
BLOOD CITY: Vampires' Dwelling

Claire was KCPD homicide detective at Kibich central precinct. She was engaged to Adams, a mythology professor at Kibich University. Their life together was perfect until one fateful morning. Detective Claire woke to a phone call that notified her of her father’s mysterious death. She called her mother; they had separated with the father, to let her know of the news. In the confusion of her father’s death, across the street from the scene, she saw a man watching. She went to confront him but he was long gone when she got there. Before she could go back to the crime scene, she received a call from her mother with a question of whether ‘Vivienda de Vampiros’ meant anything to her. Without a clue, her mother apologized to her and promised to let her know more about her family history, who she really was and, BLOOD CITY. Later, her mother explained to her that she was born in a vampire hunter’s family. She was meant to be a vampire hunter. From that moment on, her life took a much-unexpected turn to the worst. She took her time to study more about vampires. As she was busy hunting her father’s killer, she crossed paths with Daniel, a vampire that, against all odds was protecting her and her family. The unfolding of events led to her having feelings for the Vampire. This became a wedge between her and Adams. Later Adams was manipulated by Catherine in the name of love to get close to Claire but was finally turned which led to his death. Later, she was able to defeat and kill Thomas and Catherine with the help of her mother and Daniel. In the end, Claire and Daniel married and lived happily ever after.

Mutuma_J_Karuntimi · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs

Chapter 1

It had just stopped raining outside. The dusky heavy clouds were clearing from the murky sky. The moon could be seen slightly. Very little light came through the tight spaces between the clouds though. The streetlights and the vehicle headlights gave the night a delightful radiance. The night seemed promising and full of life.

Adams, a mythology professor at Kibich University was home. He was busy doing some research for his next class the following morning. On his desk was a half-full glass of wine, several ancient history books and a powered-on laptop. The T.V. was on but without volume. The stereo played some soft cool classical music famously known to enhance creativity and high concentration.

Lit was a medium desk lamp that illuminated his workspace and two huge candles at the middle of the dinner table. Several small wall lamps were also lit around the stylish modern living room. The dinner table was set for two. An indication that he was not planning to spend the lovely and romantically inclined night all by himself in the huge well designed and garlanded mansion.

On the city streets, the honking and sounds of vehicles speeding along the highway could be heard. The beautiful melodies of the wind as it brushed along the tall buildings and blew across carrying with it the lovely aroma of rain could be heard as well. Up on the sky, bits and bits of scenic star constellations could be seen as the wind hauled the dark heavy clouds away.

It was around some minutes past 7:00 pm, shortly after the evening news. Along Margaret Drive, Claire, a homicide detective with the Kibich City Police Department (KCPD) Central precinct was driving home in her cozy, golden-brown salon car. It was one of the few days she had stayed late filling some paperwork on a murder case they had closed.

She lived at Margaret Estate on the southern side of the city. Her house was facing the small incarnate lake that surrounded the town just a couple of blocks from it. The city people named the lake ‘Angel de la muerte’. She had taken away quite a number of lives. They also believed that, she was the evil ones’ stowing. Once bodies were disposed into some parts of the lake, they were never found again. She was the perfect cost-free cleaner for murderers and criminals in the city.

Despite the ill names and history, she still kept the people of Kibich city alive through her endless supply of clean water. She was also famously known for her beautiful beaches and support for piloting boats among other water sports. All these traits put together and the much income she generated for the city overweighed the ruinous that was associated with her.

Soon, Claire arrived at her driveway. She parked the car outside next to the garage, picked her stuff, locked it and walked into the house. She opened the house door and inside she went. On hearing the sound of the door open and close, Adams’ concentration and eyes shifted from the books on his desk to Claire as she approached him wearing a gorgeous smile.

“Oh honey…is that you? You mean…you came, what a surprise sweetheart, I never expected to see you here but, my God… am I happy to see you here!” she expressed as she walked towards Adams.

He stood up and walked towards her as she walked in, “I might have been busy but I had to spare tonight. I missed you like hell too honey. I could not survive another minute without holding you in my arms…my most beautiful queen,” he expressed as well.

She placed the tackles in her hands on one of the couches and placed the tactical belt on the table. She took off her sweater and with open arms, she reached to hug and kiss her fiancée, Adams. He took off the round reading glasses he had on, threw them on the couch and took her up into the air. He dowsed his thirsty lips onto her pink sweet lips for a long very romantic I-miss-you kiss.

Two minutes later, her legs had recharged just enough to carry her into the washroom for a warm relaxing shower. She could not help but notice the dim romantic lighting and the set dinner table with two huge candles at the middle. After standing on her legs, she still held him by the neck with both hands and looked straight to his eyes.

“Oh baby, I really missed that. I am glad you planned a sleepover on such a day. I really need some off-loading and very active romantic coitus. Speaking of which…” she touched his nose slightly with her right forefinger, “I see you had the same idea…uh,” she whispered to him.

“I do not think I know what you are talking about honey. All I can think of right about now is sharing a romantic dinner with my lovely angel, and as you have said…” touching his nose to hers and shaking his head sideways slightly, “a very long romantic night and of course… involving lots of coitus,” Adams responded with his hands around her hips and crossed behind slightly above her bums.

“Whoooh…” shaking her head sideways slightly, “naughty boy”, she said in a soft voice, “I think I like the talk and the sound of that. Speaking of which,” she reached up slightly to kiss him once more, “how is lecturing and mythology taking you with the teenagers?” she asked.

Kissing her back lightly, “it is quite okay but you know the usual fiasco with teenagers and vicenarians,” he replied.

“Tell me about it… I have my younger sister to thank for the cockup lessons though…and yes, we also are vicenarians but… mature ones I suppose… or…”

Adams tilted his head sideways and backwards a little, “of course we are. Do not forget we are getting married. By the way…were you not tired and going to have a shower, we shall catch up at the dinner table, or…” shifting his head to the other side, “Should I take you up there and may be heat up the tab for you,” he suggested to her smiling.

“Hell no!” She said releasing him and walking past him towards the stairs, “to have you follow me is to say, no shower and no dinner… if you know what I mean,” she said turning back to look at him.

Smiling at her, “Of course I do know very well what that means… that’s why I made you the offer in the first place. Keep me not in frigid in wait for your influx honey. Be quick. Don’t make me come up there. I will get the food and drinks ready.”

“How lucky I am to have bewitched you with love,” she said as she vanished into the ceiling.

She went up to take a shower while Adams prepared the food, wine and got everything ready including a change of music to a more sensational romantic touch.