
Ghost of the night

The serene Lake of Babel was now transformed into a theater of annihilation, its waters boiling under the wyvern's searing wrath. What had initially seemed like an encounter with a wild mana beast had evolved into an orchestrated act of terror, a calculated assault by a vengeful force.

It sought to obliterate anything and anyone in its path, as the people of the city recoiled in sheer terror. The flames threatened to consume everything, and it was not just an attack; it was a cataclysmic, apocalyptic event.

But in the midst of this chaotic nightmare, an eerie phenomenon unfolded. The wyvern unleashed another searing blast of fire, but there was no accompanying roar, no agonized screams, only an oppressive silence.

The people still burned, the expressions of pain clearly visible on their faces, but there was no audible cry of agony. There was just no sound at all. It was as though the very essence of sound had been swallowed by a vast, unyielding void of silence.

Even the wyvern, a creature of primal instincts, found itself bewildered by the inexplicable silence. It tilted its head in confusion, letting out another deafening roar to test its hearing, but that too was swallowed into nothingness. The wyvern shook its head, flapping its wings in frustration, rubbing its ears with its wings to shake away the deafness, but it still failed to hear anything.

The wyvern was a creature of instinct, driven by its primal urges, but the lack of noise had disoriented it, making the creature more dangerous than ever before. Amidst such chaos, Orion stood in the midst of the fleeing crowd, his eyes closed in profound concentration to maintain the powerful sound barrier he had created around the whole lake.

A void of complete silence that doesn't allow even a single sound to occur. It was the magic of the rarest element he possessed, the magic of sound.

Finally, Orion opened his eyes, beholding the wyvern's frenzied antics with a calm expression, watching it go completely berserk. He knew the power of this absence of sound. The sudden, suffocating stillness was a force unto itself. You would be surprised at just how much we rely on our hearing, of how much of a fright, the absence of it can create. It was more than enough to unnerve even the most battle-hardened of warriors, So what will it turn into of a mere beast...

The wyvern's frantic attempts to hear again were relentless as if fighting against its instincts to run away. But Orion too, found himself struggling to maintain his focus. The intricate art of sound magic was foreign territory for him, and he could feel his grip on the enigmatic silence slipping with fleeting time.

It became a battle of wills now, the very essence of the city's fate now hinging on whether Orion could maintain his concentration or if the wyvern would succumb to its primal instincts to flee away.

But the question was soon answered, as Orion finally reached his limits. Unable to sustain the sound barrier any longer, he made a calculated choice. He relinquished the silence, unleashing a piercing wave of high-pitched sound instead, with a shocking boom, the intense sound reverberated throughout the vicinity.

The air quivered with raw, agonizing energy, causing bystanders to stumble and clutch their ears in torment. Many would likely lose their hearing forever, a devastating consequence of the sonic onslaught that Orion had unleashed. But he didn't care; it was a little of a matter before the undying wyvern that loomed before them.

The wyvern, on the other hand, was most affected, with its incredibly sensitive hearing, it was driven to the brink of madness. Its innate instincts battled against the cacophony, torn between fight and flight. Desperation gnawed at the creature, compelling it to coil into a defensive ball, its massive wings serving as makeshift shields against the relentless sonic assault.

Witnessing the wyvern's vulnerability, Orion seized the opportunity. It was a gambit he had been preparing for all along. He had never intended to defeat the beast with sound magic alone, for he knew his own limitations better than anyone else. Instead, he had wielded the disorienting noise to create a pivotal distraction, a prelude to his unleashing his true specialty – the blood runes.

Orion wasted no time; with swift movement, He drew a dagger and slashed his own palm, using his own blood to craft a runic circle around the tightly coiled wyvern. While he was still far from an expert in runes, the limited knowledge he possessed by reading the special notes, at secret order's library, was destructive enough for the task at hand.

Orion moved around the wyvern like the wind itself and In a matter of moments, he completed the runic circle around it. The Runes don't necessarily work in circles, and mostly used in rows or vertical lines but what he wanted to accomplish needed an enclosed space to work effectively.

So Orion moved in a circle, as fast as he could. His focused intent etching the symbols with his own life's essence. But when he was about to draw the last rune, a sudden spark of magic caught his attention from far away, causing his moving fingers to come to a complete halt.

It was the magic he hadn't sensed in a long, long time. The one that he can never forget even if he wanted to – it was the same magic that had ended Lisa's life.

Orion's gaze darted toward the source, but before he could take a clear look, the enigmatic dark spark flickered and vanished, like a ghost in the night.