
A Peaceful Night

The bots disrupting Max's vampire system's functioning were removed by force. Right! They were two small bots that looked like ants that crawled their ways out of his ears.

Like they had some level of low artificial intelligence, both of them quickly crawled to a nearby blue opened box which was connected to electric charge, and went to sleep in it as they stopped moving.

Max didn't feel any difference, anyway. A way to find out how much of his system had returned had to wait till the night time arrived.

Raul was sitting beside Max's father's skull which was also beside Evelyn. His eyes were on Evelyn as he became deeply in thoughts regarding what just happened between him and Max. After a long time, he overheard Max and Dr Nelson conversing:

"Your system is a strange system, Max. I have never tried to bring out information out of any vampire system without achieving it, so what secret is the reason for my futility in your case?"