

"Where is my son!?!? Uhtred!! Take a dozen of men and go to the shoreline. Their are pagans there, scout how many men there are. Don't do anything else!" Lord Uhtred gave a command to his older son in a serious manner.

"Yes Father!!!"

Friedrich came off the horse and headed to his father that was speaking to Osbert's mother that was preaching about God was doing this to punish her and everyone else.

"Lord Uhtred is there anything I can do to help you with the pagans from attacking the fort?" Friedrich spoke with Politeness towards his father. Having higher status then Friedrich, he had to be polite to not come across disrespectful even if he was his son. Being a bastard son like everyone calls him, he didn't have the rights that his other brothers did.

"There will be a battle sooner than expected without preparation. Take care of Osbert with your life, if there is a chance God isn't on our side." Lord Uhtred spoke with calm but serious tone while having a conversation with his son.

Nodding towards his Father, Friedrich headed towards his Quarter's and grabbed his Sword that was gifted by his father. Double edge, flat sword, an engravement that looked similar to a dragon done by Friedrich himself near the hilt. Sheathing the sword into his guard by his waist, he settled off to go find Osbert.

Opening the Door of Beocca Quarter's. Osbert and him was speaking about God's, mainly Osbert inquiring to Beocca what he would think if he named his dog Odin.

"Osbert stop with these trifling matters, Beocca is a priest that swore loyalty towards his Christian God." Hearing a new voice, Beocca and Osbert looked towards the frame of the door finding Friedrich leaning on the side of it.

"Yes like Friedrich has spoken, I have sworn an oath to our God. Anyway Osbert, let's go see your father." Walking past Friedrich, Osbert followed behind him to the Center of the Fort.

"Horseman's Approaching!!!"

Hearing the Alarm, Osbert ran towards the top of the wall where Father and Elfric was currently standing. Getting to the position, Infront of the gates were 8 Danes on Horse's.

"He rides Uhtred's horse." Elfric said while looking at the man at the front of the pack of 8 Danes with a black furry coat.

Stopping at a halt, the man at the front dramatically removed the furry coat that was covering his face. Showing a black haired man with a Dane beard looking around to in his early 40s. This man from the show was Earl Ragnar.

Taking something from underneath his coat, he put his hand in the air showing a head. No any head but Uhtred's Head.

"NOOOOO!!! No!!" Hearing Osbert's Scream of denial, Beocca took him away from the scene. Lord Uhtred face showed a little bit of sadness but then nothing else. Friedrich getting use to it in his past life showed no emotions. Throwing the head on the bridge, Lord Uhtred turned to Elfric with solemn expression while turning away.

"Bury what is left of him." Walking past Friedrich and Osbert without looking, he headed to the Main hall.

Taking Osbert towards his Quarter most likely to calm down then go to Uhtred's Location to start the scene of Osbert becoming the Heir Of Bebbanburg. Friedrich acknowledging this, that his Status even though older than Osbert was nothing but a son from a servant with his blood in him.

[2 Days later]

Preparing to Head out to battle, Friedrich watched from outside his Quarters and continued to look until the hundred of men departed with his Father. Don't get him wrong he liked his father's Personality with being honourable, loyal to die for his land and Head strong seeing his own Son's head that he made on the floor without showing weakness. But he won't forget the amount of times that people beat him up because of the treatment he had and being known as a genius, they went as far to cut him without any punishment from Lord Uhtred.

"It's saddening that you have to Die Father but without your lose in battle, Uhtred won't be able to grow up." Speaking to no-one but himself, Friedrich waited with his hand on his sword for Uhtred to Leave and go towards the battleground.

Waiting for a hour, Uhtred set off with a chainmail armour, helmet and a sword that looked to big for him to the battle field. Friedrich already took a risk with 'Saving' Uhtred, he was either gonna be killed by Ragnar or put into slavery to them because of his similarity with Danes. It was better than staying here and Elfric finding out the death of his father then trying to kill Friedrich to make sure of gaining the title of Lord.

Putting his life on the line, Friedrich mounted his horse that was black in the Stable and followed from a distance to not let Osbert hear the Horse's galloping. Taking minutes to arrive at the destination, finding the location of the battle was simple by the shouts and screams of Men that have been stabbed or injured.

Seeing the horse near the battle field that was covered by leafless trees without Uhtred. Friedrich dismounted and followed the In raged cry of Uhtred by finding father's death.

[Pov: Earl Ragnar]

Looking at the on going battle with the Saxons. We were without a doubt winning the battle, not needing neither my son, Ubba, Guthrum or myself getting involved with it. From the seems of things, the death of the 'king' of Bebbanburg as they call him has diminished the fire that they once had. They don't deserve to be called soldiers if just the death of there leader made there mood turn into desperation....Your so called God won't save you now.

"UAHHHHHHHH!!!" Suddenly near me and my son sounded like a Young scream from a boy? Turning my head and coming of my horse, ran a boy towards me with a sword and a shield that was bigger than him.

"Ahhh!! Ahhhh!!"

The kid was just grunting while trying to attack me with only getting my shield in the way. Breaking his sword in half and pushing him to the ground, I turned around and heard my son speak.

"The wasp has lost his sting."

As I turned my back, about to speak to my son. The Child somehow stabbed my leg causing me to put effort in moving on the leg. Looking at the child, he reminded me of a Dane. He fighted even without hope of surviving and put up as much as a fight as well as one. Smacking him on his face with the sword, the child dropped on floor trying to crawl to get something near him by reaching towards it.

"Are you sure he is a Saxon. He fights more like a Dane." As I said that I walked up to the child and smacked the hilt against the child face knocking him out cold.

"What are you planning to do with the child Father?" Hearing my son ask me a question about this little child. I picked him up and placed him on the horse to take back to the settlement.

"What kind of Boy is that! No...! That is no boy, but Thor taking over a Child's body!!!"

While getting on the horse, me and my son heard one of the men make similarity with a Boy to a God. Looking the direction where it came from we were met with a Boy standing at 5'4, leather trousers and chain mail without no cloth underneath it. He had Blonde hair, brown eyes almost shaped the same as the boy that injured me. Surprisingly the boy had a body of a man that knows how to fight, Cuts were across his shoulder to his chest with small ones on his abbs.

As we inspected the Boy, he dashed towards the man that spoke his entrance, the Dane didn't know what happend neither did we. Grabbing his handle tightly, he cut into the man's knee upto his hilt then pulled out like nothing. In the matter of seconds, the blonde haired boy kicked his right leg forward breaking the man's leg causing him to fall but the child immediately grabbed the man's hair straight away taking his head off from his shoulders.

The displayed showed no hesitation nor emotion from the boy's expression. Truly a boy amoung men, even I who had fought battle's in my home land have never seen a child kill so quickly. The similarity with the brown haired child and this boy was similar with there eyes, this boys constant glance to the one we captured and anger evident in his eyes.

"Father what do we do with that boy....? He isn't like any other child his age, should we just kill him or take him like the other boy."

"Just watch for now."

Continuing to watch the boy. 2 men ran at him with the intent to kill, as the first one swung his sword downwards to his head. Taking a side step to the left, the child grabbed the man's wrist and redirected it to his heart killing him. The other Dane used his shield to protect himself going onto the defensive, he saw all what the child did and played smart.

Doing the unexpected smashing his sword onto the man's shield breaking it after 6 hits, the blonde boy used the confusion from the man and pushed his sword into the man's stomach up to his chest. The man had his insides out in the open, dying from fatal blow.

Blood was all over the boy's face and hair. 3 out of the 7 men ran at the child in anger, one of them tried to do the same tactic as the 2 deceased men and got the same fate. Cutting his right arm off and grabbing the mans sword, double weilding the 2 swords, the boy booted the man away onto the floor and killed the other 2 men in quick moves.

Slicing there necks, the boy killed another 3 men again. The 4 men that watched it took a step back, only me, Ubba and Guthrum could take out more then 6 men out. Gaining the courage, one of them ran with a battle cry and blindly tried to kill him. Only getting a parry and both swords in his chest.

After Killing 7 men, the other men just ran and tried to kill the boy. Killing 2 men with a flick of his wrist there was only one left to kill to get to us. Dodging beneath a swing, he stuck both swords in the man's knees causing him to make the man fall on his back. Grabbing his sword that he had before, the kid went to the man's face and stomped on it like a boy his age playing in mud and dirt.

The battle already being over, Ubba and Guthrum saw the whole Fight including the kid smashing the man's face in by his foot. From there face's I can tell they were believing that the child was possessed similar to the first Dane that got killed by the boy. Both of them were heavily believers of Legends similar to this.

"Boy, it seems your God favours you dearly with your talent."

"H-he has never favoured me, m-more like he abandoned me when I needed it."

Denying my claim, the boy wasn't like other Saxons that believed in this all merciful God. He didn't go by this God's law and fought for himself as well as this brown haired boy. Breathing heavy, only just noticing it there was a cut on his chest and knee.

"Damnit!! I can only take out 10 men before losing my stamina and getting hurt." Spitting out a mouth full of blood the boy tried to cover his wound with his hands.

Hearing the Boy talk to himself, I walked up to him and knocked him out with a punch. Grabbing him, I placed him on Ragnar's Horse.

"We are taking both of them back to father. It would be a waste if one of them dies, don't talk back neither. Just do it." Stopping Ragnar from questioning my decision, I mounted my horse and set off to the settlement with Ubba, Guthrum, Ragnar while speaking about what the blonde kid did.