shifted to the Granians, who were a safe distance away. With his skill, he believed he could take them down and consume their blood. "Can I really do this?

"Well, I won't know if I don't try."


[Chances of success are minimal. Given your current strength, you can barely take on their tails, let alone their entire bodies.]

[Side Quest: Hunt for alternative blood sources to satisfy your bloodlust. You have ten minutes to do so.]

[Reward: Instant level up.]

[Quests can be completed to earn EXP and rewards, such as skills. EXP can be used to level up. Each level-up grants stat points to enhance your abilities.]

[Timer: 9:59]

"With my limited strength, I must proceed with caution. But what creatures can provide blood?" He pondered for a moment. "Idiot, you're in a forest. There are plenty of animals here. If I'm correct, that fox must have a family."

Ace retraced his steps back to the fox's decaying corpse, then followed the fox's tracks, leading him to his desired destination.

"Bingo," he smiled as he saw a den of foxes up ahead. Fortunately, they were all adults, so he didn't have to worry about leaving behind orphaned young ones.

"Sorry for this, little guys."

[Blood drain activated]

He drained every drop of blood from each of the foxes using the same process he used on the first one. With a total of four foxes, he hoped to acquire enough blood to satiate his bloodlust for a while.

The poor foxes winced in pain as their life force drained from their bodies. They transformed from lively, orange-furred creatures to shriveled, blue raisin-like corpses. Their blood dissolved into Ace's body, making him feel invigorated and energized.


[Your bloodlust has been quelled.]

[All stats have been replenished.]

[Quest Complete!]

[Reward: Instant Level Up]

[Level 2: 0/50]

[You have received 1 stat point.]

[Quest 2: Reach the base before the Granians do. This quest does not grant rewards. Save your people.]

"Save my people? But I need to get back to Cherry." Ace complained but knew he wouldn't be able to get back on the ship in his current situation. If he gave himself in, there's no way he'd know what the aliens would do to him. The only option he had was to find the nearest human settlement as quickly as possible.

[Time: 5:00]