
Blinded Love: The return

Terrence, the eldest son of the leader of the Dhalia pack, was framed for killing his stepmother and got cursed at a very young age, all thanks to the jealousy of someone near to him... but no one knows the truth Terrence was kicked out of the pack for the sake of his little brother, Erick, who was afraid of him. Now the time has passed, Erick received the love of everyone around him while Terrence the hatred of people. When the annual tournament came Terrence's father asked him to return because he wants his son to marry an Alpha and leave the family forever…. Without knowing that his arrival will bring with him many entanglements and surprises... ꨄ Book cover made with Pinterest's images Illustrations' rights to their respective authors.

Misaki_Butterfly · LGBT+
29 Chs


Undoubtedly the most dangerous phase of the heat in any dominant alpha would be the second one, where all the consciousness became wild, their senses are more active and the lust dominates their mind, nonetheless; Daemon's condition was more severe than any other alpha...

At that moment he was a mix of a wild beast with a rabid dog more than a werewolf, even Monaed's rationality was clouded by jealousy and anger all thanks to what had happened.

The moment he saw the person he likes kissing another alpha in front of his room was a big betrayal to him, it was like a punch of reality... And in those few seconds, Daemon knew that he could never be the person next to Terrence.

The image was impregnated very deeply in his mind and heart that it feels like poison going through his veins.

After a long time, Daemon got tired of killing and destroying animals so he was looking for a place to rest.

The remaining animals were hidden because they were extremely scared of the brutality of the wolf, and it was understandable, Daemon left the corpses until they were left as an unrecognizable mass of blood and meat, and if someone make a slight sound Daemon found them quickly.

After a few minutes, he found a cave and practically took over the place to rest, he drove away the mother bear with every single cub she had out of the cave and put himself at home.

Fortunately, he didn't kill any of them because he was completely exhausted... And he didn't want to kill tiny cubs

Monaed who was controlling the body at the moment just wanted to forget the matter with the omega who breaks his heart, however; Terrence's face keeps pooping in his mind every moment he closes his eyes.

In the castle

After a long time, Terrence get out of the first phase of the heat however, when he entered the second one he felt exalted... his body was shaking and for some strange reason he heard Daemon's voice from far away asking him to go look for him, he was asking for his help…

Even though Killian had explained to him when he was conscious that Daemon was in heat and how dangerous he was at the moment, nevertheless; Terrence couldn't ignore it...

As if he needed an excuse, Lyka howled inside him lamenting on pain and looking for Monaed, Lyka wanted to free Monaed from his torment. When night had fallen once more and midnight began to cold down the kingdom, Terrence got up from the bed.

The young omega opened his eyes in the middle of the darkness and sniffed around him to check if he was alone.

As a stealthy cat, he left the castle without Leva, Killian, or Orsen noticing and he transformed into a wolf to hide among the trees.

In the dining room, there were the only three people who were remaining in the castle; Orsen, Killian, and Leva who were eating with an incredibly exhausted expressions on their faces.

Killian had to take about 5 suppressants when Terrence went into heat because otherwise he would have his rut too and there would be even more chaos than there was already.

Orsen for his part had an annoyed look, he was stressed and shocked, he didn't understand why and how had made things end up like this, and Leva well... She was just tired of changing the water for his young master's fever.

She was keeping her gaze on both young men who seemed exhausted, furious, and drained of energy until she heard her name and jumped a little in surprise.

"Leva… are you sure this was the young master's first heat?"

"Yes, something like this had never happened before…"

"What's wrong Orsen? Why do you keep asking that?" Killian didn't understand his master, he had already asked her the same question five times already.

"Don't you find it quite strange?"

"The fact that he got his first heat?" Killian mentioned it without looking at him yet because he kept his eyes closed and his forehead on his hand to ease the pain in his head.

"It's not normal for an omega and an alpha to go into heat like this... according to Daemon's right hand, he was in heat a month ago, and he has one every three months"

Orsen tried to explain himself better as he was doing the comparative of the information they gain.

"Hey… don't tell me that…"

"It could be possible…"

Leva didn't understand at all what they were talking about but when Killian understood the words of his master he looked pale and made an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

"We cannot leave Terrence alone, if it is what we believe we will be in big trouble"

The two boys stood up in one movement at the same time and Leva followed them as they practically ran to Terrence's room which was already empty.


Terrence was running in his wolf form through the woods; however, at that moment it was not him controlling the body but Lyka who was in complete control.

After a few minutes of running, Lyka arrived at that cave, from where Monaed's aroma was emitted... his groans were too sad for Lyka, so he didn't waste any time and called him with a howl asking him to come out.

For a second Monaed's violet eyes glow throughout the darkness of the cave but they seemed tinged with blood red.

"You shouldn't have come here Insane cub…" Monaed spoke with a deep and grave voice.

Despite that warning, Lyka only remained silent for a few seconds, sniffing at the opponent. He smelled of death, the blood of the animal in his fur but it only broke his heart…he didn't know why the other half of him was so stupid, unfortunately, he couldn't do anything because Terrence wasn't able to listen to him yet.

Lyka felt shattered as if something had been ripped from his chest and for a moment his vision began to clear, the dark was being replaced with light, the nocturne view but everything was still blurry.



A young woman with long silver hair in a maid's outfit ran through the corridors of an elegant mansion to the room of the person she served where she entered without knocking the other looked at her angrily.

"HOW DARE YOU! What do you have this lack of manners?"

"I'm so sorry master but… we have a problem…"

"What kind of trouble is it that you can't knock on the door?"

The maid looked at the other person and approved to whisper the message in the ear of her master.

"The guy is trying to break free from the curse"

"WHAT? But he can only do it if… ¡FUCK!"

With that single scream, the entire mansion shook, and not so long after that noise a hooded woman came into the room.

"Don't distress yourself, the heart of the boy who has forgotten what true love feels like is still a hurricane of contradictions"

The woman who speaks with a quite old and tired voice took out a piece of paper with some pentagrams drawn on it, circles here and there, and the name Terrence Blanche in the center of it.

She placed 5 candles around the name and some demon blood above the name. Then, the old woman recited an ancient chant that sounded extremely scary and the boy's name began to disappear from the paper along with the demon's blood.

It was as if the paper absorbed it...

Lyka was finally able to see the world for the first time in a lot of years, it was only for a few seconds and it wasn't as clear as he wish but he could see him, fur as white as snow and those purple eyes as the ethereal amethysts, without hesitation Lyka ran to him and rubbed his forehead against his body.

Monaed who was in a rather euphoric and aggressive state suddenly froze at that moment, he didn't know why Lyka was doing that or why he feel at ease but he didn't care anymore ... Monaed returned the rub against the minor's body and he felt that his world had finally shone again.

His anger dissipated completely and he began to smile as he rubbed against Terrence, they looked at each other for a few seconds until a strong headache clouded them... They howled in great pain, that Killian and Orsen felt chills when they were looking for Terrence.

Lyka's eyes turned black again being devoured and lost in the darkness once more, he fell to the ground and lost consciousness due to the strong headache that seemed to want to destroy their minds; meanwhile, Daemon had regained a little consciousness and control over his body, the albino saw him lying on the floor, and unconsciously approached Terrence with concern.

He lies down by his side and sight... Even with the pain of the betrayal he still loves Terrence...

The pain of a thousand needles digging into his temples knocked Daemon down as well and the last thing he could see was the figure of a blond wolf approaching them through the trees before he lost consciousness.

• • • • ❁ • • • •

Terrence woke up the next morning with a scared expression, the moment he open his eyes he sit on the bed and tried to remember what had happened however... there was nothing... His mind was empty, he didn't remember anything from last night or when he had fallen asleep, it was as if someone erase everything... And he was feeling unpleasant

It was as if an insect with large legs was crawling through his eyes hurting them so he began to rub them quite harshly but for some reason, the feeling didn't go away it only gets worst, and soon after that a voice an old woman began to whisper Blausen's name in his ear, it was strange but the more he listened to it the faster his heart beats like crazy

However, Terrence felt so... disgusted…

"Young Master! You Regained consciousness!"


The voice of his friend hid the unpleasant sensations in his eyes and the voice of the woman disappear, so he soon forgot what he had experienced, his eyes were still opaque from the curse and he could only see the darkness.

"Why do you say it like that?" Terrence jokes a little but Leva was crying really loudly.

"T-Thats because you scared us to death, we thought you two were going to…"

"We were going to do what?"

Leva keep silent, she couldn't continue talking as Killian and Orsen asked her to keep the secret from him until they talk about it with him, however, Terrence asked her to continue, luckily Killian entered at the right time.

"Terrence! I'm glad you're okay, you had us worried"

"What happened? Why were you so worried?"

"You were lying in bed for almost all day... We thought you wouldn't wake up today"

"That's impossible, I oversleep a little that's all"

"Well if we consider that we found you at the gate of the castle unconscious in your lupine form and then you suddenly changed... Yeah I think you were exhausted"

"What? But I haven't left the room."

Leva and Killian looked at each other in silence and then they looked at Terrence with some concern.

"Don't you remember anything from last night?"

"Well... no, did I do something wrong?"

"Apparently, you went out looking for Daemon…"

"WHAT?" Terrence shouted with surprise, he doesn't remember that

"After taking you inside, we went looking for him and found him more deeply in the woods. We tried to bring him back but he's out of his mind."

"It's this... my fault?"

"What? That's impossible, we were really worried because you had Daemon's scent on you"

"What do you mean about that, Killian?"

"A dominant alpha in a berserker state can't be rational… but you had no signs of physical violence or any bite just a soft scent, he couldn't do it unless…"

"Unless what?" Terrence invited him to continue having a knot in his stomach, he didn't want to hear the answer for some reason.

"Unless he is with his destinated partner, but he would have certainly bitten you or…"

"OR WHAT? Damn it, why are you so mysterious today? TELL ME NOW Killian!"

"Well…. Since he didn't bite you, it could be a high possibility that your wolves have… imprinted on each other"

That word left him in shock, although Terrence understood very little about his own wolf nature because he had never experienced any kind of change... he understood very well what the word imprinted meant to be...

« Imprinted?…something that can only be done once in a lifetime…an unbreakable bond when two souls accept each other… till death do us part»

"It's... impossible…."

Terrence mumbles those words in shock while Leva and Killian look at him very worried.

To be continued...