
Blood Clot

This story follows Jessica - A teenage girl who just wants her own life. However, the Nightmare Spell won't allow that. Jessica bears the full brunt of the Spell's pent-up anger and must fight with every fibre of her being, in order to survive. Original story - Shadow Slave - by Guiltythree

Squidly · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
5 Chs


The lone girl marched through the main courtyard of NQSC High. Her raven black hair reached for her shoulders and bounced lightly as she strode toward the orientation hall, confidence filling her every step. The voices grew quiet around her, turning to hushed whispers, afraid she would hear. Afraid her parents would hear. But Jessica heard them all. It was a skill she had always possessed. A blessing and a curse.

At times like these, Jess wished she couldn't hear so well.

The sea of people parted as she walked through it, each individual keeping sure to not intrude. That was until she reached the doors to the main hall.

Hearing footsteps next to her, Jessica immediately stopped and turned to meet the mysterious person.

A boy met her with a warm smile. "Hi, my name is Marcus." He announced, extending his hand toward her in a kind, yet confident manner.

Jessica was stunned silent as she studied him. His hand looked rigid, and calloused, as if he had been training with a sword just this morning, but still rather soft. Marcus' auburn hair swayed gently in the wind, matching his calm and carefree demeanor. His eyes - stunning and bright red - reflected the morning sun just enough to give off a light sparkle, as if there were specks of silver buried deep within.

Jessica fumbled her confident air, quickly regained her composure, and reached out to meet Marcus' hand. "Jessica. It's nice to meet you, Marcus."

After the two exchanged pleasantries, they walked inside. It was one large open space, with a large stage at the far end, and a runway shooting down the middle of two groups of seats.

Lining the ceiling were eight banners. They were simplistic, but magnificent in their design. At the forefront were the banners of the Government. They bore a deep blue backing, and a golden globe, representing the last hope of the earthen realm. Behind them were the flags of the three Great Clans. On the left, a golden sigil - a straight sword thrust through an iron anvil - on a deep, rich red backdrop. And on the right, a simple, golden, double crochet on a bright, pure purple.

But it was the sigil of the House of Night that intrigued Jessica. Strung at the end of the grand hall were two banners of a rich, royal green. In their centre was a simple representation of their citadel. But Jess's keen eyes noticed a dark figure, mounted on a horse, with five human shadows dancing around the monstrous steed.

'So, father was a hero to the Nightwalkers after all. Must be from the Antarctica campaign, I don't know of any other time he has helped them. Maybe I could investigate while I'm here.' Jess thought to herself.

"No," she berated herself, "I am not here for information. I am here for a normal damned life." Marcus threw her a questioning glance but decided it was best not to ask.

Walking under the tall ceilings, the two followed the carpet down to the front of the seated area.


Once everyone filed into the grand, expansive hall, a lean man walked on from the side of the stage. He had a tall build, but his height suited his strong frame. He took prime position in the centre of the stage, just two meters from the front.

"Good morning everyone, I am Ascended Miles and I welcome you all to NQSC High. For the next few years, you will be taught under my watch, until either you graduate." The bald man paused, and added in a solemn tone, "Or until you succumb to the Nightmare, and join the Awakened Academy. Assuming you survive, that is.

Anyway, each of you have a school-issued communicator under your chairs." He gestured for the kids to collect them. "They each have a proximity chip in them that disable all non-school-related functions on school premises." A few murmurs spread at the sound of his statement. "I trust each of you will handle those with care, as they are the only ones you will be receiving from admin.

On each of them will be your class schedule and all of your related class work, based on the forms you filled out a couple of weeks ago upon application." He scratched the back of his neck as if he was forgetting something. Suddenly he exclaimed, "Oh, right. There is also an interactive map of the property to help you get around. I wish you all the best, and will see you around." With that, the bald man walked off the same side he entered from.

Everyone was stunned. It was so brief that no one expected it. Not even Jessica had.

Jessica opened her communicator. She put in her given name and linked it to herself. The glass panel initiated its start-up sequence, and she immediately went through it to find her schedule. She turned her whole body toward her new friend, her right arm hanging behind the chair, with both hands supporting her. "I have a day off today. What about you?"

He nodded, "Yes, it seems like today was just meant for the orientation. I think we start classes next week. It is Friday after all."

"Well, I'll see you Monday then." Jess got up, turned, and went to walk out the way she came.

Marcus called out to her, "Wait!" He paused, considering his options. He seemed to like the girl but refused to acknowledge any of his feelings, acting as if they did not exist. "Did you want to head into town for the afternoon? Get something to eat?"

"Yeah, sure. I know a great place. You'll love it."

He did love it. Jessica led Marcus about a kilometer away. She took him to a cafe and ordered some tea and a couple of pastries. To Jess's surprise, Marcus offered to pay without hesitation. In fact, he did it before she even noticed.

The two chatted for a few hours about various things, not once turning to silence aside from considering the other's statement, before they decided to leave the cafe and head home. As it turned out, Marcus lived only a few streets back from Jess in the terrace district. They would be traveling together to and from school.