

Kael Draven awakens in a new reality that defies all earthly conventions. Once a notorious psychopath on Earth, Kael now inhabits a younger, stronger body and must navigate a universe light-years away from everything he once knew. Transplanted to Nexalus Prime, a planet riddled with espionage, mercenary guilds, and secretive alliances, Kael finds himself in a world where survival depends on more than just ruthless cunning. As Kael carves out his niche among the shadows, his lethal skills and unpredictable nature make him a sought-after asset in the underworld. From sabotage missions on drifting starships to infiltrating alien crime syndicates, no task is too dangerous or too morally ambiguous—his only rule: loyalty to none but himself. However, as he delves deeper into the galaxy’s dark corners, Kael uncovers a sprawling conspiracy that threatens not only his survival but the very existence of the interstellar order. With ancient prophecies, hidden agendas, and alien warlords, Kael must navigate a treacherous path where every ally could be a traitor and every mission could be his last. Kael Draven's journey is a high-stakes game of deception and survival in a universe teetering on the brink of chaos. With enemies closing in and the lines between friend and foe blurring, Kael must harness his darkest instincts to outwit those who seek to control him. But as the web of conspiracy tightens, he begins to question whether his own madness is the key to the galaxy's salvation—or its ultimate doom.

Liam_Rashi · ไซไฟ
8 Chs


The law enforcement frigate glided silently through the void, its sleek form a stark contrast to the chaos that had erupted on Khalil'tit. Inside, the soldiers moved with grim determination, their expressions tense as they prepared to board the pirate ship. They had received Kael's coded message and the beacon signal, and now they were closing in on their target.

The lead officer, Captain Lyra Mallory, briefed her team as they suited up. "Our objective is to secure the ship, neutralize any hostiles, and extract any survivors. Be prepared for anything. We have been looking to end these pirate tu`zi (translated means shit), this is our chance."

The soldiers nodded, their faces set in steely resolve. They were experienced and battle-hardened, but the uncertainty of what awaited them gnawed at their nerves. For a few, this was their first deployment. The ship they were boarding had been described as a hellish nightmare, with a cutthroat crew so there were a few worried looks on board.

The boarding tubes extended, connecting the frigate to the pirate ship. The soldiers precisely moved, their weapons ready as they breached the airlock. The atmosphere inside the ship was thick with the scent of blood and smoke, the corridors dimly lit.

As they advanced, the sight of the carnage left by Kael Draven met their eyes. Bodies lay strewn across the floor, some dismembered, others charred beyond recognition. The walls were splattered with blood, and the air was filled with the acrid smell of burnt flesh.

Several soldiers gagged, fighting the urge to vomit. They had seen death before, but this was different. This was a massacre, a slaughter that spoke of a mind unhinged and a hand unrestrained by morality.

"Stay focused," Captain Mallory barked, her voice cutting through the tension. "We need to reach the command room."

They moved forward, their boots squelching in the blood-soaked floor. The ship's defences had been shut off, but they did not know by whom. The sound of distant screams and gunfire echoed through the corridors, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

The corridors were filled with an oppressive silence, broken only by the occasional creak of the ship's structure and the unsettling hum of the flickering lights. Shadows danced on the walls, creating the illusion that something might leap out at any moment. The soldiers' tension was palpable, each step taken cautiously.

They reached the command room. The doors were ajar, and the sight within made even the most seasoned soldiers hesitate. The room was a scene of utter devastation, the walls scorched and bodies piled in grotesque heaps. The captain of the ship lay in a pool of blood, his lifeless eyes staring blankly at the ceiling.

Kael Draven sat in the centre of the room, his dark armour slick with blood, the helmet resting beside him. He was waiting, his expression calm and unreadable. The analytical voice in his head was silent, his mind a cold, calculating void.

Captain Mallory raised her weapon, motioning for her team to surround Kael. "Khaf," she said, her voice steady. "You're coming with us. Don't try anything stupid."

Kael's lips curled into a faint smile, devoid of warmth or humour. "I wouldn't dream of it, After all, you're here to save me, aren't you?"

The soldiers moved in, their weapons trained on Kael as they prepared to escort him back to the frigate. They moved with caution, their eyes flicking nervously around the room, half-expecting some sort of trap.

Kael stood slowly, his movements measured and deliberate. He did not attempt to resist, his demeanour was almost cooperative. Captain Mallory wasn't fooled. Her feathers were twitching, which only happened when she was in immediate danger, and ever since she walked into the room, She felt as if her life was in this Khaf`s hands.

"Let's move," she ordered, keeping her weapon trained on Kael as they exited the command room. The soldiers formed a tight perimeter around him, their eyes scanning the corridors for any sign of trouble.

As they made their way back through the ship, Kael's thoughts were already racing ahead. He had no intention of being a captive again. These soldiers were merely a means to an end, tools to be used and discarded when the time came.

They reached the airlock, and the transition from the pirate ship to the frigate was seamless and efficient. Kael was escorted to a secure cell, the door sealing shut with a heavy clang. Captain Mallory watched him through the reinforced glass, her expression a mix of curiosity and wariness.

"You've caused quite a mess, Khaf," she said, her voice carrying through the intercom. "Care to explain why?"

Kael leaned back against the wall, his eyes cold and calculating. "Just paying back their generosity, for all the time they had me captive."

Captain Mallory narrowed her eyes. "YOU CAPTIVE!!!!, after that display, I find that hard to believe, regardless. You're not going anywhere until we get to the bottom of this."

Kael's smile was thin and humourless. "Take your time, Captain. I'm not in any hurry."

The door to the cellblock closed, leaving Kael alone with his thoughts. The analytical voice in his head began to whisper again, plotting the next move, the next step in his relentless pursuit of power and freedom.


The law enforcement frigate set course for the nearest outpost, the crew settling into a tense routine. The soldiers who had boarded the pirate ship were given time to rest and recover, their minds grappling with the horrors they had witnessed.

Captain Mallory sat in her quarters, reviewing the footage from the pirate ship. She combed through months of footage, and Kael`s story checked, he was indeed a slave on that ship, and for months he laboured on with no signs of malicious intent, but then a few hours after they had taken off the ship, he returned to slaughter them, the question that ran through her head, if he was capable of this why not escape earlier. More reason to be cautious, with a few taps on her keypad she instructed more security on Kael`s cell. So far he seemed innocent but she will collaborate with the story of the other slaves already at the outpost just to be sure. 

She closed the file, her mind troubled. They needed to understand what had happened on Khalil'tit. She summoned her second-in-command, Lieutenant Garza, to her quarters.

"We need to question that Khaf, once more," she said, her voice resolute. "But we need to be careful. He's not like any prisoner we've dealt with before, I am still on edge."

Garza nodded, his expression grim. "Understood, Captain. I'll have the interrogation room prepared."

As Garza left, Captain Mallory stared out at the stars. It was a peaceful day till they received that damned beacon, with a call for help, but then again it led to the arrest and destruction of Ro`sso raiders, at least that was a win.

In his cell, Kael waited patiently. He knew that the interrogation was inevitable, and he was prepared. Every interaction was a game, a strategic manoeuvre in a larger plan.

The door to the cellblock opened, and Lieutenant Garza entered, flanked by two guards. They approached Kael's cell, their expressions wary.

"It's time for some answers," Garza said, his voice firm.

Kael stood, his movements slow and deliberate. "Lead the way," he said, his tone devoid of emotion.

They escorted him to the interrogation room, a stark chamber with a single table and two chairs. Kael took a seat, his eyes were cold and calculating as he faced the officers.

Captain Mallory entered, her presence commanding the room. She sat across from Kael, her gaze unwavering. "We need to understand a few things, firstly name and race, which planet are you from for the records and then we can talk about what happened on Khalil'tit," she began. 

Kael leaned back, his expression inscrutable. "Kael Daeren, Human, planet Earth in the SOL system" he replied simply, as much as they were conducting their investigation, so was he, he would give them enough information, and judge their responses.

Mallory studied him, her eyes searching for any hint of deception. "Human you say, funny i thought you were a Mo`nto, As for this planet Urth was it? I can't say I have heard of it", Garza chipped in " Must be some backwater system, that's where a majority of these Khafs are from, and i got place to conduct a raid without us noticing" Mallory shot her second-in-command a stern look, but that's not to say it wasn't a plausible answer. She cleared her throat and continued with her questioning,You left a trail of bodies," she said. "Your methods tell me your are part of some military, how do we know you are not a spy on us" she asked.

Kael's smile was that of arrogance. "I was military till my methods were no longer deemed desirable by my government, and to the spy accusation that's just laughable, I awoke on that ship, I don't know when or how I was captured, I spent months studying, those pirates, looking for a while out, till I was given that opportunity to send the beacon out to anyone who would be able to find it, but I didn't except your intervention this fast."

"You sent out that signal?!", Mallory asked, "Yes I did, band delta at a frequency of 1500 μHz, frequency of a star, negligible in a moving ship, as their engines burnt at the same frequency, but any competent individual would have picked up the signal "Kael answered.

"hmmm, then it appears we have you to thank for the arrest and prompt elimination of the Ro'sso pirates, my my. I will be sending your testimony higher up, and if its collaborated, you shall be released by the time we arrive at Satau Outpost."

"Take him back to his cell," she said to one of the men, after a stern salute 2 armed guards take Kael to his cell. Garza shifted uncomfortably, "So do you believe him, or is there anything suspicious", Mallory was contemplating then answered " From what i have seen his story checks out, however his nature, just feels unsettling to me, but high command a will have a look for anything we missed. If not we have to let him go and send his details to war bond requisitions for payments, the Ro'sso's did have a large bounty on them.

As she stood and walked towards the door, "Oh Garza that interruption means 2 more weeks of sector patrol," and she left, all that was in that room was simply Garza and his defeated look.


Captain Lyra Mallory sat in her quarters aboard the law enforcement frigate, her fingers tapping absently on her desk as she waited for the detailed report from Satau Outpost. The room was dimly lit, the soft hum of the ship's engines providing a steady background noise. She had a lot on her mind. Kael Draven had proven to be an enigma, and the chaos he had left in his wake on Khalil'tit was nothing short of terrifying.

A soft chime signalled the arrival of the report. Mallory leaned forward, her brow furrowing as she read through the document on her screen. The officials at Satau Outpost had reviewed the footage and Kael's testimony in detail. Their conclusion was clear: Kael had no connections to the Ro'sso pirates. He had indeed been a slave, and his actions, though brutal, were seen as a desperate bid for freedom.

Mallory let out a slow breath, her eyes scanning the screen for more information. The report continued, emphasizing that while Kael had no ties to the pirates, he was still considered highly dangerous. His cold, calculating demeanour and the sheer savagery of his actions indicated a man who could be a significant threat if left unchecked.

They had decided that Kael would be released at Satau Station, but under close surveillance. He would not be informed that he was being watched, allowing them to monitor his movements and interactions discreetly.

Mallory leaned back in her chair, her mind racing. She had dealt with dangerous individuals before, but Kael Draven was in a league of his own. His capacity for violence, combined with his intelligence, made him a unique and formidable adversary. The decision to release him did not sit well with her, but orders were orders.

She closed the report, her thoughts turning to the next steps. She needed to ensure that her team was prepared to handle Kael upon his release and to coordinate with the surveillance team on Satau Outpost. 

A knock on the door broke her reverie. "Come in," she called.

Lieutenant Garza entered, his expression serious. "Captain, I've just received the report from Satau Outpost."

Mallory nodded. "I've read it. Draven is to be released, but he'll be under surveillance. We need to make sure our team is ready for the transfer and coordinate with the outpost's security detail."

Garza's brow furrowed. "Do you think it's wise to release him, Captain? After everything we've seen, he's clearly dangerous."

Mallory sighed. "I don't like it either, Garza. But we don't have enough to hold him. The officials believe he's not connected to the pirates, and technically, he hasn't committed any crimes within our jurisdiction. We'll have to trust the surveillance team to keep him in check."

Garza nodded reluctantly. "Understood, Captain. I'll make sure everything is ready for the transfer."

As Garza left, Mallory turned her gaze back to the screen, her mind troubled. Kael Draven was a wild card, and she hated dealing with unpredictability. But she had no choice. She could only hope that the surveillance team at Satau Outpost was up to the task.

While Mallory and Garza were both worrying about Kael`s release, the main topic of conversation was thinking in his sell, he had learnt a few things. And he had now reached a simple but obvious he is in a different world all together, the how and or why is a different topic all together.


The frigate hummed with a steady rhythm as it continued its journey towards Satau Outpost. The crew maintained a watchful eye on their enigmatic prisoner, aware that any lapse in vigilance could be disastrous.

As the frigate drew closer to its destination, Kael's thoughts turned to the future. He had survived the horrors of Khalil'tit, armed himself with the best gear available, and left a trail of bodies in his wake. Now, he needed to ensure his freedom and continue his pursuit of power.

The door to his cellblock opened, and Captain Mallory entered, her expression unreadable, she was the second person he could not read her expression, well it did help that she was a human chicken alien, "I wonder if they taste like actual chicken" he thought to himself. She approached Kael's cell, her gaze piercing.

"We'll be arriving at the outpost soon," she said. "You'll be released.", her expression was unreadable but her body was a different story, her neck feathers were stood out, and she seemed puffy, an act to make herself looking bigger Kael surmised, she is nervous. Kael simply nodded.

Satau Outpost stood as a bastion of resilience and defiance in a galaxy teetering on the brink of chaos. Despite its slightly outdated habitat technology, the outpost was a bustling hub of activity, serving as a crucial waypoint for traders, mercenaries, and law enforcement alike. Its structure was a testament to both its storied past and its ongoing struggle for survival.

The central hub of Satau Outpost was a sprawling, multi-tiered complex, with narrow corridors and densely packed habitation modules. The technology, while functional, bore the signs of age—rusted metal plates, flickering lights, and the occasional sputtering life-support system. Despite these signs of wear, the outpost remained a vital nexus for commerce and security.

At the heart of the outpost lay its shipyard, a massive facility capable of accommodating vessels of various sizes and classes. The shipyard was a hive of activity, with repair drones and maintenance crews working tirelessly to service and refit ships. Traders and mercenaries flocked to this area, their ships in various states of repair, seeking supplies, upgrades, and opportunities.

The outpost's defenses were formidable, a necessity given its precarious position on the frontlines. Heavy turrets and missile batteries dotted the exterior, while shield generators hummed with barely contained power. These defenses had been tested repeatedly in recent skirmishes with the Krismat War-Clans, a formidable and aggressive faction whose war drums of conquest had been ignited by a recent change in their leadership. The war-clans sought to expand their territory, but each incursion was met with fierce resistance from the outpost's defenders.

Satau Outpost had become a focal point in the ongoing conflict, its strategic importance underscored by its ability to repel the war-clans' assaults. The scars of these battles were visible throughout the station—blast marks on bulkheads, hastily repaired breaches, and the ever-present tension in the air.

Despite the constant threat of attack, the outpost thrived as a marketplace and meeting ground for those looking to make a name for themselves. Traders hawked their goods in the crowded market districts, their stalls filled with exotic merchandise from across the galaxy. Mercenaries, drawn by the promise of contracts and the lure of combat, roamed the corridors, their eyes sharp and their weapons at the ready.

The recent change in leadership within the Krismat War-Clans had brought a renewed sense of purpose and aggression to their ranks. The new warlord's strategy focused on relentless attacks and swift territorial expansion, forcing Satau Outpost to bolster its defenses and remain ever-vigilant. The outpost's commander had implemented new defensive protocols and forged alliances to ensure their survival against the relentless pressure from the war-clans.

Kael was escorted off the frigate as soon as it docked by Captain Mallory and her team, their weapons ready but not drawn. The soldiers moved with practiced precision, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of trouble. Kael's presence had made them all uneasy, and they weren't taking any chances.

They moved through the bustling corridors of the outpost, the sounds of machinery and conversation filling the air. Kael remained stoic, his expression unreadable as they led him to the main administrative building. He could feel the eyes of the security forces on him, their suspicion palpable.

Inside the building, they were met by a stern-faced official, Lieutenant Commander Voss. He glanced at Kael with a mixture of curiosity before turning to Captain Mallory.

"Is this the Khaf responsible for the beacon and the message?" Voss asked.

Mallory nodded. "Yes, sir. 

Voss studied Kael for a moment, then nodded. "We've reviewed the footage and his testimony. He's clear to be released, but know this Khaf we will be keeping a close eye on you, and if you cause trouble, we will put you down like the vermin you are, so you will be on your best behaviour while my outpost. I dont care about your life story or what you went through, command says your are a threat and i shall treat you as such."

Kael met Voss's gaze, his eyes cold and calculating. "Understood."

Voss turned to Mallory. "Escort him to the release processing centre. We'll handle the rest from there."

Mallory nodded, signalling for her team to follow. They led Kael through a series of security checkpoints, each one scrutinizing him closely. Finally, they reached the processing center, a sterile room filled with security personnel and administrative clerks.

Kael was processed efficiently, the guards removing his restraints and scanning his biometrics. The entire process was conducted with an air of suspicion, as if they expected him to try something at any moment. Kael remained stoic, it surprised him how these aliens weren't really alien at all, he had gone through this before same hard ass commander, overbearing tests and security, all of it the same, it was boring in a sense.

Once the processing was complete, Kael was handed a small data pad containing his release documents and a list of restrictions. He glanced at it briefly, then pocketed it without a word.

Mallory watched him, her expression guarded. "You're free to go, Kael. The war bonds for the pirates will be sent into your account within an hour, so you are now free to do as you wish but remember, we'll be watching you."

Kael nodded, his face betraying no emotion. "I understand."

He turned and walked out of the processing centre, the eyes of the security personnel tracking his every move. As he stepped into the bustling corridors of the outpost, he allowed himself a small, cold smile, and a very good stretch.


"If the anyone from the Central Intelligence Agency or KGB was here there would be having a field day like I am", Kael said to himself. While awaiting for the war bonds to be credited, Kael had a dig through the data pad provided to him dismantling and examining the inner circuitry and wiring and his analytic ability breaking down every part and its function. This then unlocked another function if Kael thought of a way to improve the pad or create a new variant of the data pad, his analytic skill provided the blueprint for him and the parts needed.

But what truly amazed him was the poor cyber-security, he noticed it when he hacked into the pirates ship, and he thought it was because they were pirates but for him to easily hack into the law enforcement network so easily it was a joke. Kael proceeded to create a few back doors, creating a program that would access any information on the fly, especially pertaining to him.

"What to do What to do?," asked Kael, one of the destruction natures of psychopaths was chronic boredom, which leads to destructive behaviour, now imagine if you can a highly trained special forces psychopath whom thrives on the suffering of his enemies, that is a bad combination.

"TO THE MERCENARY GUILD", Kael thought to himself, since he was isekai`d might as well follow the damn troupe.

Kael navigated the bustling corridors of Satau Outpost with a singular focus. The outpost was a hive of activity, filled with traders, mercenaries, and law enforcement officers, all bustling about their business. Kael moved with purpose, his eyes scanning his surroundings with calculated precision. He had heard of the Mercenary Guild and their endless stream of missions. It was exactly what he needed to cure his chronic boredom—a chance to test his skills and find excitement.

The Mercenary Guild's building stood at the edge of the main market district, a towering structure made of reinforced steel and composite materials. The entrance was flanked by two massive statues of armored warriors, their poses exuding strength and determination. The building itself was a testament to the guild's reputation—formidable, imposing, and brimming with the promise of danger and adventure.

Kael stepped through the heavy double doors, the sounds of the bustling market outside fading away as he entered the dimly lit lobby. The interior was a stark contrast to the outpost's slightly outdated tech; it was modern, sleek, and efficient. The walls were adorned with holographic displays showcasing various missions, achievements of notable mercenaries, and promotional material for guild events.

The lobby was filled with an eclectic mix of aliens, each one looking tough as nails. There were reptilian warriors with scales glistening under the lights, hulking brutes with cybernetic enhancements, and lithe, agile figures with piercing eyes. The air was thick with the scent of metal, sweat, and the faint buzz of conversation.

Kael made his way to the reception desk, where a striking woman stood behind a sleek, high-tech console. At first glance, she appeared human, but a closer look revealed elongated ears and irises that shimmered with a metallic hue. She looked up as Kael approached, a professional smile playing on her lips.

"Welcome to the Mercenary Guild," she greeted, her voice smooth and melodic. "My name is Alara. How can I assist you today?"

Kael returned her smile with a cold, calculating look. "I'm looking for work. Something to keep me occupied."

Alara's eyes sparkled with interest. "You've come to the right place. The Mercenary Guild offers a wide range of missions to suit all skill levels and interests. But first, are you joining us from a different branch or are you looking to become a new member?", "new member Kael replied"

"Greet let me explain how we operate then."

She gestured for Kael to follow her, leading him through a set of double doors into a spacious room filled with more holographic displays and interactive terminals. Mercenaries of all shapes and sizes were gathered in small groups, discussing missions, strategizing, and exchanging information.

"The guild operates on a ranking system," Alara began, her tone instructive. "Every mercenary starts at the bottom, regardless of their previous experience. This ensures that everyone proves their worth and earns their place within the guild."

She pointed to a large display on the wall, which showed the ranking tiers from lowest to highest: Novice, Apprentice, Adept, Veteran, Elite, and Legend. Each rank was represented by a unique insignia, and the names of the highest-ranked mercenaries were prominently displayed at the top.

"You'll begin as a Novice," Alara continued. "As you complete missions and gain experience, you'll earn points that contribute to your rank advancement. The missions vary in difficulty and danger, and while there are no restrictions on which missions you can take, we do provide recommendations based on your current rank."

Kael nodded, absorbing the information. "And what kind of missions are available?"

Alara smiled, her eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. "We have a wide range of missions, from simple escort jobs and cargo protection to high-risk operations like bounty hunting, sabotage, and infiltration. There's something for everyone, no matter what kind of excitement you're looking for."

She transferred information to Kael's data pad, with a link for him to complete his registration and have access to the mercenary guild private app. "That app will be your primary tool for selecting and managing your missions. You'll also receive updates, notifications, and messages from other guild members through that app, or if you make acquiances you can add them directly ."

Now, let me show you around."

She led Kael through the bustling guild hall, pointing out various facilities and resources available to members. There was a fully equipped armory stocked with the latest weapons and gear, a training area with advanced simulation technology, and a communal lounge where mercenaries could relax and exchange stories.

As they walked, Kael couldn't help but notice the camaraderie and respect shared among the guild members. Despite their tough exteriors and often ruthless reputations, there was a sense of unity and mutual support that permeated the atmosphere.

Alara paused in front of a large, reinforced door labeled "Mission Control." "This is where you'll officially accept missions and report your progress if you don't want to use the app. The Mission Control team will assist you with any inquiries and provide additional intel if needed."

Kael glanced around, his expression one of measured interest. "And what if I have a particular type of mission in mind?"

Alara's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Just let the Mission Control team know. They'll do their best to match you with a mission that suits your preferences. But remember, as a Novice, you'll need to prove yourself before taking on the more challenging assignments that might affect the guilds reputation, other than that pick as you wish."

Kael nodded, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Understood."

Alara extended her hand, her smile genuine. "Welcome to the Mercenary Guild, Kael. I have a feeling you'll fit right in, oh one last thing, what would be you alias you don't really need to get one but you are allowed to have one."

Kael shook his head indicating he doesn't want one, he always believed if he is to spread fear and mayhem people would know it is him, but he does remember being given the name Grim Reaper, but that's not relevant for now,

Kael shook her hand, his grip firm. "I look forward to working with you."

With that, Alara turned and headed back to the reception area, leaving Kael to explore the guild on his own. He wandered through the various sections, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling hub.

He approached one of the interactive terminals, the data pad in hand. As he scrolled through the available missions, a sense of anticipation began to build. There were escort missions, cargo protection jobs, and even a few high-risk bounties that caught his eye.

But it was a particularly intriguing mission that made him pause. The description was brief but enticing: "Infiltration and retrieval mission. High risk. Significant reward." It was exactly the kind of challenge Kael craved.

He tapped the screen, selecting the mission and confirming his participation. A notification popped up on his datapad, detailing the mission objectives and providing additional intel. Kael's heart raced with excitement.

With the mission confirmed, Kael made his way to the armoury, his mind already strategizing. He would need the right gear, the best weapons, and a solid plan. But most importantly, he would need to rely on his instincts and skills to see the mission through.

250,000 units had been deposited from war bonds, and he used it to get a new medium black stealth armour, with sound-dampening mods, A kinetic knife, can cut through almost anything, and a kinetic rifle, his selection was not simply for aesthetics but for the gears potential upgrade was infinite but it will do for now, as he suited up and prepared for the mission.

Kael couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The galaxy was vast, and there were countless opportunities for someone like him to cause chaos and get well paid.

Kael had barely finished suiting up when a notification pinged on his data pad. He glanced at the screen, the mission details flashing brightly. Black Talon Security, a notorious private military company known for its high-risk operations and no-nonsense approach, offered the mission. They had recently suffered a significant loss when one of their ships, the Shadow Viper, was hijacked by a fanatical religious organization known as the "Celestial Light." The group had stolen classified prototype weapons, and Black Talon Security desperately wanted them back.

Torment of the light

Kael's mission was simple: infiltrate the Celestial Light's compound, retrieve the stolen weapons, and, if possible, recover the Shadow Viper. The reward was substantial, and the promise of carnage was enough to pique Kael's interest.

A transport shuttle was provided for him seeing as he did not have a ship of his own. As he boarded, Kael felt a rush of anticipation. This was going to be fun.

The shuttle touched down on a desolate moon, the coordinates pointing to an old, abandoned mining facility that the Celestial Light had repurposed as their base. The moon's surface was barren and lifeless, with jagged rock formations casting eerie shadows in the pale light of the distant sun.

Kael stepped out of the shuttle, his black armour blending seamlessly with the shadows. The air was thin and cold, a perfect backdrop for the bloodbath he was about to unleash. He moved silently towards the facility, his every step calculated and deliberate.

The entrance was guarded by two robed figures, their eyes vacant and fanatical. Kael crept closer, his combat knife glinting in the dim light. He struck swiftly, the blade slicing through the first guard's throat with surgical precision. Blood sprayed out in a crimson arc, the guard's eyes widening in shock before he crumpled to the ground.

The second guard barely had time to react before Kael plunged the knife into his chest, twisting it viciously. The guard's scream was cut short, his body collapsing in a heap. Kael wiped the blade clean on the guard's robe, a cold smile playing on his lips.

He slipped inside the facility, the interior dimly lit and filled with the faint hum of machinery. The air was thick with the scent of oil and decay, a fitting atmosphere for what was to come. Kael moved through the corridors like a wraith, his senses heightened, his mind focused.

The first group of cultists was gathered in a makeshift chapel, their voices raised in fervent prayer. Kael watched them for a moment, his lips curling in disdain. The fanatics were oblivious to his presence, lost in their delusions.

Kael stepped into the room, his blaster rifle raised. He opened fire, the weapon's report echoing through the chapel. The cultists' prayers turned to screams as they were cut down, blood splattering the walls and floor. Kael moved with deadly efficiency, each shot finding its mark.

One of the cultists lunged at him with a knife, but Kael sidestepped the attack, grabbing the man by the throat. He lifted the struggling cultist off the ground, his grip tightening. The man's eyes bulged, his face turning purple. Kael's smile was cold and cruel as he squeezed harder, feeling the life drain from his victim.

He dropped the lifeless body to the ground, stepping over it without a second thought. The remaining cultists had scattered, their fear palpable. Kael relished their terror, his bloodlust driving him forward.

The cultists' well-armed guards had finally mobilized, their ranks numbering around thirty. They moved with military precision, spreading out through the corridors to intercept the intruder. Kael's analytical mind calculated their movements, the guards' coordination and weaponry posing a significant threat.

Kael moved through the facility, leaving a trail of bodies in his wake. Each encounter was a massacre, Kael's brutality unmatched. He tore through the cultists with a savage delight, his laughter echoing through the halls.

The first wave of guards caught sight of Kael in a narrow corridor. They raised their weapons, shouting orders and opening fire. Kael's reflexes were honed to perfection, his body moving with an unnatural speed. He dodged the hail of bullets, the projectiles whizzing past him as he closed the distance.

Kael leaped into their midst, his combat knife flashing. He drove the blade into the throat of the nearest guard, the man's blood spraying in a wide arc. The other guards hesitated, their confidence faltering in the face of such ferocity.

Kael's laughter filled the corridor, a maniacal sound that sent chills down the guards' spines. He slashed and stabbed with precision, each strike a lethal blow. One guard managed to land a punch, but Kael caught his arm and twisted, the bones snapping with a sickening crunch.

"Is that all you've got?" Kael taunted, his voice dripping with mockery. "I expected more from the so-called Celestial Light."

The guards' resolve wavered, their fear growing. Kael's brutality was overwhelming, his enjoyment of the slaughter evident. He moved like a predator among prey, his movements fluid and deadly.

He encountered a group of guards attempting to set up a defensive position in a storage room. They raised their weapons, but Kael was already upon them. He slammed one guard's head into the wall, the impact cracking the man's skull. Another guard tried to retreat, but Kael grabbed him by the collar and drove his knife into the man's chest, twisting the blade with relish.

The remaining guards fired desperately, their bullets ricocheting off the walls as Kael dodged and weaved. He grabbed one guard's rifle, yanking it from the man's hands and using it to club him to the ground. Kael's laughter echoed through the room, his enjoyment of the carnage palpable.

One of the guards fell to his knees, his hands trembling as he raised them in surrender. "Please... have mercy..."

Kael's smile was cold and sadistic. "Mercy? There's no place for mercy here."

He plunged the knife into the man's chest, and the guard's scream was cut short as Kael twisted the blade. The other guards looked on in horror, their hope of survival dwindling.

Kael's eyes gleamed with dark amusement as he surveyed the carnage. Blood pooled on the floor, and the lifeless bodies of the guards scattered around him. He relished their fear, the despair etched on their faces.

In the distance, Kael heard the sound of chanting. He followed the noise, his heart racing with anticipation. He entered another room, a larger one this time, where more cultists were gathered. Among them was a young woman, her face pale with terror. She held a religious object in her hands, her eyes wide and pleading.

Kael approached her slowly, his knife drawn. The cultists fell silent, their prayers turning to whispers of fear. The woman clutched the object tightly, her voice trembling as she prayed.

"Please, Celestial Light, protect us... guide us..."

Kael's smile was cold and predatory. He moved closer, the woman's hope wavering with each step. Her voice faltered, her eyes filling with tears.

"Do you really think that will save you?" Kael asked, his voice a cruel whisper. "Your god can't help you now."

The woman sobbed, her faith shattered. Kael grabbed her by the feathers on her head, yanking her head back. He pressed the blade to her throat, his eyes gleaming with sadistic delight.

"Watch closely," he said to the other cultists, his voice filled with dark amusement. "This is what happens to those who defy me."

With a swift, brutal motion, he began to saw through her neck. The woman screamed, her voice filled with agony and despair. Blood sprayed in all directions, the cultists watching in horror as Kael decapitated her slowly, deliberately.

"Pray!" Kael shouted, his voice echoing through the room. "Pray to your worthless god!"

The cultists fell to their knees, their voices trembling with fear as they prayed. Kael laughed, the sound chilling and maniacal. He continued to mutilate the woman's body, his hands slick with blood.

When he finally finished, he turned to the remaining cultists, his eyes cold and merciless. "Your prayers are useless. Your god is nothing. Now, it's your turn."

He lunged at them, his knife flashing. The cultists screamed, their terror palpable. Kael moved with lethal precision, each strike a killing blow. Blood flowed freely, the room a scene of unimaginable horror.

Kael's laughter echoed through the facility, his enjoyment of the slaughter evident. He tore through the cultists and guards alike, his brutality unmatched. Each kill was a masterpiece of violence, each screams a symphony of despair.

As he made his way back through the facility, Kael encountered the leader of this chapter of the Celestial Light, a gaunt, wild-eyed eagle-looking chicken-man alien with a fanatical gleam in his eyes. The leader raised his arms, his voice trembling with righteous fury.

"You dare defile the sanctity of our holy mission? You will pay for your blasphemy!"

Kael chuckled, the sound low and menacing. "Sanctity? You're nothing but a bunch of delusional lunatics."

The leader's eyes blazed with fury. "We are the chosen of the Celestial Light! You cannot stop us!"

Kael's smile was cold and mocking. "Watch me."

He lunged forward, his combat knife flashing. The leader tried to defend himself, but Kael was too fast. The blade plunged into the man's chest, twisting viciously. The leader gasped, blood bubbling from his beak. Kael's eyes gleamed with dark amusement as he watched the life drain from his enemy.

He pulled the knife free, the leader's body crumpling to the ground. Kael wiped the blade clean, his smile widening. The mission was a success, and the carnage had been more than satisfying.


Kael moved through the blood-soaked corridors, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. He had accomplished his mission, but there was one more thing he needed to do before leaving the facility. He wanted to leave a message, a sickening display that would haunt the minds of any who saw it.

He began gathering the bodies of his victims, dragging them through the corridors and into the large room where he had decapitated the female cultist. The room was already a scene of unimaginable horror, but Kael was determined to make it even more grotesque.

He worked methodically, arranging the bodies in a macabre display. The dismembered female cultist was placed at the centre, her lifeless eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. Around her, the bodies of the other cultists and guards were positioned in twisted, unnatural poses, their blood pooling on the floor.

Kael's laughter echoed through the room as he arranged the bodies, his hands slick with blood. He felt a dark sense of satisfaction as he surveyed his work, the display a testament to his brutality and power.

With the display complete, Kael turned his attention to the stolen ship. He made his way to the hangar, where the Shadow Viper was docked. The stolen prototype weapons were still secured inside, their deadly potential a stark contrast to the carnage he had left behind.

Kael began dragging the bodies of the guards into the ship, their lifeless forms slumping in the cargo hold. He placed them carefully, their blood staining the floor. The sight of their broken bodies filled him with a sense of grim satisfaction.

Once the bodies were secured, Kael activated his comm unit, contacting the pilot of his transport shuttle. "This is Kael. The mission is complete. I need a recovery team to secure the ship and the weapons. And be quick about it."

The pilot's voice crackled through the comm. "Understood, Kael. We're on our way. ETA ten minutes."

Kael leaned against the wall, his eyes scanning the hangar. He had done what he came to do, and now it was time to return to Satau Outpost. But before he left, there was one more thing he needed to do.

When the recovery team arrived, Kael met them at the entrance to the facility, his expression cold and unreadable. The techs looked at him with a mixture of awe and fear, their eyes wide as they took in the bloodstains on his armour.

"The ship and the weapons are secured," Kael said, his voice devoid of emotion. "I've placed the bodies of the guards inside the cargo hold. I want you to send me their gear. Consider it a bonus for my hard work."

The lead tech nodded, his face pale. "Understood, sir. We'll take care of it."

Kael's smile was haunting as he continued. "One more thing. I advise you not to enter the large room at the end of the main corridor. Trust me, you don't want to see what's in there."

The techs exchanged nervous glances, their fear palpable. Kael's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with dark amusement.

The techs hurried off to secure the ship and the weapons, their movements hurried and efficient. Kael watched them go, his mind already racing ahead. The galaxy was vast, and there were countless opportunities for someone like him.

As the techs finished their work and prepared to leave, Kael boarded his transport shuttle, his expression one of satisfaction. He had retrieved the stolen weapons, eliminated the fanatics, and left a message that would haunt the minds of anyone who dared to challenge him.

The shuttle lifted off, leaving the desolate moon behind. Kael leaned back in his seat, his mind already planning his next move. Kael Draven was a force of chaos and power, and he intended to carve out his destiny. 


Two technicians, a bird-like alien with vibrant feathers named Arik and his mo`nto colleague, Tessa, decided to take advantage of the opportunity. After all, the dead had no claim on their possessions, and there might be something valuable left behind.

"Hey, Tessa," Arik whispered, his eyes darting around. "Let's see if we can find anything worth selling. Kael's already got his loot, and there's bound to be more goodies here."

Tessa nodded, her curiosity piqued. "Yeah, let's have a look. Just be quick about it. I don't want to get caught snooping around."

They moved stealthily through the facility, their eyes scanning for anything of value. Most of the rooms were empty or filled with mundane equipment, but Arik's attention was drawn to a set of heavy doors at the end of a dimly lit corridor.

"The Merc told the techs not to enter the large room at the end of the main corridor," Arik whispered, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "I wonder what's in there?"

Tessa hesitated, her instincts telling her to stay away. "He warned us for a reason, Arik. Maybe we should leave it alone."

Arik's curiosity got the better of him. "Come on, Tessa. What's the worst that could happen? Besides, if there's something valuable in there, it's ours for the taking."

With a sigh, Tessa relented. "Fine, but let's be quick."

They approached the heavy doors, Arik's feathers ruffling with excitement. He pressed a button, and the doors slid open with a hiss. The sight that greeted them made Arik's feathers stand up, a loud stretching sound echoing through the corridor.

The room was a scene of unimaginable horror. The bodies of the cultists and guards had been arranged in a grotesque display, their lifeless forms twisted into unnatural poses. Blood covered the walls and floor, and at the center of the macabre tableau was the dismembered body of the female cultist, her lifeless eyes staring blankly into the void.

The cultists' bodies were mutilated beyond recognition, limbs severed and arranged in patterns that seemed to mock their religious symbols. Blood and entrails dripped from the ceiling, creating a sickeningly morbid chandelier. The air was thick with the metallic stench of blood, mingled with the acrid odor of fear and death.

Arik's breath caught in his throat, his vibrant feathers standing on end. He stumbled back, his heart pounding in his chest. The sight was so shocking, so sickening, that he couldn't tear his eyes away.

Tessa, hearing the noise, came to investigate. As she entered the room, she was struck by the same wave of horror. Her face turned pale, and she covered her mouth to stifle a scream.

"Oh my god... what did he do?" Tessa whispered, her voice trembling with fear.

Arik couldn't speak, his eyes wide with terror. The other technicians, hearing the commotion, came running. They entered the room, their expressions shifting from confusion to pure horror as they took in the gruesome scene.

One of the technicians, a burly alien with green skin, let out a low whistle. "This... this is messed up."

Another technician, a petite woman with cybernetic implants, shook her head, her eyes wide. "What kind of monster could do something like this?"

The room was filled with an eerie silence, the only sound the ragged breathing of the technicians. The sight of the dismembered bodies, the blood-soaked walls, and the haunting presence of the dead cultist at the center was overwhelming.

Arik finally found his voice, his words shaky. "The Mercenary... he did this. He warned us not to come in here."

The technicians exchanged horrified glances, their faces pale and their expressions broken. The grotesque display had shattered their composure, leaving them feeling vulnerable and terrified.

"We need to get out of here," Tessa said, her voice filled with urgency. "This place... it's cursed."

The technicians hurriedly left the room, their minds reeling from the horror they had witnessed. They couldn't shake the images from their minds, the grotesque display seared into their memories.

As they exited the facility, the leader of the recovery team contacted their superiors, informing them of the mission's success and the recovery of the stolen weapons. But they left out one crucial detail—the sickening display that Merc had left behind.

Back on the shuttle, the technicians sat in stunned silence, the horror of what they had seen weighing heavily on their minds. They exchanged glances, their expressions grim and haunted.

"We can't tell anyone about this," Arik said, his voice barely a whisper. "No one would believe us, and even if they did, what could they do?"

Tessa nodded, her eyes filled with fear. "You're right. We have to keep this to ourselves."

As the shuttle made its way back to Satau Outpost, the technicians tried to push the images from their minds. But the memory of the room, the sight of the dismembered bodies, and the knowledge of what Kael was capable of would haunt them forever.

Sorry, it took so long, please comment, and review any power stones will be appreciated.

Liam_Rashicreators' thoughts