
Bleach : The Last Boss Of Soul Society

A college student and amateur anime fan, Yami finds himself inexplicably transported to Soul Society, a realm of powerful beings 1000 years before the main storyline. In this mysterious world, he discovers an extraordinary power within himself, one that stands against the forces of darkness threatening to engulf both realms. Unbeknownst to him, his arrival in Soul Society sparks a chain of events that will forever alter the balance between worlds. With newfound allies and hidden adversaries, Yami's journey unravels secrets and challenges his perception of reality. As he delves deeper into this thrilling adventure, his choices will determine the fate of both realms.

Akasxh · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Veils Of Future

Yami, a 21-year-old college student, was engrossed in one of the big three anime series, Bleach. He had an insatiable appetite for anime and had watched numerous series, including Black Clover, Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece, and Dragon Ball Z. However, he hadn't gotten far in Bleach, having only reached the part where Ichigo received his Shinigami powers from Rukia.

One fateful evening, as Yami watched the latest episode, he suddenly noticed strange green lines flickering across his vision. Before he could react, his body started to fade away like dust being blown away. Panic engulfed him as he felt himself being pulled into some unknown abyss.

As the swirling vortex of the green lines subsided, Yami found himself disoriented and bewildered, his surroundings unrecognizable. The air felt heavy with an ominous aura, and the sight that greeted him was haunting. Scorched lands stretched as far as the eye could see, littered with dismembered limbs and the remnants of a fierce battle.

Yami's heart raced as he took in the desolate scene before him. The stench of blood and death filled the air, overwhelming his senses. He couldn't fathom how he had arrived in such a place, a world that seemed torn apart by unimaginable forces.

His eyes darted around, searching for any sign of life, but all he could see were the eerie remnants of destruction. Fear and confusion gripped him, unsure of what this place was or how he had ended up there. It was nothing like the anime he had been watching, and there were no familiar faces to guide him.

He cautiously moved forward, stepping over the debris and charred remains. With each step, a profound sense of unease settled in his chest. Where was this, or was he transported to an entirely different dimension? The green lines that had led him here were inexplicable, and he had no idea what just happened.

Yami's surroundings were harsh and unforgiving. With no survivors in sight, he had to fend for himself in this mysterious and treacherous world. Days turned into weeks, and he struggled to find sustenance in the scorched lands. Food was scarce, and he had to scavenge for anything that might sustain him.

Venturing out into the barren wasteland, Yami searched for remnants of edible plants or anything that could pass as food. However, the land was devoid of life, and his hopes of finding nourishment dwindled with each passing day. Hunger gnawed at his belly, and exhaustion weighed down on his once-energetic body.

His scavenging efforts took a darker turn when he stumbled upon the remains of the white-dressed figures he had seen earlier. Suppressing the revulsion that surged within him, he grimly acknowledged the harsh reality of survival in this merciless realm. There was no room for sympathy or hesitation.

Yami's eyes fell upon a few star-like chains that hung from the lifeless bodies. Though he didn't comprehend their significance, he sensed they held value in this world. He carefully detached the chains and stored them in his makeshift bag, realizing they might fetch something worthwhile someday.

As he continued his grim scavenging, he encountered broken swords near some of the corpses. Intrigued, he picked them up, unaware that they were actually Zanpakuto – the very weapons wielded by Soul Reapers. To him, they were merely broken blades, possibly useful as makeshift tools or potential trade items.

Back at his rough shelter, Yami assembled the collected items with an innate cunning. He fashioned a rudimentary shelter from large woods he found, giving him a meager sense of protection from the elements. Inside his cover, he kept his growing collection of scavenged goods, meticulously arranging the strange star-like chains and broken swords in a pile.

Throughout these days of struggle, Yami noticed something peculiar. He felt an unfamiliar strength coursing through his veins, an unexpected surge of physical power. Though he couldn't comprehend the cause, he was grateful for this newfound vitality, as it allowed him to endure the harsh environment and the trials of survival.

Amidst the bleak landscape and his constant search for anything valuable, a sense of curiosity began to awaken within him. The broken swords and peculiar chains hinted at a hidden world of wonders beyond his comprehension. Unbeknownst to him, the power of the Zanpakuto and the significance of the Quincy Cross he had gathered remained shrouded in mystery.

As Yami continued to explore and survive, the suspense surrounding his situation deepened. Unaware that he had been transported to the world of Bleach, he remained unaware of the dangers and potentials that lay ahead.

Little did he know that his actions and the items he collected would soon draw the attention of powerful forces within the Soul Society. And as he wandered through the scorched lands, oblivious to the fate that awaited him, a web of destiny slowly began to weave around him, waiting to entangle him in a world far beyond his imagination.

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