
blind lovers

Blind Lovers is a story about Emilia, CEO of Horizon Enterprises, trying to gain information from her rival company to get the biggest deals and buy all the talents so that they could expand on her rival company's expertise while trying to maintain a partnership, but there is a huge operative named David Manager who does it all and is standing behind her plan. What will she do, and why is the story named Blind Lovers?

dreamy_charcoal · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Rivalry Ignites

Outside Pinnacle Innovations

David parked his sleek, black sedan in his reserved spot in front of Pinnacle Innovations. The morning sun reflected off the glass façade of the ultra-modern skyscraper that housed his company, casting a brilliant glow across the bustling cityscape of Seoul. Dressed in a sharp, tailored suit, he adjusted his tie as he stepped out of the car, exuding confidence and determination.

As he walked towards the entrance, he couldn't help but notice the respectful nods from passersby and employees. They all knew him as the driving force behind Pinnacle's success. His leadership, innovative strategies, and relentless work ethic had earned him this reputation. However, beneath his composed exterior, David was acutely aware of the mounting challenges ahead.

#### Scene 2: Pinnacle Innovations Office

David stepped out onto the top floor, where his office overlooked the city. As he walked down the corridor, he passed by several offices and meeting rooms, all bustling with activity. Pinnacle was expanding rapidly, partly due to the constant stream of talent they recruited. Yet, recently, he faced another hurdle—many of his colleagues and friends had left due to marriage or pregnancy, causing a significant talent drain.

"Everyone's settling down," David thought, a hint of frustration creeping in. "All my classmates are married, starting families, and here I am, still single at 25. But I can't afford distractions. Not now."

He reached his office and paused for a moment. Across the hallway, through the glass walls, he could see the CEO, Ms. Lee, already in her office. She looked up and met his gaze, giving him a nod of admiration. Ms. Lee was a formidable leader, and her respect meant a lot to him.

Entering his office, David sat down at his desk, glancing at the stack of reports and project plans waiting for his review. His phone buzzed with a notification from a colleague: "Emma Watson from Horizon Enterprises was seen near our building again."

David's eyes narrowed. "Emma Watson," he muttered, leaning back in his chair. "That cunning fox. She uses her beauty and feigned innocence to extract information from our newbies. She's good, but she won't fool me."

#### Scene 3: Pinnacle Innovations Lobby

Meanwhile, Emma entered the lobby of Pinnacle Innovations, her eyes scanning the room with a mix of curiosity and determination. She approached the vending machine near the reception area, her heart pounding with the thrill of the covert operation. She needed to gather information to secure Horizon's position in the upcoming acquisition battle.

As she fiddled with the vending machine, pretending to decide on a drink, she overheard a conversation between two young employees. Seizing the opportunity, she turned and smiled at them.

"Excuse me," Emma said, her voice sweet and innocent, "I'm new here. Can you tell me a bit about Pinnacle Innovations? It seems like an amazing place to work."

One of the employees, a fresh-faced intern named Jihoon, smiled back. "Sure! Pinnacle is great. We're working on some really exciting projects right now. Our manager, David, is incredible. He's the reason we're so successful."

Emma's eyes sparkled with interest. "David sounds amazing. What kind of projects are you working on?"

Jihoon, eager to impress, began detailing some of the company's latest initiatives. Emma listened intently, occasionally nodding and asking leading questions to extract more information.

"That sounds incredible," Emma said, masking her satisfaction. "I'd love to meet David someday. He must be a fantastic leader."

As Emma walked away, her mind buzzed with the useful tidbits she'd gathered. "David's hands-on approach might be his strength, but it could also be his weakness. If I can figure out his methods, I can find a way to counter them."

#### Scene 4: David's Office

Back in his office, David reviewed the latest recruitment reports. The exodus of talented female and male employees due to marriage and family commitments was troubling. Pinnacle needed fresh talent to maintain its edge. He thought about his college friends, all married and settled by 25, while he was still single, dedicating his life to his career.

"I need to focus," David reminded himself. "I can't let personal distractions get in the way of Pinnacle's success."

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. It was Ms. Lee, the CEO, who walked in with a confident stride.

"David, how are we progressing with the new projects?" she asked, her eyes filled with admiration and trust.

"We're on track, Ms. Lee," David replied. "But we need to stay vigilant. Horizon Enterprises is getting aggressive. Emma Watson was seen near our building again. "

Ms. Lee frowned. "She's relentless. We can't afford any slip-ups. Make sure your team is aware and cautious."

"I will," David assured her. "We won't let her outsmart us."

As Ms. Lee left, David turned back to his work, his resolve stronger than ever. "Emma thinks she can beat me," he thought, a steely determination in his eyes. "But she doesn't know what she's up against."