
Blood, Lies and my mother's alibi.

Thea went from being a small town nobody to being hunted by supernatural forces she thought were mere fairytales and found out that her family has a secret that's about to change everything she thought she knew.

tellingastory · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


The drive home was uneventful she walked up her stairs and she paused noticing a card tapped to her door, she read it aloud. "Dear Trix, happy b-day hope you had a ragger! Love, T." It was signed and she smiled "At least Thea remembered me." She mumbled as she opened the door she noticed another envelope this one had flowers she picked them up and brought them inside. "And let's see what's inside mystery card #2." She said as she giggled. She read it and was so confused what does it mean she wondered if it was friend or foe. The card was mysterious the flowers more mysterious they were black roses with golden ripe sunflowers. "These are beautiful!" She exclaimed smelling them better put them in some water. Not long after Trixie put the flowers in a vase with water her phone rang. It was her mom calling. "Hey hun, happy birthday Trix!" she sang her voice oozing affection. "Thank you mum." Trix all but squeaked. "When will you be home? Your business trips always take forever!" "Soon my little dove mum will be home soon I promise." She smiled. "How soon mum?" "Dove.." Her mum sighed and both sides went quiet. "You know mum loves you very much and" Trixie cut her off "And that the business trips are for important business and you're giving us a better life." She said "Yeah, I know it's getting late I'm gonna go to bed night mum I love you." "I love you too my dove have sweet dreams." The call ended although Trix was used to these trips and technically an adult she still felt lonely. Yes she could go and drink herself to sleep or wake up in a strangers bed but she always felt that was beneath her she wanted a love like her parents they were like the it couple had an exemplary marriage they were practically inseparable until fate intervened. She snapped a photo of the flowers and sent it along with a text. 'Thank you for the flowers mum they're beautiful.' She sent it and looked at the envelope. She opened it, inside was another card and a note. It read the following.

'My dearest Trixie I hope this finds you well and that you enjoyed the flowers please, don't be afraid we will meet soon.' She had a puzzled look on her face was this some kind of sick joke? Her hands now slightly shaking she proceeded to pull out the card and read it.

'To my beloved,' She paused before opening it. She proceeded.

'There is only one person I shall love other than you she will look unto me and call me father and you mother. Counting the days until we meet yours truly.' No signature. No return address. Weird. Trixie shrugged and thought it was a mix up she wasn't dating anyone nor was she betrothed she continued upstairs to her room to head to bed.