
Blind Alpha's Wife

What if... A werewolf will have an affair with a human? A half werewolf will be born? At 5, will she see her mother die? Her own sister killed her mother for something she didn't do? She will be sold to Alpha from another pack, for her father and sister's own benefit? Constans, born as a half werewolf, out of an affair. She hates her werewolf part as much as her family. She was sold to Alpha as his wife, a man who is blind, almost blind. Is there any justice? What would you do in such a situation? And what will the protagonist do?

MurasakinoHono · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 3.

"Does she really think she can just sell me!?" the girl's voice spread over the entire trough. The red-haired girl was indignant, no, furious. By what right was her sister supposed to sell her? And their father agreed to something like that! She was fed up, he was really fed up with this damn pack. Day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year! Each time it was only worse, especially since for some inexplicable reason, whenever there was some competition between her siblings, she was the one who was the most affected! "He wants to marry me to some old man? How old is this werewolf? " she asked, turning to her brother. "98 or whatever you prefer, 49 in human years." he said lowering his head. This was exactly what the boy was afraid of, his dear little sister was unpredictable and had a bad tongue when she was angry. And the more furious she was, the more she looked like their father, her eyes were already turning golden and her teeth lengthened.

"Thirty years of difference." Dimissus looked worriedly at his sister. They both knew how humans were treated and were concerned with how it might end. The boy did not want her to meet a similar fate as her mother, she was his only family and he did not intend to lose her. "Constans nothing is decided yet, we can always-"

"Get out." She didn't turn around, didn't even glance at her brother for a moment. The boy just looked down, his attempt to console his sister probably wasn't the best idea. So he decided that he would do better if he listened to her than to risk himself. The girl stood in the middle of the room staring at the floor, she let out a sigh when she heard the sound of the door closing, she knew how it might end when she lost her temper, it had already happened to her twice. There was a silence in the room, the girl fell to the floor feeling that tears were pouring into her eyes. "They want to sell me..." the girl repeated in a lower voice, she felt the blood pulsing in her veins, she was furious, sad and furious.

She was heartily fed up, her family was never one of the most understanding ones, in fact she did not believe that any family in this world was understanding. Since her mother died, she had only had a brother and the humans serving her family, but that changed when she moved to the west wing of the residence. Since then, with the exception of the butler and the three maids, she was completely alone here, sometimes Dimissus would come if he had time, but most of the time she was alone.

After her mother's funeral, she realized that her sister would be looking for a way to get rid of her. She was ready for it, but she had never thought she would do something like that, she would prefer Kirai to kill her. She felt helpless, desperate and furious, even her father agreed. The girl pulled up and wrapped her arms around her legs, rested her head on the lapels and let the tears run down her face, plunging into thoughts.

Gehenna, commonly known as hell by humans, is a world full of demons, vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural beings that the human species fear. Naturally, his opposite was Caelum or heaven. There was a rule in hell that no human, except those who made a deal with an inhabitant of hell, gave their souls or sacrificed their entire lives, or simply died, could not stay in this world. Constans heard that her mother was sacrificed for the sins of her father, who had also deceived the werewolf and killed him, that the werewolf was her grandfather.

Higai Burradi, her grandfather was said to be a very strong werewolf, all Gehenna knew him, respected him, and of course they were most afraid of him. He was one of the favorites of Satan himself, also in the times of revolutions he helped kill those who started the whole confusion. For his merits, his family gained many privileges, one of them was the fact that until they found someone stronger, the main family of the pack would take care of all werewolves and their territory.

Yes, the werewolves were divided into packs, but the Buraddi family still had all Alphas, and each Alpha was followed by her pack. It was a kind of state that was under a different ruler, each species was the same. They had their own methods, traditions, hierarchies, and so on, but all were strictly under the authority of Satan's ruler of Gehenna. The strongest families of each species were the rulers, the representatives to the leader of the Burradi pack, who in turn was the species representative.

It was surprising to find out that her grandfather was different from the rest of the werewolves. He was understanding and at the same time strict, an ideal leader, but what surprised her more was the fact that he liked humans. She always wondered how much of it was true and how much rumor. No matter what, she regretted that the only thing her father had inherited from her grandfather was looks. Yes, golden eyes and red fur were the hallmarks of the main family in their packs, bloody red.

Constans sighed, emotions had subsided and she was feeling much better. She was going to be sold to Alpha, to a pack she doesn't know. She was safe here, at least on the surface. She was safe because she was the daughter of a leader. However, if it is sold, who knows what the man is like? Will his pack accept her or will they try to get rid of her? And most importantly, isn't this some kind of trap? It is true that a fight between them and the eastern pack may occur, this is the normal course of things. There will always be someone who challenges the authority of those in power, and unfortunately her family has been in power for a long time. Everyone would like to have this privilege, but no one has yet found strong enough to even threaten their position until now.

The Easterners were strong, the latter the strongest of all, but they showed no sign of power hunger until last fall. Each pack has its own territory to care for and feed on, but last fall the eastern pack was spotted in other foreign territories, mostly Buraddi territory. This was the reason why the werewolves became concerned, and after many attempts, Constans persuaded her father to investigate the matter, it turned out that there were too many of them and that the pack was growing in strength, there were also several reports that easterners were feeding on their territory or looks like they're exploring the area.

Wasn't that suspicious?

Reflecting on all this, the girl came to the conclusion that if she was sold it might not be such a bad thing, she would be free from her family in the end, right? If a war breaks out, she'll be safer if she's away, besides, wouldn't that be an ideal situation for her brother to prove himself? In front of her husband, she will play a submissive, and she will live her own life, without having to worry about someone trying to attack her, poison her, mutilate her or harass her. Of course, it may happen that they do not accept it, they want to get rid of her, it is still better than being locked in the four walls of the house, with no way out except for social events where the whole family is expected, where it is not treated properly anyway and nobody pays attention to it.

Even if she accepts it, she will still have to act like she doesn't know anything. She has to wait, she has been waiting for fourteen years, she will be able to wait a little longer. Her life was hard work, she wanted to run away more than once, but what was holding her back was power. She had no power or strength, and that was essential to her plans, how else to kill Satan's pet if you don't have the strength? Maybe she was bent on revenge, but did she have anything better? Is she going to cry and wait for death? Oh no, it was out of the question, if she had to suffer it, let the rest suffer with her, let those who cause her sufferings suffer. Even if she is to die, even if she dies before she fulfills her purpose, if her future husband kills her, anyway...

Death by a foreign hand was still better than dying at the hand of a blood-bound man.