

Seeing the inside of the restaurant, as a silver-spoon-born, it was natural for Max's imagination to run wild, catapulting him out of it into his own world of treasured past memories. The humble restaurant suddenly became a temporary heavenly haven like a beacon of hope in a desert of despair in his world.

It brought some bitter emotions up his throat.

Max spun around, and all around, as his mind's eye conjured up a vibrant tapestry of joy and laughter, families united in warmth and love. The fantasy was so so vivid, so steeped in nostalgia, that it transported him back to a bygone era.

In this lovely era, he and his parents would frequent such grand establishments, basking in the splendor and making memories that would last a lifetime. There were genuine smiles.

'There is a similar kind of restaurant back in Anyway city, very much resembling this one, which my dad and I once visited.'