
Bleach: Spiritual Pathway (Multiverse fic)

This is a rewrite of my fic: Bleach: Achievement system. there's no fixed schedule for this fic, I will just drop a chapter here and there when I feel like it. Read if you want and don't if otherwise. And About those who are gonna complain about every single sh*t, don't read for I don't have the brain power to even argue with y'all. Thus, have a good read, or not.

AllBullshit · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
36 Chs

Nelliel's concerns and Vision

Nelliel... was at a loss. She didn't know what she should do about her recent... circumstance.

After joining Shin-sama and obtaining a new life, she of course was grateful to the man who offered such an opportunity to her. She was never one who liked needless fighting. If there was not a justifiable reason for it... like revenge or to protect someone... and also on the order of Shin-sama. His will was always a priority for her and the other Arrancars, It was absolute even.

She wouldn't even think about it twice if he were to order him to die... not that Shin-sama was someone who would give such an order.

That was also why Nelliel just couldn't understand how Harribel's hesitation. She had been given the chance to become a lover of Shin-sama be she was still hesitant about it, asking for some time so that she could think about it. But Nelliel still knew that she was one of the most loyal to Shin-sama perhaps only second to Her and Ulquiorra...

Plus there was no need for her to fear the ire of Yoruichi-sama since from what Nelliel heard she was okay with Shin-sama having multiple lovers after a talk with Shin-sama. She even heard from Yoruichi-sama that it was not rare for members of the nobles Shinigami family to take multiple wives due to the fact that Strong Shinigamis have more trouble procreating. So she was already used to it and had been educated about that as a possible outcome.

Even then convincing someone like Yoruichi-sama to accept such a thing wouldn't be easy considering her individual strength. She must really be deeply in love with him, as expected of Shin-sama.

Anyway, Shin-sama even took some of his off and spent it with her, just to get to know her better, and as expected of Shin-sama he was easily able to get her to love him although she was the kind to not speak much. Shin-sama is really without equal after all.

Moving on, Nelliel until now was just happy to be able to spend time with the figure of her admiration even if it was by merely being his secretary and assistant.

Though she didn't think she was in love with him or anything such, she personally wouldn't even dare to refuse if Shin-sama wanted to take her as a lover. it would be her greatest honor.

She didn't love him, at least that was what she thought until recently.

Although Shin-sama had always been handsome, good-looking, personable, attractive, dashing, clean-cut, elegant, graceful, and lovely. And every single one of his actions seemed like a cinematic masterpiece, his every gesture seemed to come from a painting drawn by Da Vinci himself.

After coming out of the Dangai and reaching Adulthood, it was fair to say that he reached perfection. For Nelliel, none was worthy of such a word if not Shin-sama. He was just too magnificent to look at. Even his voice... seemed like the temptation of the devil.

At that time, she found herself blushing without even realizing it, she just couldn't help it. Not only her she saw Lilynette have the same reaction too. Although she couldn't see Harribel's due to her long collar, she was sure that her reaction was not much different.

After that, she had been so taken in by him that she even had trouble thinking properly for a moment. But soon she calmed down, she couldn't let herself go like that or Shin-sama might find she wasn't suitable to be her secretary.

She was lucky to be the one chosen to accompany him while the others went on their own ways... Then they met those two humans, one of which particularly attracted the interest of Shin-sama.

Nelliel Thought that the young man should have felt grateful for such an opportunity, instead he dared to use his skill on Shin-sama. She almost lost it and crushed him to death with her spiritual pressure.

Once again, Nelliel didn't like unnecessary conflict, but that time was justified since he acted against Shin-sama. Fortunately for him, Shin-sama is merciful, understanding, and magnanimous choosing to forgive his aggression.

(She doesn't even notice how dangerous her thoughts are.)

Then after Shin-sama's introduction, they started to fear and respect him from their heart... as they should. It was the natural order. She was even revolted that they had to hear his introduction before acting as such, but it was understandable, Humans are ignorant beings.

After they asked politely almost begging for it, Shin-sama accepted to go to their house.

(Yep, she is deep in guys, her mind seems to twist the way the original event went, by itself.)

Then followed a discussion where Shin-sama decided to take him as his disciple, making him officially his inheritor since Shin-sama doesn't have a child yet.

Now she would have to address him as Jihan-sama.

Though she wanted to say something about it, she didn't dare to do so, and she also didn't want to embarrass herself due to the fact that her Skill in speaking Korean was not that great yet. Yoruichi-sama was also the same.

Although Shin-sama gave them all the necessary knowledge to fluently understand Korean, speaking it was a bit more difficult and required some more practice.

Thought since Shin-sama was Shin-sama he was able to speak fluently like a native without any problem. He is so great... Nelliel thought.

Now comes the part of her concerns. After Getting the house constructed for them by the human magician Lolikiano Mistrim... And Shin know she was surprised that such beings existed along with other kinds of mystical entities in this world after obtaining knowledge about it.

She decided to forgive her a little bit for her insolence of not recognizing Shin-sama seeing how great the house she offered as apologies were.

She certainly liked the Kitchen and the Theater room the most.

When it came to choosing a room of her own... she first unconsciously thought about sleeping in the same room as Shin-sama and Yoruichi-sama but she quickly threw that thought away.

Then she decided on the next best room, the one closest to Shin-sama's so she could attend to his need the quickest possible if he were to need her for something.

She installed herself, took a shower, and make herself comfortable on the bed. Soon though she started hearing voices and sounds from the next room.

Turned out, the other side of the wall her bed was next to, given to the bathroom of their room.

With Shin and Yoruichi not even trying to be quiet, she ended up hearing everything... that and the fact that she had enhanced hearing.

She ended up, letting herself go, taken by the excitement, and started masturbating herself for the first time in her life. She so wanted to be in Yoruichi-sama's place that she started imagining it.

She wanted to be talked to like that, she wanted to be handled like that, she wanted to be pounded like that, she wanted to be spanked like that. All of that by Shin-sama.

As she thought, imagined, and masturbated, she ended up reaching the first orgasm of her life. And man did it was something. Turn out she is a squirter... but she was able to restrain herself so as to not make any sound.

It was after some time that Nelliel, lying on her bed, facing the roof of her room. muttered slowly.

"I really do love Shin-sama after all."

Now she knew it, but here comes the hard part, how was she supposed to tell Shin-sama of her feelings? He didn't seem particularly interested in her but rather Harribel-sama.

(She started unconsciously adding the "sama" since she arrived at the conclusion that Harribel would end up reciprocating Shin's feelings.)

"I can only keep my feelings to myself and do my best for now... Hopefully, Shin-sama will notice my feelings and dedication."


The next morning, Shin opened his eyes as he felt a familiar weight and feeling bearing on his body. Looking a little down, it was of course it was the nude figure of Yoruichi. They ended up continuing on their bed and tested it out at the same time. Shit was marvelous.

Now the smell of sex and horny was all around the room, it needed urgently to be cleaned and aired. Though that wasn't his current thought since he was more focused on Yoruichi's figure for now.

"I know you're already awake, don't pretend to sleep." He said as he lightly pulled her cheek.

"Stop... I just waited for you to wake up." She said as she took his that he used to pull her cheeks and put on her ass... "Ain't that better?" She asked cheekily with an eye open.

"That certainly is." He said as he squished it a number of times, her ass was firm and tender at the same time... truly a marvel of nature.

"Though you are a sleeper, it seems like your ruler is not..." She said as she reached for his Dick.

"And whose fault is it?" Shin asked teasingly.

"Then since it's my fault, guess I should take care of it." She said with a little blush as she started stroking it. It seemed that was not the limit of her question since soon enough her position shifted and she started using her mouth.

"Seems like you didn't have enough last night." Yoruichi said as she momentarily stopped sucking it.

"Did you?" Shin asked back to which she smile.

And Once again, they were back at it... Poor Nelliel, she definitely would want to be of the party.

Shin didn't know of her feelings nor did he know of what she did last night to the fact that he intentionally restricted his spiritual sense to not breach on her privacy.


Harem King's Realm- South Korea- Earth- The Gamer World.

In one of the few sub-realm connected to South Korea, in a medieval-style castle. A man with red hair and blue eyes was seated on a sofa that seemed strangely out of place.

Before him a table and TV. On the table reposed a bowl of chips.

But the man in question was not looking at the TV nor was he eating the chips on the table. The reason? Something interesting yet seemingly impossible came to his senses.

He suddenly felt some strange, really strange spacial fluctuation. It was unlike the conventional pattern of spacial manipulation through magic. And the way it interacted with the law of the world was just as strange. It reminded him of something...

The laws of the world itself seemed to find difficult to recognize it. That was what really attracted his attention and curiosity.

He his shot in a certain direction, as he seemed to peer through the walls of his castle, the boundary of his own sub-realm, he gaze, ignoring all physical and magical obstruction locked on a certain place.

The dungeon created by those two-bits guys who want to create a weak-ass God out of the power of thoughts of countless normal humans. That reminded him that he had to warn them not to mess up Jihan. Speaking wasn't this him? And this little girl... Lolikiano was it? Certainly, a talented magician whom he met around eight years ago.

"Hm, so he is the one responsible for this..." Jin Daejeon spoke as he kept observing as a strange man holding a black cat followed by an even stranger green-haired woman with a skull on her head walked out of the equally strange portal.

"The surprising thing is, I am unable to discern their Origin and Identity... even with my eyes." That would shock many being at the top of the world, considering he could even peer through Heaven and Hell with these very eyes of his.

"I don't have any other choice it seems..." He said as his eyes started to shine brightly and he muttered.

"First Transcendental Right... Suspicion."

The world seemed to have lost all color to his eyes as everything was decomposed within his vision. Shape, form, color, the world itself, and the laws that govern it were all bare for him to see and discern.

"Hahahaha, so that's how it is! An outer! They are outers appeared!" He suddenly started laughing like a maniac. Seemingly more than amused about his discovery.

"He even tried to hide his along with his two companions' information by covering themself with even more information... An absurd amount at that. For a normal being, it would be impossible to get any kind of remote information on them against his will. Still, it's amazing how he was able to cover their existence this way." Jin Daejeon took some ships and started chewing.

"Even then, that won't be enough to cover his traces, soon enough Gods, Demon Gods, the Heavenly ten, and even Gaia herself will come to notice his existence. At his level, he can not hide from them." He spoke to himself. "Hm...? Seems like Gaia already did."

"That was to be expected, he is an intruder after all... To think he would be able to intrude on this world without passing through the portals protected by the ninth Gates... unexpected... truly unexpected."

"Thought I discovered that much, his maximum strength is still hidden, and judging as to how he is able to hide his information like that... if I tried to get more information about him personally, he might realize it... since it seems like he has an authority of sort over knowledge." The man started thinking. I knew the man was the strongest of the lot.

"Hm... Now the question is... is he a threat to this world or not? He seems to be interested in Jihan... At least I will observe for a bit. As long as he is not a Universal level threat, it would be fairly easy to take care of him. I can reach them almost instantly after all."

"I will wait and see how many layers into transcendence he will reach after Gaia's Heavenly Decree..." He didn't comment much on that...

With that He stood up as he disappeared from his realm, he would warn... some entities from putting Jihan in danger even if they were to take action against him.


As you may have seen, I have made this world slightly AU, it's so I can have more freeway and more creative.

Many things will look unfamiliar at first but trust me, soon enough you will understand... Yep, I have amped the verse considerably since I am planning to make it one of his home worlds. But that he doesn't know yet...

Also, I took some inspiration from the World After the Fall for what the people in this world will call (Layered Transcendence)

Hm... I almost forgot, seems like my fic disappear from all power ranking. Can someone explain to me why and what is going on?

That would be much appreciated, please.