
Bleach: From You to Me

The year is ~900 A.D., social upheaval and tensions rise within Soul Society as souls battle for their right to live with dignity. Some die in the human world, being thrown into the deep end as they navigate life after death. Some are born as souls, knowing only the brutal, poverty-stricken nature of their 'Paradise'. In this shallow world, ambitions fester into obsessions. Souls break down and begin anew, forging themselves into Shinigami. Those who rule over life and death. Ones who attain power beyond imagination. Power that can craft one's perfect world. But what if you didn't need power? What if all you needed was someone to listen? Someone to be there. Someone who can guide you through the challenges of the afterlife. A person or people who want nothing more than to exist for just one moment, nothing more. Kindred souls meet in the bloodiest area in North Rukongai, Akachou. In a place where families are built on bonds rather than blood, a group of lost souls learn what it means to live for the first time. Join a small family as they find purpose, shape their identity, and heal alongside one another. Slight AU. Manga/Anime Mashup. Haven't delved into the novels. Do not own the cover. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Humans, I'll kick this off by saying that this is my maiden voyage for fanfics. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow, enjoying the process. I haven't done much creative writing at all. I ask you to enter without expectations and hopefully you'll leave having enjoyed at least some part of my attempt. If you find a little pleasure in only a couple chapters, I've done a decent job. That being said, please send your thoughts and critiques. Big or small, tough love or coaxing, I don't care, just as long as I can learn what it is I need to work on. Never discount your opinion, whatever it is, share what you're comfortable with. Then without further ado, I hope you'll sit back and gain something from this little story. AKD_Khmer To some happy boi hours.

AKD_Khmer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
78 Chs

Chapter 7: Returning Customers

The Tengoku teahouse continued its service, hosting customers under pleasant weather. Children stopped by to pick up a skewer of their favorite rice dumplings, taking off into the street with their friends when they finished. The elderly stood in line awaiting a chance to rest their sore muscles. Over the past three months, a number of changes could be seen in Akachou.

Gangs were becoming increasingly violent since the absence of Furoufushi became apparent. Though conflict between groups flared up, Tengoku was left untouched. It was a tacit agreement. No resident of North Rukongai wanted to damage the haven, not that they could in the first place. But that didn't stop some fools from trying to take advantage of the neutral zone.

In a side booth, a suspicious man fiddled with a cloth pouch. His shifty behavior was obvious to everyone. The twitching of his face and shifting eyes created an air of nervousness around him. Scanning the crowd of incoming guests, he waited for someone specific.

However, his face paled when he saw a different person approach the table at his side booth.

"Fuck outta here. We don't allow that shit inside here."

Furoufushi stood in front of the table, looking down at the nervous man. Her face was unsmiling, leaving no room for negotiation. The singular violet eye pierced the man as if he were transparent.

He gave a wry chuckle before trying to defuse the tension.

"Hehe~. I'm not sure what you're talking about young miss."

*Smash* *Clatter*

Furoufushi slammed the empty tray in her hands down onto the table. Everyone in the tea house focused on the happenings in the side booth. Her hands now supported her body as she leaned over the table. The smile she wore was 'friendly', some patrons shivered at the sight. They had seen the bone-chilling scenes a handful of times.

Furoufushi raised a single hand and pointed toward the suspicious man's frazzled yukata. She spoke with a certain mirth, while others couldn't help but hear the menacing tone.

"Inside your yukata, the 'oh so hidden' sack of poppy dust. Leave. Now. Understand?"

The man began to sweat, his eyes darting around the tea house. Noticing everyone's appalled expression, he gulped.

*Rattle* *Rattle*

Furoufushi reached over the table and grabbed the man by the collar, wrenching it tightly, causing his breath to hitch. His shaking eyes traveled to her 'happy' face before looking down to see her free hand slip into her kimono. She grasped onto something within her kimono. A low hiss slithered out of Furoufushi's 'smiling' lips.

"Nod your head and leave…before you~ 'misplace' it."

*shhhh~* *trickle*

Furoufushi looked down to see a darkening damp patch on his pants, the scent of ammonia rose to her nose. A deep scowl formed; her disgust was evident in the immediate withdrawal of her hands. Without bowing, the man whimpered and sprinted away from the booth, holding his bladder desperately. Tears trailed down the side of his face as he passed the line of customers standing outside the entrance. Furoufushi watched for a second before leaving to pin a notice on the board.

Onlookers' eyes watched the crying man race down the street, the odd sight was not an uncommon occurrence. However, the eyes of the customers in line caught something even more peculiar, narrowing at a figure in the distance. The 'expressive' figure of a man swaggered down the road toward the tea house. Many faces formed into a grimace once they saw the man's Shinigami Shihakushou [Shinigami uniform].

His shortened black hakama bounced as his feet clad in green slippers danced down the dirt road, kicking rocks as he skipped. It was eye-catching, causing everyone to lock on to the spectacle.

His white haori was sleeveless, showing signs of stylized tears and frays. Underneath his haori was a similarly sleeveless black undergarment with green lining. His exposed dark arms weaved in and out in a mesmerizing sequence of moves.

"Whoop! Whoop! The man is here!"

Removing his rainbow-colored straw hat, he released his bountiful black hair, the sides of his head were shaved and dyed green. People couldn't help but watch in amazement at this point. He gave a dazzling smile, showing off his pearly teeth. Shuffling his feet in a certain rhythm, everyone was caught in his infectious mood.

*clap* *clap* "Although you might not know~, about the show~!"

*slide* *slide* "It's no surprise~! Since ya'll hide. Away from my spotlight~! Yeah! Yea!"

*tip-tap* "There's no need for hate~! Just watch, enjoy~, as I demonstrate~! Whoop! Whoop!"

The dark-skinned man made his way past the enthralled audience. Walking up to Tengoku, he was met with a woman with dark pink pigtails. Her right eye looked at him in disbelief, twitching at the 'show'. Even her scarred left eye was threatening to open in disbelief. Her hands were mounted on her hips in a show of force and caution. Closing her eye, she shook her head.

Opening her violet eye, Furoufushi prepared a question only to find the man had vanished from her sight. She turned around to find him casually sauntering past her into Tengoku, his back was relaxed and at ease. Her eyes narrowed at his back. Furoufushi had let down her guard for less than a second and the man's presence slipped past her as if nothing happened. She watched as the strange man walked up to a grinning Kenji.

The entire teahouse watched the exchange of greetings. The two men's words filled with a deep familiarity.

"Ee! Kenji~! It's been forever huh! Dap me up baby!" *clap* *smack* *smack*

Kenji and the man shared an intricate handshake, full of flourishing moves before sharing a one-armed hug.

Kenji released and placed a hand on the man's shoulder. His brilliant smile spoke volumes.

"Ouetsu, I see you still got the 'keys' to the house. Let me show you the kitchen real quick, we got some sweets."

Kenji turned to a startled Furoufushi, his face reverted to its usual resting expression.

"Fu-chan, take care of things."

"Yeah baby~! Could use some of that good stuff."

Ouetsu followed Kenji who was walking behind the counter toward the kitchen. He suddenly stopped and twirled before picking up Muhou from underneath the counter. At 172 cm in height, Ouetsu looked a little comical handling the peculiar 130 cm sword. He nodded, examining the sword on a surface level before turning around to enter the back hallway with Kenji.


Furoufushi finished wiping the tables clean. After making sure the area was spotless, she moved to lock the front door. The last rays of sun soaked the teahouse in radiant orange light. She stood at the open door, savoring the last waves of heat. Kenji and Ouetsu's loud voices reached the front door from the kitchen. Furoufushi was still surprised and curious about their relationship.

She'd spent several months with Kenji. He made sure to look out for her, that much she could see. Whether it was during training or work hours, she felt his proud gaze. Sometimes she could sense paternal concern in his black eyes, it was a novel emotion to her. While he treated her with attention and care, she'd never seen him smile as brightly as when he saw the mysterious theatrical man. When she saw Ouetsu pick up Muhou, her interest in the man's identity soared.

She walked around the counter toward the kitchen, her pace showed a slight hurry. Upon opening the kitchen door, she was met with a dense, sweet smell of liquor. Her eyes landed on the two men pouring drinks for one another. Kenji's cheeks adopted the same hue as his rose-red hair, as he occasionally swayed, leaning over the table at times. Ouetsu had to prop his elbow on the table, to keep his head from smashing the table. They were both completely wasted.

"O-hic -Ouetsu, this may have been a bad idea~ hehe~…"

Ouetsu bowed his head to Kenji. *thud* Only to faceplant on the surface of the table.

"I shoo~ shoodef paid atenshun~. Buutt~ thish realllly~ is the good sthuff~"

Ignoring the bumbling idiots, Furoufushi's right eye twitched when she saw Muhou, unsheathed, blade down, drowning in a large vat, filled with sake. Even the sword was drinking! Walking over to the cask of sake, she hovered her nose over it. Immediately, her nose stung at the strength of the alcohol content. It was way too strong for normal people. She made her way over to the stove to serve herself some leftover food before sitting at the table.

*creak* She pulled her seat up to the table arousing a reaction out of Kenji and Ouetsu.

*clap* Kenji clapped his hands bringing attention to himself. His hand gestured to Furoufushi while looking at Ouetsu.

"Ahh~! Before I forget! Ouetsu, this is my disciple and adopted daughter, Saitou Tengoku Furoufushi! Hic~."

He turned his face to Furoufushi, his black eyes were half-lidded in his drunken stupor.

"Fu-chan, this here is Nimaiya Ouetsu. He's into swords! Now he's working for the Soul King as a guard, one of two! The sly dog~" *sip*

He took another sip of sake.

Ouetsu's head lifted before throwing out three fingers in the air.

"Now itz~ three guards, Kirinji hopped in a lil' while back."

"Ah~! Kirinji, lil' bastard. Wow! I thought he was still hustling as a solo captain or whatever they call it now in there."

"Nah man~. He's got the keys now. Took my spot too!" *sippp*

*clatter* Furoufushi dropped her chopsticks at the news, veins protruding from her head in irritation. How exactly is this a casual introduction for her? Regaining her sanity, she turned to Ouetsu and gave a proper introduction, one she's been forced to work on during her dinner times.

"I'm pleased to meet you Nimaiya-san."

She bowed her head in greeting. Lifting her head to look at Ouetsu, he waved her off casually while sipping his drink.

*sipppp* "No need to be stiff! Hic~. Fu-chan, your teacher here values ya a lot, you know? Set for life to be real~!"

Furoufushi turned to look at the silent Kenji, who was on the brink of passing out. *SLAM* More like totally out…


She turned back to Ouetsu, who was now munching on some dango. Eating her food alongside the mysterious man, she was feeling curious. The sounds of chewing filled the room until she broke the silence.

"So, you're a Shinigami Nimaiya-san?" It was a rather obvious question, but she felt he was the type to humor people with honest answers and deep insights.

"Mn~. Could say that. Used to be a Captain back in the day."

He turned to face her; his glossy eyes showed wit.

Her eyebrow lifted at the answer. She was fully engaged now. "Aren't Captains just warlords in Seireitei?" Putting down her chopsticks. *click*

He gave a drunken nod, tracing his finger around the rim of his cup of sake. An amused, impressed smile spread on his lips.

Persuaded by the liquor, he gave his honest opinion.

"Yup. You know the game. Captain's a fancy word. Groups led by 'em, separated by schools and shit. No organization. Super messy 'cause some are fightin for control. Last I heard, like 20 warlords were fightin'. Silent ones ya gotta watch out for. It'll be cleaned up for sure. Everyone in line. It'll be weak as hell later though."