
Blessed Villains

In his first life, he was a servant of the most powerful beings in the universe. As one of the Primordial Servants, he had the power of a god. Yet he was at the mercy of five individuals said to predate the universe. In a failed attempt at escaping his shackles, he was caught and killed by the beings he had once served. However, he used his ultimate move to that he had been saving for this day! Isekai! He now found himself on a planet where 10% of the population had superpowers. On the surface, it looked to him like another cliché superhero planet. But in reality, it was a monster wrapped up in a pink dress. A world that could shock a man who had seen galaxies destroyed. And now he had to learn how to live in such a world. To do the things he couldn't before. To grow up and meet people, to laugh and cry, to love and hate, to live and die. If there was anyone with the strength to kill him that is. ... Disclaimer This is the story of a god-level being experiencing life as a human on a planet of heroes and villains with many layers of shadows. He won't go out of his way to save people and doesn't care about collateral damage either. After all, what is human life to a god? *Cover art is not mine.

m1le · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 17 - New Faces

Standing in the front room of the manor, Seven looked at the foreign organism in front of him.

It was a girl.

She had long, wavy brown hair and striking blue eyes. She had an athletic build and wore a pink t-shirt, with white shorts. She was eight years old and had a cutely serious look.

"Hello," she whispered in a shaky voice.

"Hi," said Seven.

There was silence, for a few awkward seconds, until the girl said, "I'm Alyssa Ark, what's your name?"


"What?" she asked, confused.


"Your name is Seven?"


"Like the number?"


Seven sure as hell wasn't interested in talking, and Alyssa didn't know what to say, so they stared at each other in awkward silence. A silence that was mercifully broken by the large front door being pushed open.

A young boy walked in who was roughly Seven's age. The age of Seven's body, that is.

He had short black hair, a thin figure, but tall for his age, with long ears that stuck out the side of his head. He wore a red polo shirt and black jeans.

He gave the room a silent look, his sharp, black eyes only glancing at Seven and Alyssa, before continuing.

John quietly entered the room behind him, walking to the other boy's side.

Behind him walked a small girl, no more than four years old. She had long, curly platinum hair that fell past her shoulders. Her face was pale, her grey eyes looking at the ground as she tried to make her small body even smaller. She wore a white dress that went down to her knees.

The girl stopped a half step behind John, who looked at the group.

"I believe introductions are in order, this is Seven," he said whilst gesturing at Seven, "and next to him is Alyssa."

Turning slightly to face the younger girl, he said, "this here is Mara, and last but not least is Avery."

He gestured at the other boy, who Seven looked, Avery also looked back at him and they locked eyes, staring at each other.

"You should get to know each other, as you'll be spending the foreseeable future together."

The first want to speak was Alyssa, who was now glaring at John.

"Why am I spending my future here? Why did you bring us here!?" she shouted at him, her fear of the older man lessening quickly. Mara jumped when out from behind John, backpedalling quickly to get away from the shouts.

Seven and Avery were too focused on staring at each other to notice. Neither had blinked yet.

"I brought you all here for different reasons, but it was all for your own good. I brought you, Alyssa because your powers are far too dangerous. Besides, it wasn't a positive household I took you from," spoke John, calmy.

"That doesn't make you any better!" Alyssa shouted back, indignantly, "and all I've got is telekinesis! Loads of people have telekinesis, how am I any more dangerous?"

"You have a very special kind of telekinesis, Alyssa. You see, whilst right now it may seem average, or even weak it won't stay that way. Your telekinesis grows stronger the more you use it, and that growth is limitless. It will get to the point where you could rip the Moon in half with a thought.

If I had left you alone, you would've ended up destroying everything, rotting in the Deadzone or dead. There are no happy endings for you out there."

Alyssa froze, shocked by the revelation about her power, but it didn't stop her from glaring at John. Meanwhile, Seven and Avery continued to stare at each other, both still hadn't blinked.

Smiling, John said, "Seven has a similar issue to you, Avery came here of his own volition and I am uniquely capable of helping Mara with her power."

Alyssa glanced over at Mara who was pressed up against the far wall, trying to shrink inside of it.

"What power does she have that you can help with then?" Alyssa asked.

"Mara hears the voices of the dead. Unfortunately, it's she cannot block them out which makes her life quite troublesome. I, on the other hand, can block them out for her."

"Did she ask you to help her?"

"Does she look like she's going to ask anyone for help?"

Alyssa looked at Mara, who was currently hiding in the corner, too afraid to speak despite being the subject of the conversation.

"I have business to attend to," said John, "I will leave you four to get acquainted."

John turned and walked out the door.

After waiting to make sure he'd left, Alyssa turned to Seven and Avery who were both still staring at each other.

"We need to escape," she said.

The two boys ignored her, far too busy. Avery's eyes were going red, whilst Seven was laughing on the inside.

'Idiot!' he thought, 'I slowed time around my eyes to a crawl when this started! There's no way for you to win.'

Annoyed, Alyssa walked over to Avery and tried to gently push him.

Her hand passed right through him!

Alyssa waved her hand around inside him for a few seconds before giving up. She then turned to Seven, but instead of walking towards him, Seven felt a pull around his waist. The pull suddenly got stronger and Seven toppled backwards, barely managing to keep his balance. But in the heat of the moment, something terrible had happened!

He had blinked!

Looking up, Seven could see Avery grinning victoriously at him, and Alyssa watching him nervously. Seven's eye twitched as he charged up his mana, ready to blast the girl into smithereens.

'Wait Seven!' he thought, 'rule four! Rule four!'

'Oh, right I forgot,' he thought back to himself.

When Seven had realised his Mind Strand was degrading, he had set a few rules for himself. Rule four was don't kill kids. Mowing down adults was fine, but he would leave the kids alone.

Letting the mana go, he calmed down and observed his new situation.

'So we've got the God of Magic, an untouchable boy, a doomsday telekinetic and a girl who hears the dead.

Things should finally get interesting.'

Sorry for not updating for a bit. I took a bit of time to get a plan for the next parts of the novel worked out and to properly plan the characters I introduced in this chapter. I want to try and make sure they're all unique and not just 2d side characters.

Thanks for reading!

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