An out of breath Yon was following the way towards his home that he remembers exactly from the body's memories while looking back from time to time to check if he was being followed.
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, I guess- ha- I've- ha finally lost them- hah." He takes in a mouthful of oxygen to calm himself down. "Sigh... that would have been bad if I died again wew," Yon found himself a bench by the sidewalk to sit on and rest.
It wasn't even night time yet as it was just a few minutes ago after his class ended. However the sun was on it's way down and people are already making their way home. Yon was trying to calm himself down while sitting on a bench on his way back home.
'those guys...' a memory flashed back in his mind of what happened as the hollow made a shrieking sound when Yon was attracting a lot of souls awhile ago. As soon as he heard it he shouted about not dying a second time, and then he subconciously scanned where the hollow was just like what he did in the classroom. It was like an automatic response his body made, and because of this he was able to know where the hollow was coming from.
But it wasn't only the hollow that he felt from a distance. He also felt a group of individuals possesing incredible reiryoku that far outclassed his. If his was comparable to a Boulder then those individuals possess reiryoku comparable to a mountain.
"They must be the Soul Reapers... I'm sure they were able to see that I attracted those pluses and that hollow. I wonder why they haven't followed me.?"
"Since that's the case, I might as well go straight to this body's home and think what to do next once I'm there."
A few moments later
Yon was now in front of his home.
'If I remembered it correctly in a lot of anime, Japanese people always say something when going out or when they come back home right? then-'
"Grandpa, I'm home!" he greeted and opened door.
'huh? Did I just added grandpa?' Yon once again subconciously did something he didn't intended to.
"Welcome back Yon! How was school today?" asked an old man with a combination of black and white hair.
"Uhm, it was, okay I guess?"
"Huh?" the old man was surprised to hear Yon's reply since normally Yon wouldn't even bother answering. The new Yon who probably realised this through his memories tried to fix it.
"I mean, It was the same as usual. You know, people just minds their own bussiness hehe anyway, good night!" he couldn't even fix his sentence properly as he went to his room as fast as he could.
"I'll call you later for dinner, just rest first and don't sleep!"
"Yes, Grandpa." answered Yon.
'What's wrong with my grandson? did something happen to him? maybe we should consider moving to another town again. sigh' the old man who was wondering about Yon's weird behaviour was his grandfather. His name is Tokisawa Chouji. This old man is a kendo instructor and a teacher, despite his age at 51 he was still energeticc and could still earn some income to support his grandson.
Ever since his daughter and Son in law died 7 years ago. He was the only family member Yon could rely on. However 4 years ago when Yon couldn't meet his parents' souls, the boy's depression also affected the Old man that his immediate reaction was to move out so that his grandson would be able to interact with new people who doesn't know about his past. That's why he was definitely surprised by Yon's sudden reply to him earlier.
Meanwhile inside his room Yon was lying down his bed with both his hand folded over his head while pondering what he'll do now. 'Spirit energy huh'
Yon lifted his right hand and focused to feel his spirit once more. 'Amazing! I can even feel grandfather's soul below.' His senses started to spread outside of the house. Yon then got up and sat on a lotus position to concentrate more.
'Woah, I can even sense the neighbors next door. hmmmn, So I can cover as far as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 blocks of houses huh. That's a lot for 7 years old kid. But I guess it's only right since this world has a lot of crazy monsters that transcends humanity.'
'besides knowing the place i'm in and the timeline. the most pressing matter would be becoming powerful enough to protect myself both from a hollow and shinigami.'
'But what do I need to do to make that happen?' his line of thought was suddenly interrupted by an old man's voice.
"Yon! Dinner's ready, come down and eat with me."
While they started eating dinner the old man kept on staring at Yon intently making him pressured to say something so it stops.
"What is it grand pa? Is there something on my face?" he asked as politely as possible.
"Nothing much, it's just that I'm glad you finally don't look that much depressed anymore"
"Oh that. Well sooner or later I will have to accept that I really can't meet them anymore right? since that's how normally it is when a person dies?"
"Yes normally. But you being able to see ghost is a different matter. I think it's about time we move to another place, right?"
"Sure, But where grandpa?"
"Well there's a school that I can easily transfer in karakura town. You can also transfer to the middle shcool in there. What do you think?"
'Well what do you know. One of my problem just solved itself.'
"I agree grandpa. How soon are we going to move?" asked Yon excitedly.
"Hahaha, this is the first time I'm seeing you eager to move to a new place. We'll start moving on the weekend. For now take the last day tommorow at school and say your good byes to your teacher and classmates" 'But they don't even care about me so why bother?'
"Can I not go school tommorow? They won't care if I don't anyway. And I'm sure they'll be more than happy to know I'm moving out" the old man's expression turned serious at the sudden statement of his granson.
"Okay, then you can stay here so that I can take care of it all. Don't go out while I'm away."
"ofcourse grandpa, it's not like I have any friends to play with. I'll just stay and maybe watch something." Yon said cheerfully but his Chouji's heart was hurt by his grandson's reasoning.
"I'm done!"
"Brush your teeth before going back to bed. I'll take care of the dishes."
"Yes Grandpa."
Inside his room Yon was once again sitting in a lotus position.
'In the anime, Ichigo would level up by experience on fighting and training. But that's not an option to a 7 years old me right now.'
'I wonder if absorbing spirit energy in the atmosphere counts? but how do I control my spirit energy in the first place? I can feel it right now inside me and I can even sense grandpa's'
'let's try doing it the way Gohan taught it to Videl in Dragonball and see' Yon then concentrated and put up his hands together aligned to his chest. He willed and thought for his spirit energy inside him to go out and gather to his center in between his hands. At first nothing happened.
Then 5 mins passed.
10 mins...
After half an hour his legs started to feel tired but to his delight spirit energy from inside his body started gathering the way he thought and wanted it to be. 'I'm doing it!'
All that fatigue he felt fade away by the succesful attempt that he made. Yon got off from his bed and stood up. 'if that was possible. Then is it possible to also fly?' Yon closed his fist and bring them up halfway just like how saiyans would pose when powering up.
Once again Yon willed his spirit energy to push him up from the soles of his feet. However contrary to what he intended his spirit energy didn't just rush out from the soles of his feet but throughout his whole body.
He could see his bed and desk starts to shake. Everything inside his room even the light on the ceiling was flickering as it shakes. 'Hmmmn? this must be my spiritual pressure. But that's not what I wanted to happen.'
Yon stopped his spirit energy from going out of his body. 'maybe instead of willing it to push me up, I should try gathering it first' Yon then closed his eyes as he imagined his spirit energy gathering to the soles of his feet the same way he gathered it towards his center earier.
Since he was already familiar of controlling his spirit energy after just two attempts it didn't take him long to be able to gather them at the soles of his feet. When Yon opened his eyes, he could see his spirit energy gathering at his feet.
"Hmmn... It's not possible to fly huh... but seeing that I'm still somewhat succesful in gathering them... then how about I, hup!" Yon tried to jump
"Oww!!!" Yon fell down to the floor after hitting the ceiling with his head . "Yup it works..." he weakly commented.
He got up and tried to gather spirit energy once more to his feet. "Doing this gives me some sort of power up to my movement. Just now I was able to jump high enough to reach the ceiling. I might even have been able to jump higher if I was ouside. Then how about moving forward?"
Yon focused and tried to rush towards his door. Bang!
"Oww!" This time Yon hit the door with his face. All that pain doesn't seem to bother him much.
The important thing is that he was able to grasp a movement speed technique uniquely to himself as a human being. Although it pales in comparison to shunpo, it was better than nothing. Soul Reapers and Vizards can do this by their sheer speed without using Yon's method since they are already souls unlike him who has a physical body.
Shunpo, a technique used by a Soul Reapers and Vizards alike which is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps.
In contrast, a Quincy's movement technique however is almost the same as what Yon just did to the point that they gather Reishi under their feet but unlike him a quincy "rides" them to the desired location while Yon's movement was powered up or enhanced only. The Quincies called their movement technique Hirenkyaku.
"This is going to be a long night but I like it!" Yon commented to himself cheerfully.
And so with the curiosity just like any other anime fan would have if they were on his shoes he started experimenting with his spirit energy. At first he hit his face a lot to the walls of his room, but he was able to slowly control it by not only focusing on his feet but his whole body. By doing this he was able to measure the amount of Spirit energy/Reishi needed to move so he doesn't accidentally hit onto something.
He was also able to notice that it wasn't only his movement that speeds up when performing the technnique. His body movement speed, reaction and perception were all enhanced at the same time.
It wasn't until 4 in the morning that he stopped due to exhaustion and his spirit energy running dry. Tokisawa Yon slumped to his bed tiredly and slept the moment he did so.
Before he transmigrated, he was not like this. As a loner with no interest in almost anything in the world his attention revolved around in anime, manga and novels. But now that he was inside the world of an anime, he began to change drastically due to his interest on what he's able to do and exploring more of what he might discover.
End of Chapter 2
So yeah. I'm doing this slowly. Unlike my first work which was very much rushed. I will be taking my sweet time on this one.
It's okay to drop anytime but for those with open mind, may you enjoy the ride reading.!