
Blind Alpha's Wife

What if... A werewolf will have an affair with a human? A half werewolf will be born? At 5, will she see her mother die? Her own sister killed her mother for something she didn't do? She will be sold to Alpha from another pack, for her father and sister's own benefit? Constans, born as a half werewolf, out of an affair. She hates her werewolf part as much as her family. She was sold to Alpha as his wife, a man who is blind, almost blind. Is there any justice? What would you do in such a situation? And what will the protagonist do?

MurasakinoHono · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 1.

They stood facing each other and kept staring. The black-haired teenager felt as if she was standing in front of a predator just waiting for the right moment to attack. Their father stood a bit further, so that his dear daughters would have a place to fight, the black-haired girl's servants had left a long time ago. Neither moved, both waited for the other to make the first move. After a long moment, the younger of them had enough and pounced on her older sister. The red-haired girl was quick and agile, in the blink of an eye she was right in front of her sister and kicked her with all her strength, causing the black-haired teenager to roll a few meters back. Constans did not intend to give her sister a few seconds for her to shake herself off and attack her immediately, her blows were not strong enough to deal with it quickly, but they were quick. The man watched closely the movements of the younger of his daughters, 'If only she had been properly trained, maybe even though she is half human, she could be the next head of the pack.' When this thought flashed through the man's head, the older sister had a problem with repelling attacks, maybe they were not exactly accurate, but there were a lot of them and they were quick, for someone who has never trained it was quite persistent.

'I can't lose with a man!' The teenager was briskly making the next movements, slowly following the pace of her sister, until she finally noticed the chance. As soon as the younger girl moved away tired, Kirai immediately lunged at her with full force, kicking the younger girl in the stomach towards the wall. The girl fell to the floor and did not move for a moment, which scared the man a bit. Have they gone too far? After all, the girl was only half a werewolf, and she was only five years old. However, after a while the red-haired girl rose back, not looking back, not even looking at the body next to her for a moment, she ran at her sister with great speed and attacked her with claws. The black-haired teenager barely managed to dodge, although the younger one's claws hit her leg. She had an ugly wound on her thigh, but it wasn't bleeding heavily, not enough to slow her down.

Kirai tried to keep her distance from the girl, analyzing her every move. They were chaotic, the girl didn't think clearly, all she had in mind was to get rid of the person who had hurt her mother. 'She inherited much more than we initially assumed.' She faced the furious girl, waiting for her to attack. 'It looks like it has our regeneration and humanoid form, but does it have anything else?' Constans twitched slightly showing snow-white fangs, a terrible growl came out of the girl's throat, it scared the older girl a little, even their father twitched surprised by the sound issued by the child. 'She's strong, stronger than average humans, but still not enough to defeat a purebred werewolf.' She had enough of waiting, she threw herself without thinking, kicking the girl to the side, she rolled backwards. Her claws, still dripping with the blood of the pink-haired woman, flew straight into the girl's chest, who seemed to be unconscious again, but before that happened their father stopped her, throwing the golden-eyed woman away from the younger child. "It's enough, Kirai."

Ignoring the older daughter, he turned to the girl lying on the ground, her eyes barely open. "Constans, from today onwards you have the same right of inheritance as your sister and brother. I hope you won't let me down." These were the last, barely heard words, because a moment later the girl passed out. However, there was something that neither the man nor his eldest child had foreseen, they did not notice it neither during the fight nor when they were close enough to look the girl directly in the eyes, they did not notice the hatred, hatred and disgust in the child's eyes.

As the outcome of the fight, the man announced a draw, as the younger one was able to injure her sister, and the older one battered the younger daughter. Kirai disliked the outcome of the fight, and the fact that the child could claim the Alpha title as much as she and her younger brother. She considered this disrespectful to her ancestors and other members of their family, but her father did not intend to listen to it and did not change his decision, even when the elders ordered him to withdraw this preposterous declaration.

In turn, the girl got her room, she was assigned a maid, in addition, she was considered Alpha's daughter and no one had the right to hurt her. She had been ordered to train with her brother, a werewolf only a year away, Dimissus. Like his younger sister, the boy inherited red hair from their father, but his facial features, same as the color of his eyes and the look of his tail he had after his mother. And as his mother had green eyes, it was easy to lie to others that Constans was the youngest daughter of Alpha and his late wife despite some differences. Unlike their older sister, Dimissus was fond of Constans, he did not blame his younger sister for his mother's death.

Dimissus and Kirai's mother killed herself after their father, Tero, revealed that he was having an affair with another, a man who served their family.

The woman blamed herself that she did not satisfy her husband's needs, that she was unfit for a mother, could not stand it, and could not imagine her life if someone found out about her husband's affair with a human, what a disgrace it would be for her. She broke down mentally and more than once felt as if other werewolves were laughing at her, until she finally killed herself. Dimissus was only six years old, he hardly spent any time with his mother. Kirai was the more affectionate of the two of them, she loved the black-haired woman with beautiful green eyes above all else. More than once she blamed her father for spending little time with his wife. However, when their father announced that he was having an affair, she understood everything. She was the one who found her mother's body, she chose to avenge her and kill the woman who led to this tragedy.

However, Dimissus was more attached to the mother of Constans; the woman looked after him as long as he could remember, treating him like her own child. When he heard that his older sister had killed the pink-haired woman, he attacked her. He wanted to kill her, avenge his mother, but their father separated them in advance, because a black-haired teenager almost blinded her brother.

It was true that Alpha's two youngest children hated their own family, hated them for their old-fashioned views and how they treated humans and their own relatives. Dimissus never felt like he belonged to this family, he was different. He did not consider humans to be slaves, toys or food, it might have been influenced by the fact that he was raised by a human woman. Nobody cared about the disappearance of the pink-haired woman from the court, nobody asked, only other humans serving the main family of the pack knew and only they experienced it and comforted the orphaned girl. So, after the funeral of the pink-haired woman, Dimissus, as the only werewolf to care about the woman's death, promised himself that he would protect his little sister, considering her the only member of the family, she was the only one worthy of the title.

Years have passed since those events, and yet Constans was still unable to forgive her sister for what had happened, over time her hatred for her wolf side grew deeper and she stopped training, her rank in the pack was low, it was a disgrace to the main family , but no one dared say it aloud in front of Alpha, no one but Kirai. Everyone in the pack believed that the youngest daughter was not fit to be their leader, and therefore, as soon as she turned thirteen, she renounced the title of successor to her brother. Thus, the only fighters for power were her two siblings, the vast majority of whom were on the side of the older teenager, Kirai.

It was not favorable for the teenager's future, she was convinced that her sister would come up with something to get rid of her. They were hostile to each other, one was an obstacle to the other, but still Constas was not going to give up, she had to make her brother win so that she could take revenge for her mother's death.