
Wrong Culprit

Ever since I picked up the sword, something had gone wrong.

I felt as if this sword I was holding in my hand was alive. I know it's a different feeling, but it felt like a pair of hands would come off the hilt and wrap my hand at any moment.

Holding the sword in my right hand, I slowly began to move away from this massacred area.

I am aware that I am going deep into the forest. As I was leaving, I began to think about what that man had said before he died.

How do I get to Seireitei? Let's pretend I got there somehow. With this seal, how will I pass the so-called watchman?

My ordinary life is completely shattered from now on.

Puff... Anyway, I'll get to the seireitei somehow. What I've been through today is too much, I want to rest in a corner.

I'm back from the dead and I have responsibilities to deal with.

Although I don't have to, I have a feeling that if I don't do it somehow, things will go wrong.

It won't be a problem if I get some sleep here. I got as far away from that area as possible.

I must have left the congested wooded area. The trees are smaller now and the sunlight is reaching the ground. I'd better sleep in a shaded place.

After settling under a canopy, I rested the sword on my knees and slowly closed my eyes.

As I fell asleep, I began to have an unexpected dream.

The whole place was covered with fog.

A shallow water that I could feel up to my ankles covered the whole floor. The strong, intermittent wind was pushing me backwards.

"You must be a brave man to get me."

It was the voice I heard before I took the sword.

"I didn't expect to be used by a brat like you, but there's nothing you can do. Now I'll tell you my name. That way you can use me more comfortably."

"My name is, ########."

As he was about to say his name, it was as if he was stopped by an obstacle.

"Judging by the expression on your face, you can't hear my name. Then that means you're still not fit to use me. You have to start from the very beginning."

"What do you mean? How do I begin?"

"Didn't he tell you? You must go to the area called Seireitei. When you get there, you will learn the answers to all your questions."

"We'll see you again soon. Do your best not to die in the meantime."

I was under the tree when my eyes slowly opened.

I turned my gaze towards the sword lying on my knee.

I guess I should put finding a place called Seireitei on my to-do list first. The only question is how do I get there. Ever since I've been here, I've been trying to get killed.

I have never met a decent person.

I guess I have no choice but to go. I'm sure I'll meet someone somehow. At that time, I will learn both about this place and about the place called Seireitei.

Grasping the katana with my right hand again, I got up from my seat. Even though I have no information about where I should go, I still want to move forward by trusting my instincts.

Maybe right or left...

"Hey, sword. Which way do I have to go?"

I thought I'd try my luck. But no sound came out.

I started walking and after a while I reached the outside of the wooded area. Again, it was the same. Flat lands.

But this time I had a road ahead of me. A carriage was seen approaching me on the road.

I immediately started to stop the carriage coming up on the path. The carriage slowed as it approached, and stopped when it came near me.

"Are you lost, young man?"

"So, I guess yes. May I know where you're going?"

"I'm heading towards North Rukongai."

I don't know where it is, but the name sounds cool.

"Can you take me to your destination?"

Before the man could say anything, he noticed the sword I was holding in my hand. He frowned.

"Are you Shinigami?"

"Shinigami? I don't understand what you mean no. But I'm a normal person really."

"Then what is that sword you hold in your hand?"

"I found this in the woods behind me, it looks like a quality weapon and I thought I could sell it somehow."

He seemed to believe my lie, started to smile slightly and gestured for me to get on.

After getting on the carriage, our journey was long. We had to camp for one night. I didn't know I was this far from the area called Rukongai.

During the camp, I asked the old man where this place was.

But the old man doesn't know what this place is either. He said he woke up here one day when he opened his eyes.

We had to sleep on an empty stomach without eating anything. Because we're leaving early tomorrow.

The next morning we passed through the gate of the area called North Rukongai. It was clear that this was a completely different place. There are more buildings than before, and I also see a lot of people, young to old.

I looked up at the huge walls on the horizon.

"Do you know what's behind those walls?"

"Hmm? Don't you know? It's the Seireitei where the Shinigami live a noble life."

So that's where, Seireitei.

I didn't think I'd find it so easily.

Now all I have to do is get in there with the seal and meet the man called Captain Marahiba.

After driving a little further in Rukongai by horse carriage, we stopped. After the old man got out of the car, so did I.

"We've come a long way. Shall we eat something together? You're hungry?"

Eventually a few bites will pass down my throat.

I accepted the old man's request without a second thought, and we walked into a small bar together. The bar was pretty quiet, there were few people compared to outside.

We sat down at one of the empty tables and started to eat and drink something. While I was eating, the old man asked me where I came from and what I was doing in that woodland.

I told him that I woke up the same way.

After answering their questions one by one, we finished our meal. I said I wanted to leave, taking the sword with me. After thanking the old man profusely, I left the bar.

After checking that everything is in place, I started to move towards the walls of the area called Seireitei.

As we approached the walls, at some points, as the old man said, there were people they called Shinigami.

The Shinigami were walking around laughing and having fun with each other.

I must move towards the entrance without attracting too much attention. When I came to a huge door, someone was sitting in front of the door, a man as big as the huge walls.

I guess this must be the monster they call the watchman.

After stopping in front of the watchman, the watchman opened one of his closed eyes and looked down at me. After extending the seal I had removed from my chest towards him, he raised his eyebrows and took the seal from my hand.

What is this seal doing in the hands of a boy like you?

He immediately stood up and blew on the trumpet that hung around his neck. It was such a loud noise that I was sure my ears would start bleeding if it continued a little longer.

Dozens of shinigami immediately gathered around the watchman.

"This boy has the Shinigami seal. Besides, he's holding a Zanpaktou. Arrest him now."

What will I be arrested for?

A few of the Shinigami immediately gathered around me and confiscated the zanpaktou and seal I was holding.

"How dare a boy like you kill a shinigami."

"Wait a minute... There's a misunderstanding. I didn't kill anyone."

"Haha... it sure is."

"I swear. Please listen, the person who gave it to me said I should speak to Captain Marahiba."

"Shut up!"

They put a piece of cloth over my head and I suddenly felt like I had been taken to another place. They took the piece out of my head. After locking the door on me, they disappeared in an instant in the same way.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

I don't know how long it has been since I was brought to this dark prison. There is no window through which I can understand time.

During this time, I tried to focus. I took a deep breath and started to exhale slowly.

I felt something stir inside me. When I strengthened my focus, that feeling completely changed. Now I can somehow see the presence of the people around me.

and someone was approaching me.

"May I know your name?"

Behind the bars was a man dressed as a shinigami, but there was a difference in the clothes this man wore. He wore a white dress over a black dress.

"My name is Jin Takeshi."

"Jin-kun... might you know something I should know?"

"Are you Captain Marahiba?"

"I am himself."

That's enough chapters for today. See you tomorrow with new episodes. :)

DazzleDreamcreators' thoughts