
Bleach: Spiritual Pathway (Multiverse fic)

This is a rewrite of my fic: Bleach: Achievement system. there's no fixed schedule for this fic, I will just drop a chapter here and there when I feel like it. Read if you want and don't if otherwise. And About those who are gonna complain about every single sh*t, don't read for I don't have the brain power to even argue with y'all. Thus, have a good read, or not.

AllBullshit · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
36 Chs

Title at the end

As he opened his eyes, Shin was welcomed by the sight of a beautiful figure sleeping on his chest, with dark skin and purple hair, he didn't need to actively remember what happened since his mind was clearer than ever.

Last night they had been at it till the morning, not that they were short of stamina since with their level of powers they could even fight for days on end, they arrived at some point and just decided to stop. After a quick shower together where they had another go at it, they have just lain on the bed and cuddled to sleep.

'Lune, what time is it?' Shin asked in his mind.

[10:04 am]

'So I roughly slept 4 hours huh.' He thought before remembering something so he quickly checked his system notifications.


Quest: More than a white paper

Information: You have recently met a potential mate but she is the kind to tease you because you are a virgin although she herself he very much so. Don't be the one on the receiving end and turn it around.

Objective: Lose your virginity to a woman. (completed)

secondary objective: Lose your virginity to a woman with a score of at least 70/100. (completed)

secondary objective: Lose your virginity to a virgin woman. (completed)

Hidden Objective: Lose your virginity to Yoruichi herself (completed)

Rewards: 1 Gacha Gacha ticket.

Time Limit: 3 months.

Notice: With every secondary objective accomplished another Gacha ticket will be added to the reward.

[Do you wish to receive the rewards?] (Yes/No)


'So there was a hidden reward as well? Sweet.' Without much hesitation, he clicked on yes and saw the reward being deposed in his inventory.

Now he wondered if he should attempt Gacha right now or wait a bit before trying... But before he could come to a decision, he felt Yoruichi's body tremble a little as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Morning, naughty cat." He greeted her with a kiss on the lips and she reciprocated. "Morning..." She said but didn't budge, just stayed there hugging him, she was feeling too comfortable to move right now.

She was not the only one, seeing her snuggling closer, Shin also didn't feel like doing anything anymore so he put the Gacha on hold, for now, he could do it a little later.

Since they were nudes under the cover, the sensation of their skin touching felt really great, even though Shin was hard right now due to the stimulus, he didn't particularly feel like getting all sexual right now. Their current comfort was enough for him, he felt loved and his heart warmed more and more.

He wanted more of his feeling so, he switched positions and buried his face between her breast, and hugged her waist. Yoruichi didn't speak and merely coiled a leg around his waist as well, then as if instinctively, started to fondle his hair.

Like that, time passed, minutes after minutes and they soon fell back asleep once again. When they woke up once again it was already the afternoon and they couldn't stay like this forever, they had things to do.

So after a shower and breakfast, they all went their individual ways. Yoruichi left for Urahara's shop while Shin didn't directly depart, instead, he decided to stay a little longer to draw his Gacha.

Sitting on the Sofa in the living room he instructed. "Lune, use all the tickets." He'd rather do it like that rather than one by one.

[Command received... Drawing...]

[You have received...]


Complete Summoning Package 'Bayonetta' (Bayonetta the game)

Skill Orb 'Time Skip' (DBS)

Skill Orb 'Third Eye' (Memories)

Essence of 'Miraculous Aspect' (CYOA)


Letting the 'Time Skip' and the 'Third eye' aside from now, he was quite surprised as he didn't know that he could get character summoning as a Gacha reward. Also, what was a complete package? He wondered.

[The complete package means that the summoned characters will not only come with their own personal items, main weapons, and loved items to be more precise but also, you will be able to create a background for them in the world they are summoned in.] As reliable as ever, Lune didn't fail to explain everything to Shin without any problem.

"So... In Bayonetta's case, she will come with her Guns..." He muttered as he thought about it a little more.

[Yes, after her summoning those Items will be deposed in your Inventory so it's up to you to give it to her or not based on your liking.]

"That's good, so the most important question is... can those summonses betray me in any way?" He was not willing to call forth anyone if there was even a slight possibility of it backfiring.

[Those summonses have accepted to 'serve' you on their own free wills thus they can't in any way betray you, It has been made that, such thought will never occur to them, but that doesn't mean that they will obey all of your orders since they will retain their original personality. They may not obey you, but they can't betray you, it's up to you to make them serve you in any way you wish.]

"What do you mean that they accepted by their own free wills?" Shin had an idea but still wanted to hear it.

[The summons will be alternate version of themsems from multiple parallel version of their own words, those selectioned have been sent an invitation ether after their death or in a moment of dire need and danger, If they decide to accept then, they will appear in the possible summoning list of the Gacha and if they don't then, they will forget that they received the offer in the first place.]

That does seems in line with what Shin Imagined it would be like, so he wasn't much surprised by this revelation.

"So there is also the possibility to obtain Essences? That was my biggest surprise to be honest."

Was that no too overpowered? Like bruh... some essences where off the chart, if he could get something like Essence of Hypercompetence or Skill creation, he would automatically became way more op than he actually was, in comparison Essence of Miraculous aspect was a bit more tame.

It description was as follow:


Essence of Miraculous Aspect

By consuming this Essence you begin to tap into an exalted force, a fundamental level of existence that raises you from mere flesh and blood to a sort of idealized embodiment of action and capability.

* The first thing this Essence does is purge all weaknesses. Regardless of your prior condition you gain a strong healthy body of your ideal appearance.

* You are exceptionally resistant to environmental hardships and illness, you can survive on a vastly reduced amount of sustenance or sleep - although you still need some - and you do not age past the prime of life (save possibly cosmetically, if you so choose) and will revert to the prime of life if already beyond that age.

* You can perform any action that you have the capability to do with ease and grace. So long as you have the mental focus and ability to take any action at all, even for just a moment, you can keep acting without any regard for physical or mental endurance. Supernatural limitations such as a finite mana pool or whatever still apply.

* You possess miraculous aptitude and inherent mastery for any action you could attempt without other supernatural powers. Even without training you would already have skill and knowledge equal to a truly amazing athlete, scientist, artist, warrior, scholar, or other professional in any such field, and specialized training or study only enhances this further.

* In addition, your every action has this extra something of flawlessness and cinematic competence. You have perfect balance, perfect execution unless your attempt is actively interfered with, and perfect timing. Any action you attempt is completed in the earliest of the following timespans that seems even vaguely plausible under the circumstances; practically instantly, at just the right time, or just barely in the nick of time.

* On top of your preternatural skills and execution, your raw physical and mental ability is raised to superhuman levels. You have strength like a bear's, speed like a striking snake's, a mind like a living computer, senses enhanced as if by machinery, and all the rest of it. Even if your mundane power already exceeded human limits - i.e., if you already were a bear or suchlike - you'd still at least double your strength and/or potence from this Essence.

* You gain total conscious control over your body and mind - every muscle, every sinew, every tiny little portion. Your body becomes supernaturally light and agile, and you can practically run on top of grass or balance on a thread. Your mind becomes equally precise, effortless, and controlled. Thinking is always fun and easy, and you can do things like perfectly index and reorganize your memories, actively practice rationality, consciously regulate your emotions, build and model independent perspectives in your head, think coherently about many things at once, etc.

*Lastly, your energy is one that's miraculous in nature, able to not only assimilate but also reproduce any kind of energy you come in contact with, thus you are now able to access power systems differents from your ogirinal one as long as you wish to do so. Also your energy can nor be sealed nor drained from your body by any third party without your consent.


Seems Amazing right? But this one although good enough, compared to the really good ones was still lacking in many way, but still he will not complaint about getting such a good reward, considering he could have got something like a Cake manipulation...

[Although Essences are obtainable in the Gacha, they are the rarest possible prize along with Character template and Abilities such as Nigh Omnipotence or the like... thus It's recommended for you to not expect another one anytime soon, though it's still a possibility since it's random.]

Yeah, Yeah, would you look at that? So much previsible, anyway it's good to know that He can also obtain Template as a prize.

Next, the last one that took my attention since He already knew the details about Time Skip, he knew how op it was already so he focused his attention on the last one.


Third Eye: The Third Eye transcends the concepts of a regular eye and is in the supernatural category. It extends beyond simply 'seeing' and analyzes through a form of higher-order thinking. When reaching a certain level it can observe past and future events and see a person surface thoughts.


This one was from 'Memories' a story from the same creator of the 'The Second Comming Of Gluttony' He remember it being the twin ability of the mc from the TSCOG the 'Nine eyes/ Future gauging eyes'

This skill would make a fine addition to his collection since it meshed well with his already existing power set... at least that was what he thaught.

"Now the question is where should I start? I won't be summoning Bayonetta... yet, so now I have to decide whatever I should Integrate with the Skill orbs first or the Essence?"

[The order doesn't really matter, the result will be the same, the host shouldn't worry about any possible loss, it's even possible to do everything at the same time.]

"Then there's no use thinking about it." As he said he first retrieved the two skill obrs and let them go through his chest, absorbing them and receiving the necessary knowledge on how to use them.

Directly after that, his hand reached for the Essence golden potion in his inventory and without a second though, he gulped everything in a single go, not letting even a single drop in the bottle.

A second after his whole being started glowing in a golden light as Shin felt change happening through his whole beings, the change was nor truly physical nor spiritual, it was conceptual, his whole nature as a concept was being remodeled... It didn't feel bad or painful.

Rather it felt refreshing, elevating, liberating, enlightening, it was miraculous... no, he became miraculous, that was his new nature.

Several minute later the light faded, Shin clenched his fist before opening them, he felt really different right now, even the feeling he was giving was different, that was the result of his very nature changing.

Of course he became a little bit stronger but the grow was almost negligible, what was the strength of a bear compared to his prior strength that could already destroy a city with just his spiritual pressure alone.

The other change though were something else, he felt like he could easily accomplish anything he wanted as long as he was willing to put the smalest effort in it, and that feeling was as incredible as it was boring.

What would be the excitement of this? But it was also fine, a smile price to pay for salvation...

The brain related changes though, although welcomed didn't bring much, he could already do most of those with the help of Lune, but let's say that it is also good since he could now also do it without her help.

But what was making him marvel the most was his body, he felt like he could control however he pleased, he could control every single muscle and fiber of his being. To put it simply it was like he achieved Seimei Kikan in One Piece, that was the closest description he could find.

Taking a deep breath, he felt like that was enough for now, it was time to go home.

Leaving the house and locking the door behind since he received a double of the keys from his catwoman... Felt good to say it. She were his and his alone... 'mine' he though with a dangerous slime but even this smile due to his recent change had another feel to it.

As he walked home, his already handsome appearance seemed to have been enhanced somehow although there was no physical change to speak about. It was all in the way he carried himself, the way he walked, looked, breathed, existed even, the people around couldn't help but give him way and admire his presence as if it was how it should be. Just like you would naturally knell before a God in reverence, you have no other choice but to admire his being, for he was miracle personified.

Shin of course remarked how people reacted to his new 'nature' although it felt a little awkward at first, trying to get used to it, his new nature did his work, and minutes later he adapted to the point that it was like it had been happening to him since years.

As he stood before the door of the Kurosaki residence, Shin was assaulted by a bad foreboding... Like something was poking his skull... With his amazing deduction ability and thinking speed he soon discovered that it was because of the 'third eyes' his recently acquired skill.

He used the skill at the maximum output he could muster and what he perceived was something that shocked him to the core, but controlling his emotion, he didn't just his movement technique, he used his newly obtained 'Time-skip' along with it and Skipped a first time in the house, a second time to Yuzu who was in her room and took her with him, a second skip to his family clinic, he took hold of Isshin and with a third skip they all appeared in the living room of their house where Karin was sitting beside someone.

It happened so fast that almost nobody realised what happened, none could react properly. As Shin stand in the Living room with the others behind him, he talked, his voice as cold as Rukia future Bankai.

"What are you doing here?" Shin asked the figure that comfortably sitting before the tv, with a bowl of snack in his hand and a smile plastered on his face.

Seeing the figure Isshin eyes widened in surprise, he couldn't even speak due to the shock. Yuzu and Karin however were merely confused, not knowing what to do.

"Should I understand that I am not welcomed here?" The calm but unsettling voice of a man answered but with another question.

"Onichan, what are you doing? Isn't he your friend? He had been waiting for you since a- while already." Karin quickly regained her calm as she said but her sentence wasn't even completed as she found herself also beside the others, behind Shin.

"Friend? I have no such friend. Answer my question what are you doing here?" Not for a single second did his eyes leave the man's figure, he was prepared to take him down, if he remarked the slightest suspicious movement.

"Although I can not be considered your friend yet, I did come with Good will." The figure spoke as he slowly posed the bawl of snack on the table next to him.

"Good will? From a man like you? Don't kid me. So, Will you tell me what you are doing here or should I make you talk?" Shin said, his eyes glowing with a dangerous gleam.

"Someone like you has nothing to do here... Sosuke Aizen!"


Chapter title: Gacha and Guest

Don't ask too many question and wait for the next chapter, there is a reason why Shin didn't directly attack him, thus keep your thoughts on that matter to yourself... I don't need them.

This Plot twist though... Told you, Bullshit is my Dao.