
BLOOD CITY: Vampires' Dwelling

Claire was KCPD homicide detective at Kibich central precinct. She was engaged to Adams, a mythology professor at Kibich University. Their life together was perfect until one fateful morning. Detective Claire woke to a phone call that notified her of her father’s mysterious death. She called her mother; they had separated with the father, to let her know of the news. In the confusion of her father’s death, across the street from the scene, she saw a man watching. She went to confront him but he was long gone when she got there. Before she could go back to the crime scene, she received a call from her mother with a question of whether ‘Vivienda de Vampiros’ meant anything to her. Without a clue, her mother apologized to her and promised to let her know more about her family history, who she really was and, BLOOD CITY. Later, her mother explained to her that she was born in a vampire hunter’s family. She was meant to be a vampire hunter. From that moment on, her life took a much-unexpected turn to the worst. She took her time to study more about vampires. As she was busy hunting her father’s killer, she crossed paths with Daniel, a vampire that, against all odds was protecting her and her family. The unfolding of events led to her having feelings for the Vampire. This became a wedge between her and Adams. Later Adams was manipulated by Catherine in the name of love to get close to Claire but was finally turned which led to his death. Later, she was able to defeat and kill Thomas and Catherine with the help of her mother and Daniel. In the end, Claire and Daniel married and lived happily ever after.

Mutuma_J_Karuntimi · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs

Chapter 2

A short while later, Claire was done and ready to join her fiancée for the dreamy dinner date. She had her own surprise for Adams as well. Adams dinner surprise for her triggered her deepest romantic senses. She needed to return the favor by looking good for him. Besides, she did miss her fiancée extremely and needed the night to be full of romance. She could not dare take any chances. The nature of their day jobs made such a night a rare occurrence. The night had to count.

The fact that the dinner date was in-house came in handy. Instead of pajamas or every other clothes that people put on at night, she had something better in mind. She picked a medium-length, red, silk dress for the occasion. On her lips was a nude shades with warm hues lipstick that played up her warm undertone of her light-brown skin.

In general, her face was well made up to look the prettiest she could for Adams and, light up the moment. In her feet was a pair of designer heels suited to magnify her well-sculptured medium-sized figure. They also matched the beautiful red silk dress. Adams had finished setting the table. He was just waiting patiently for her to come down and join him.

As she came down the flight of stairs, Adams attention was caught by the sound of her heels against the maple wood stairs. He could not resist but walk to receive her. Slowly and magnificently, she appeared from the ground above like a bride walking down the aisle to meet her bridegroom. Her walk all the way down looked systematized and in harmony with the sweet cool music that played in the background as she watched each step.

Adams was so fancied that, he just awaited and watched with no words to say as she approached him. On reaching close to him, she tilted her beautiful face upwards with her eyes straight into Adams. He stretched his left hand straight for her to hold as he pulled her closer to him.

He placed it on his shoulder as he positioned his around her waist to have as little distance between them as possible. With an I-love-you-very-much smile imprinted on his face, he leaned forward a little to give her a welcome-back and you look stunning romantic kiss. With her hands burrowed dip into his hair, she could not help but savor the moment and close her eyes to receive the kiss in accordance.

A while later, they walked hand in hand to the dinner table. Adams could not forget his gentleman manners. He pulled her the chair to sit down. He then walked to the other side of the table and sat facing her. They served dinner and began enjoying the well-prepared meal as they exchanged sweet lovely words to each other. As they were about to finish eating, Adams served the red wine to crown it all.

Shortly, he then switched the music to slow romantic dance tunes. Without wasting time, he took her hand for a dance. They slowly danced as they still made love in words and kisses. Slowly they danced towards the stairs. It was about time they worked on their intense feelings and fulfil their wish for the night. At the base of the stairs, Adams picked her up and carried her to the boudoir.

This is where they had a climax for the night. He placed her softly on the rose-decorated bed as he lay himself softly on top of her with their lips locked tight. Their hands were busy caressing each other’s body. None of them had the time to take off the shoes. They left that to the legs as they drowned themselves in love. Adams lifted the beautiful dress off her leaving her with her inner wears. She also did the same for Adams clothes and threw them to the floor.

They cuddled for as long as they could until they were both in their birth suits ready for the next stratum. They felt each other’s warmth as they made love through intense coition until they were taken by sleep. They fulfilled each other’s wishes to the best of their ability through the night.

The following morning, as they were both preparing to leave to their various work places, Claire got a call. It was from Michael, the Central precinct captain seeking her immediate arrival at the precinct. Though it was normal for her to get calls from the precinct, she had a bad feeling about that day. Being a detective, she sensed something was wrong from the way the captain talked.

She was much affected until Adams noticed and asked about it.

“Honey, what is wrong, what has happened? You seem disturbed by what you have heard from that call,” he asked, as he got closer to her.

“It’s nothing. It’s just that…the captain sounded different on the phone and I fear for the worst,” she replied as she finished her preparations.

“Relax honey; don’t think about it too much. May be, he is just having a bad day or his mind is occupied with other things. Though a captain, he is just a person like any other.”

“Of course I know that but…he has been my captain for years now and…I am a detective. I have not heard him speak in such a tone before.”

“People change my dear, people do change. Given the right situations and circumstances, people can easily change…and sometimes even without warning.”

“That is also very true my love. I think I should take your advice and get to the precinct first. Speaking of which, it’s time for me to go.” She kissed him good day, “now, go easy on those teenagers, there is nothing to worry about.”

He kissed her back, “of course sweetheart, I will go easy on them. See you when I see you.”

She looked around for a while, “what am I forgetting?” she asked.

“Here, this is what you are forgetting,” he handed her the detective badge.

She snatched it out of his hand in a hurry, turning for the door, “Oh…thank you honey. I love you. What could I do without you,” she replied as she turned reaching for the door.

Adams looked subtle, “are you sure you are okay honey,” he asked her.

She stopped a while and turned to look at him, “of course I am okay baby. Everything is okay. No overthinking, remember?” she answered with a faint smile.

Putting on his blazer, “I have known you for years and…not once have you forgotten your badge before,” he expressed looking at her.

She lengthened the smile and held it for while, “I see what you are doing…good day honey,” she answered and walked out shutting the door behind her.

“What am I doing honey…” he smiled and turned to pick up his briefcase talking to himself, “just trying to be a good fiancée, that’s all.” He also followed out and left for Kibich University.