
BLOOD CITY: Vampires' Dwelling

Claire was KCPD homicide detective at Kibich central precinct. She was engaged to Adams, a mythology professor at Kibich University. Their life together was perfect until one fateful morning. Detective Claire woke to a phone call that notified her of her father’s mysterious death. She called her mother; they had separated with the father, to let her know of the news. In the confusion of her father’s death, across the street from the scene, she saw a man watching. She went to confront him but he was long gone when she got there. Before she could go back to the crime scene, she received a call from her mother with a question of whether ‘Vivienda de Vampiros’ meant anything to her. Without a clue, her mother apologized to her and promised to let her know more about her family history, who she really was and, BLOOD CITY. Later, her mother explained to her that she was born in a vampire hunter’s family. She was meant to be a vampire hunter. From that moment on, her life took a much-unexpected turn to the worst. She took her time to study more about vampires. As she was busy hunting her father’s killer, she crossed paths with Daniel, a vampire that, against all odds was protecting her and her family. The unfolding of events led to her having feelings for the Vampire. This became a wedge between her and Adams. Later Adams was manipulated by Catherine in the name of love to get close to Claire but was finally turned which led to his death. Later, she was able to defeat and kill Thomas and Catherine with the help of her mother and Daniel. In the end, Claire and Daniel married and lived happily ever after.

Mutuma_J_Karuntimi · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs


Kibich city, a city full of life. The finest city of Credonia. However, it could not lack the entire arsenal that comes with one, people for instance. Talking of which, Claire was one of them and a homicide detective. She had a normal life besides carrying a gun and a badge. Family and Adams, the man she loved and was about to marry. Besides having to be around dead bodies often and chasing criminals, she did love her job.

She was romantically motivated as well and hoped for a normal life with a normal man, whom was Adams. He was also full of life and a university mythology professor. He too loved his city and his job. Sometimes, they could cross paths with Claire his fiancée in the line of duty but it was acceptable up until one morning. The very morning that changed everything. She woke up to a call from her precinct. As usual, someone had lost his or her life, you think because… it came with her job. Being a homicide detective, a phone call from the precinct meant death and a crime that needed solving. Well, yes, someone had lost a life and a crime needed solving but this day, she was not to be the detective. Quite awkward and sad, she was somehow a victim. Not that she was dead… No!

Her father had just been found dead in his house by a neighbor. Judging from the nature of the crime scene, her father’s death was not just any ordinary death. The house was a total mess, a sign of an ambush and struggle as he fought to save his life. Funny looking weapons were also found at the scene. Upon hearing the news, she notified her mother, whom was living on the Eastern side of the city after they had separated with her father.

None of them could think of a reason for someone wanting to kill her father except for her mother. As it turned out, her parents had secrets they never shared with her or her younger sister. She made that clear on the phone call she got from Claire notifying her of her husband’s mysterious death. As it turned out, this reason for her father’s death did not only cost him his life but also his family as well. It was the main reason for their separation. As they moved around the crime scene, she noticed a young man of about her age standing across the street under a shade watching. He never seemed to flinch even after she saw him. She decided to walk outside and get to know his interests but, on reaching outside, the man was long gone without a trace. As she was about to go back into the house, her phone rang, it was her mother again with a question.

“Does ‘Vivienda de Vampiros’ mean anything to you”, her mother asked. Seeming to have no clue, her mother continued, “Sorry to keep you in the dark for all those years but, it’s time for you to know about Blood City”. She hang up the phone.