
Blind Alpha's Wife

What if... A werewolf will have an affair with a human? A half werewolf will be born? At 5, will she see her mother die? Her own sister killed her mother for something she didn't do? She will be sold to Alpha from another pack, for her father and sister's own benefit? Constans, born as a half werewolf, out of an affair. She hates her werewolf part as much as her family. She was sold to Alpha as his wife, a man who is blind, almost blind. Is there any justice? What would you do in such a situation? And what will the protagonist do?

MurasakinoHono · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 2.

However, the feelings of the youngest child were not the only cause for concern. Oh no, the reason for such a fierce discussion was much more serious at this point and was supposed to lead to a lot of changes. "I tell you, Father, this is the best solution!" the black-haired woman almost screamed at the man sitting at the desk. She couldn't understand her father's way of thinking. Her proposal was perfect! They could easily get rid of the problem and make a good deal with the neighboring pack. "If it's such a perfect solution, why don't you do it yourself?" The man looked up from above the documents and looked at his daughter, she was an adult, and yet she was still just as annoying. Tero was already tired, for several days his daughter had been tormenting him with her "perfect plan for the future," or so she called it. "We both realize that this way you would get what you want, power." Such a perfect plan, a plan that meant sacrificing the happiness and free life of the youngest heir. He wasn't stupid, not so much as to be unaware that the proposal was to get the red-haired girl out of the competition, and the council would have agreed. "How can you, Father? I just want to secure our pack for the future! " it was... half true, the girl didn't tell the whole truth, the most important thing, and he had already figured it out, but she didn't lie either. "Besides, if I could, I would have applied, but unfortunately I'm not human." she said, stressing the last word.

"Unfortunately, it has been made clear that he is looking for a human woman, a rather strange taste for such a high-ranking werewolf." She waved the card again in front of the older man's eyes, the 126-year-old werewolf did not have the strength to argue with his own child, he was just fed up with her. However, in this he had to agree, what werewolf, especially the leader of the pack, would want a human woman as a wife? It didn't make any sense. Resigned, he looked at his daughter one last time and sighed loudly. "So be it, but you'd better have another idea as well, otherwise your brother will win." The woman was happy, she managed to persuade her father to her solution, despite his dissatisfaction. "You don't have to worry about that, Father!" she shouted smiling leaving the office, the man just sighed once more and went back to work.

What was the problem? Recently it has been discovered that it is quite likely that there may be a conflict that will change the boundaries of the packs. Bordering Burradi from the east, the pack is becoming more and more numerous, and therefore they will need a larger area. To prevent possible conflict, or rather to better prepare, the struggling leaders compete with each other to find a better solution. A solution that will secure the pack itself and order among other packs. It was supposed to weigh who was more suited to Alphe, because Tero was fed up with it all and hoped silently that soon he would be able to give up his position to one of his children, so that he wouldn't have to deal with it all anymore. He couldn't understand what his father had in mind by agreeing to something as problematic as species management.

However, he was worried about the fate of his pack, because the person to whom he wanted to give it all had renounced his heir six years ago and had no intention of participating in any competition. Yes, the youngest daughter, Constans, has long ceased to care about who will take this position, instead of fighting, she supported her brother, Dimissus. Repeatedly showing that, contrary to what others think, she is perfect for the leader of both the pack and the representative of their community. She knew all the traditions, history and had the knowledge needed to rule over others, and above all, when she did something, she did not care only about herself or only about their pack, but about the entire community created by werewolves and the like.

Kirai was no worse than her sister. She differed in her approach to power and what stood in the first place. When she did something, it was primarily for her and their pack, she didn't care about other packs. When someone opposed her, it didn't end well for him, for her the most important thing was power and reputation. Even though she was on the same level of knowledge as her sister, she was better than her in skills, but their hearts were completely different. Nevertheless, she had almost guaranteed winnings, was properly educated and knew what to do and what decision to make, most of the family assumed that she would win.

In turn, Dimissus, the only son he had, despite his strength, which exceeded his older sister and had the appropriate predispositions, he still lacked both sisters. It didn't mean that he was going to give up, he was fighting and he wanted to win for his younger sister. Yes, he was superior to his sister not only in strength and tactical thinking, but also in heart. He wanted to take over his father's position with a fair fight, so that he could change the views of werewolves and introduce them to a different, more modern world. He did all this so that his beloved sister could lead a peaceful life.

While they finally managed to come to an agreement at home, Dimissus and Constans decided to do a little sparring in the garden. It may sound silly since the girl had problems with her humanoid form and stopped training as ordered, but eventually it was tied. "Don't you think giving me a forum is like bullying?'' They were both lying on the grass staring at the sky, smiling side by side. "Bullying? Little sister, I am just helping you with your neglected training. '' It was supposed to be a joke, but it hurt the younger one, she sat up straight and stared into the distance. It was as if she was looking for something, hoping that maybe she would find what she had been looking for a long time. After a while the boy stopped chuckling, sat up straight next to his sister,as he realized that she was not amused. He looked at the red-haired teenager. He could not believe that she was already 38 years old. With his weight, the girl seemed to be a small creature that must be protected from the evil of this world.

"Cons, I didn't mean to offend you, sorry." He looked worriedly at his sister, but she was still staring into the distance, sitting in silence. He never had a problem reading his sister, well, maybe with a few exceptions that he had to suffer later on. "Can you believe we're adults already?" she said without even glancing at the boy sitting next to her. "Come on, that's exactly what you said six years ago, when you turned 13." The magical age in hell and in heaven in which you became an adult, unlike humans, paranormal beings considered the age of thirteen springs lived as a sign of adulthood. "You are 38 years old, I mean 38 divided into two... You are 19 years old! Stop sounding like an old maid! " the girl chuckled as the boy stopped to recalculate her age for human years. Sometimes she forgot that she was part human, it was good to have someone who kept reminding her of it in a friendly manner. "So? What solution have you come to? " she decided to change the subject, she was very curious what her beloved brother had achieved without her help. "I was thinking about increasing the patrols on the eastern border a little to the eye and trying to form an alliance with one of the neighboring Alpha." the idea wasn't bad, Constans had to praise her little brother, usually she had to give him an idea or guide him. She was convinced that their 'father' would like him too, of course, if Kirai hadn't manipulated him into choosing her idea yet. If only they knew that life is more cruel than it seems.

"Thank you, you can go." the werewolf at the sound of these words left the girl's room, even if she was of the lowest rank they could not oppose her, it was one of the few things for which she was grateful for her blood ties, she was Alpha's daughter. Constans fell down on the bed tired after spending the whole day with her brother, although he was the older one, he acted like a child, and of course she had to keep an eye on him. She had a nice time with him and had many memories in common, but he was tiring and... troublesome, he really liked getting into trouble, from which she had to pull him out and hide him from their father, often she took the blame just to make her brother have a better reputation.

When she was lying quietly and resting, an angry red-haired boy burst into her room, closing the door behind him with a bang. "Could you be softer? I don't want to have the door changed because of your moods again. " She got up and, propping herself on her elbows, she rose, gazing at her brother's face. "What happened this time, Father did not agree?" it was the first thing that came to her mind, he always acted like this when that man didn't have time for him or criticized him. He really was childish. "That goddamn female dog! Fuck you fucking lice! " he shouted, the sudden scream scared the girl a little. It was a surprise to her that her brother had used the word "lice'' for their sister, werewolves didn't like that term, it was insulting. Most often, vampires used this term, then imputed that the werewolf had lice or, in other cases, that he was devoid of moral principles. "Not only did he disagree, he didn't even listen to me, saying he was waiting for Kirai's idea to unfold!" The boy was angry, no, furious, not only because his father had completely ignored him, but because he had found out what the idea his dear older sister had come up with, and he definitely didn't like it.

"Dimiss, you are starting to scare me." She spoke, taking her brother out of his thoughts, he looked at her and blushed slightly with embarrassment. "Sorry." he muttered under his breath without turning to face her. "Can you explain to me what happened?" the boy jumped at the sound of the question. He knew that sooner or later the girl would find out anyway, and in a much less delicate way. 'And let their trail hit!' He was in a hopeless situation if she found out when everything actually went according to Kirai's plan... Not only would she go berserk and most likely chew on their older sister, which he would have done too in such a situation, but she could also run away from home, which he would not survive. What if she found out that he knew and didn't tell her? She would tear him to pieces, or worse! Shaking his head to get rid of negative thoughts and dispel all dark scenarios, he faced his sister with a serious expression on his face, wondering where to begin. 'How can I put it so that she doesn't get mad?'

"Constans, promise me you won't do anything stupid." he said quietly, looking at the younger girl, it was a mistake. The teenager stared at him expectantly, her expression saying that she had had enough and she was purely annoyed, he saw in his mind the image of their father. The thing she had inherited from her father, except for the color of the werewolf's hair and abilities, was his behavior and character, which of course she hated. Dimissus swallowed loudly and tried to maintain eye contact, knowing that in the present situation, looking away would be the worst possible decision, another thing she had in common with the golden-eyed werewolf. "You see Cons, Kirai suggested..."