
Chapter 6

"I have committed no crimes!" shouted Niall

"Bring in the witnesses!" commanded Laeche. Two soldiers brought in a women and two children. A Courtsmen stood up, looking towards the women and her children.

"Have you seen this boy before?" asked the Courtsmen.

The woman looked up and wiped her tears. "Yes." she barely choked out the words.

"What did you see him doing?" asked the Courtsmen

"Climbing the wall...to get out of the city." she wept.

"Why do you think he was climbing the wall?"

"To escape."

"To escape what?"

"Your tyranny, you monsters!" barked the woman, "Far too long have we let you rule over us, you slug of an elf!"

Niall watched in surprise as the woman screamed at Laeche and the Courtsman. Laeche rolled his eyes and gestured towards his soldiers. The woman's children were now crying. The soldiers marched over and one unsheathed his sword.

"Too long have we followed you blindly!" the woman fumed, "Too long have we-"

The woman choked as a blade pierced her chest. The woman croaked, her children now began bawling. The soldier pulled his blade from the woman. Her children screamed. One soldier grabbed the children and pulled them out of the room.

"You see what happens to traitors, child?" Laeche said with a smirk. Niall stared at the womans corpse and the floor stained with her blood. Niall glared at Laeche. "Kill him, kill him now."

Soldiers began walking towards Niall.

Let me help. It was the voice of the woman who had given Niall his vision.

The soldiers began to unsheathe their swords.

I can save you, just let me in.

Niall was desperate. Fine.

Niall's head flew back and he began to rise into the air. The soldiers took a step back. Niall could feel the power surging through him. Out of his fingertips, Niall shot blades of ice into the chests of the soldiers. The soldiers fell to the ground. All the Courtsmen were scrambling to get out. Laeche hopped from his seat and pulled a dagger from his belt.

"Die you heathen!" shouted Laeche as he threw the dagger straight for Niall's head. The dagger flew through the air, and Niall caught it. Laeche stood in front of his throne with his mouth wide open. Soldiers began pouring into the room, taking Laeche out of the hall. Niall lifted his hands and a wall of ice shot up between him and the soldiers.

I am finished.

She let go.

Niall fell to the ground. The power he had just felt was no longer present. Niall stood up and looked upon the destruction he had just caused. Footsteps echoed behind Niall. He swiftly turned around and saw Saia, she had tears in her eyes.

"I had to!" Niall shouted, "They made me." Saia walked over to him, slowly, hesitantly. She wrapped her arms around him.

"I know." she muttered. Niall fell into her embrace and began to cry. For just a moment, Niall and Saia shared a tear before reality set in. They had to leave.

"We have to go." said Niall, pulling away from Saia. "Go back to your home and gather your things."

"What about my mother, my father?" Saia asked. Niall had not thought of that. They would likely not be punished, but they would be scorned and rejected. Rumors would spread that he was as his father, betraying the Empire. They had to take their parents with them.

"Tell them to gather their things as well," Niall said "they're coming with us."