
Bleach: From You to Me

The year is ~900 A.D., social upheaval and tensions rise within Soul Society as souls battle for their right to live with dignity. Some die in the human world, being thrown into the deep end as they navigate life after death. Some are born as souls, knowing only the brutal, poverty-stricken nature of their 'Paradise'. In this shallow world, ambitions fester into obsessions. Souls break down and begin anew, forging themselves into Shinigami. Those who rule over life and death. Ones who attain power beyond imagination. Power that can craft one's perfect world. But what if you didn't need power? What if all you needed was someone to listen? Someone to be there. Someone who can guide you through the challenges of the afterlife. A person or people who want nothing more than to exist for just one moment, nothing more. Kindred souls meet in the bloodiest area in North Rukongai, Akachou. In a place where families are built on bonds rather than blood, a group of lost souls learn what it means to live for the first time. Join a small family as they find purpose, shape their identity, and heal alongside one another. Slight AU. Manga/Anime Mashup. Haven't delved into the novels. Do not own the cover. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Humans, I'll kick this off by saying that this is my maiden voyage for fanfics. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow, enjoying the process. I haven't done much creative writing at all. I ask you to enter without expectations and hopefully you'll leave having enjoyed at least some part of my attempt. If you find a little pleasure in only a couple chapters, I've done a decent job. That being said, please send your thoughts and critiques. Big or small, tough love or coaxing, I don't care, just as long as I can learn what it is I need to work on. Never discount your opinion, whatever it is, share what you're comfortable with. Then without further ado, I hope you'll sit back and gain something from this little story. AKD_Khmer To some happy boi hours.

AKD_Khmer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
78 Chs

Chapter 35: Closed Door Conspiracies

The skies over Soul Society are clear of clouds. Birds chirp, gliding through the blue sky, their vivid notes gathering into the perfect morning tune. As the morning sun rises, shadows slink back revealing clean, paved roads. Tiled roofs soak up the soft sunlight. Buildings made of immaculate, treated wood display a quality of opulent class.

The people entering and exiting these buildings are dressed in exquisite kimonos, haoris, kosodes, and hakamas. Some individuals radiate an air of superiority and arrogance, while others move about in focus and purpose. Shops begin to open on the streetside. The quality of their wares speaks of fine craftsmanship and rare resources.

With prosperous businesses and clean streets, this district has perfectly concealed its true nature. Groups of young men walk in pairs, patrolling the streets. Affable smiles plastered on their faces, but within their dress, knives and swords rest. Sometimes the pairs of men would visit a business and scan the wares. Met with a lack of resistance and stiff smiles, the men would grab something that caught their eye and leave.

Kitakana [北金庭], the 1st district of North Rukongai harbors these criminal syndicates so well, some of the noble houses that own nearby properties are completely unaware of their presence. Of course, this is because an interesting dynamic has been created. Shinigami warlords send their attendants for specific goods, sharing news of Seireitei. In turn, the extorted businesses and false fronts share news about Rukongai. As a result, syndicates learn of who not to touch, while the Shinigami can keep an 'eye' on their respective districts.

Kitakana's crime syndicate is headed by one woman, Kinmei. A fierce woman with an untouchable reputation. Her toned muscles and height of 178 cm add to her intimidating features. Two claw-like scars mar her lower right cheek. With long, wild blonde hair, sharp eyebrows, piercing blue eyes, and snarling lips, her entire persona screams authority and dominance. Her loose kimono adds an air of self-confidence. This woman runs one of the most profitable organizations in Soul Society.

And now, her subordinates are seeing a shocking new side of her today.

"Kin-chan. It's been years since I've heard from you. You're as beautiful as ever."

"Mo~! Aniki! You're embarrassing me! I'm super old now, you know! I just passed 300 years not too long ago."

"Nonsense, you still look like the same girl I taught politics and business to. I almost thought you were getting younger."

"MO~! So embarrassing!"

Besides Kinmei's two male attendants, Furoufushi and Batsu'unsai's eyes couldn't stop twitching. They sat on a couch in Kinmei's spacious office. The most powerful woman in North Rukongai, sat behind an ornate desk. Behind her was a window allowing a view of Kitakana's main street. Sat in front of the desk was Kenji, His usual attire contrasted everyone else's formal attire.

Furoufushi wore a pure black kimono. Her usual pigtails were substituted for a high ponytail. Batsu'unsai was forced to wear a pink and white kimono. Her low ponytail was raised too. Kinmei's hair was loose, draping over her strong shoulders. She wore a loose, elaborate blue kimono with white waves in the lining and at the hem.

Kinmei's snarling lips had curled up into a pretty smile. Her fluttering giggles and husky voice expressed her giddiness.

"Aniki looks the same as when I walked into Tengoku! Still as casual as ever. And that happi? How's that thing still alive?"

"Got plenty of spares. Can never be too prepared."

"Hehe~. I almost forgot how silly you could be. You haven't changed at all! So, these are the two I've heard about…"

Kinme's bright blue eyes turned to the two sisters. Furoufushi and Batsu felt a chill run up their spine as the 'friendly' blue eyes studied them. They looked to Kenji for help, an ominous smirk spread on his lips.

He yapped in realization.

"Oh! I forgot the introductions. Girls, this is Kinmei, she's from Akachou. She's the most powerful non-Shinigami in all North Rukongai, she'd be around the low Captain class. She was a street rat until I taught her some manners. Used to steal from me until I spanked her in front of the teahouse."

Kinme's lips thinned, a healthy blush glowing on her cheeks. Her toned body shrunk down two sizes. Before she could retort, Kenji picked up the pace.

"Kinmei, I'd like you to meet my two daughters. The one on the right is Furoufushi, my eldest, Fu-chan here takes after you. The one on the left is Batsu'unsai. We call her Batsu. Bit of a ditz."

The glow in Kinmei's pupils faded. She repeated with a low, gloomy voice.


"Mmm. Adopted daughters."

The glow in her eyes lit back up. Kinmei turned her head to look at Kenji. Seeing his teasing smirk, she blushed again. The two sisters were smirking just like Kenji, the drama was too good. Shamelessly, Kinmei moved on with the conversation. Trying to avoid Kenji's amused gaze, she addressed the sisters.

"Ahem. It's nice to meet you two. You two can call me Kin-nee, Aneki, or just Kinmei. I woulda been your older sis, took up the family name, but… I turned down the offer. I had… other plans."

Kinmei snuck a glance at the cool-headed Kenji. The sisters could see the very obvious situation she was trying to hide. They rolled their eyes at the 'meek' syndicate head. Kinmei caught their amused expressions and coughed.

"*cough* I imagine you're not here to chat. As much as I like having you here, you're probably here on business. So, how can I help you this morning?"

Kenji sat up in his seat and answered.

"I'm taking these two to the Autumn Gathering today. We got business with one of the guests."

"Oh? Seems they're doing something stupid. Which clan?


Kinmei's face visibly darkened as she reclined in her chair. She voiced her concerns and warned them.

"They're no good Aniki. I cut ties with them a century ago. Took cuts from the gangs without saying anything. Nothing they do is sustainable. Drugs, Whoring, Assassinations, all of it, they do without rules. But it gets even worse, I think they're deep in trafficking souls now."

Batsu lowered her head. Furoufushi leaned over and squeezed her shoulders tightly. Without missing a beat, Kenji responded with interest.

"Okajima's trafficking people, any credibility to that claim?"

"Mmm~… as you know, I send some of my men to the Spirit Arts Academy to get free training, that's if they got the talent. Anyway, some get recruited by a band of Shinigami mercenaries. Sometimes they're lucky enough to join up with a captain. One of my boys made it into the Shijima group, the father clan of Okajima. My boy, Kyouhei was placed under the young master of the Shijima clan. He sent a message to us before we lost contact with him."

Kinmei stood up from her chair and walked to the window. Her fingers traced along the edges of the windowsill until a click was heard. At the bottom of the windowsill, a compartment opened. Kinmei pulled out a scroll and turned around to hand it over to Kenji.

He took the scroll and recited the contents out loud.

"Aneki, the Shijima clan is doing something, just like you thought. Those Okajima guys are coming with dead bodies and prisoners every day. They said they're killing off criminals, but it's a load of bullshit. None of the bodies have tattoos or scars like us. Most are old folks, they say they're all criminals. This is getting bad Aneki. One of the Shinigami I'm in charge of told me he saw people in a pen or a cage or a prison. I don't know what he was trying to say, the man was blabbering like he saw a ghost, I haven't seen him for a week. I'm fucking scared. I'm getting the hell out of here before something bad happens. See you soon Aneki."

Kenji paused after finishing, rereading the scroll one more time. He spoke without looking up.

"This Kyouhei, your guy, this is the last you heard of him?"

Kinmei leaned against the windowsill, her arms crossed. A grim expression on her scarred face.

"Yeah. That was a year ago. I was doing my own investigation since the Shijima were buying up properties around here like it was a firesale. But that was it, they bought some land and didn't do anything with it. So, I thought everything was cool…"

She pointed to the scroll in his hands.

"Until I got that. Kyouhei is a strong kid, mid-lieutenant level. He wouldn't disappear for a whole year; I basically raised the brat myself. So, I sent some more boys into Seireitei, but the Shijima Shinigami refused to accept any more recruits. Then I sent some to the Okajima's, they murdered one of my boys just for asking if they could join. Those pricks are doing something, but I can't figure it out. And knowing the Shijima's background I'm sure you can guess."

The shadows on Kenji's face deepened. He heaved a weary sigh and sat back in his chair. Rubbing his temples, he kneaded his stressed mind.

"I hope it's not as bad as I think it is. You said your boy was serving under the Shijima young master? Not the elders?"

"Yeah, the Patriarch and the Second Lady stopped taking new recruits before the young master. Not to mention the Patriarch's working in the Central 46 now. That family's got its hands full."

"I see. What's this young master's name?"

"Chigiri. Shijima Chigiri."


[Somewhere inside Seireitei]

Prison cells line a tight corridor. Low groans and quiet weeping fill the stagnant air. The putrid smell of rotting flesh and fecal waste saturated the humid hallway. Dim lighting failed to illuminate the faces of two shuffling figures.

One man walks with a youthful and indifferent manner. Standing around 172 cm, his height is a stark contrast to his walking partner. The second figure carries the impression of an old, decrepit man. His hunched back keeps him low to the ground at a height of 154 cm.

A raspy, aged voice echoed down the hallway they walked.

"To call me when the gathering is around the corner. You must be quite eager Chigiri-kun. Hehe."

"Save your useless drivel. I don't wish to spend another moment in your madness."

"You can't avoid me boy. A promise has been made to your mother. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I assist in your interesting… projects."

The two stopped moving down the hallway.

*Rumble* *Rumble*

The walls of the corridor shook, dust fell from the dark ceilings. A low growl spilled from the young man.

"She's. Not. My. Mother."

*Rumble* *Rumble*

"Hehe…HAHA~! The boy has got some spirit! Come boy! Strike me down!"

The hunched figure spread his arms, begging for the young man to attack.


The Reiatsu receded and the shrouded young man started walking again. The hunched figure followed after.

"Krrr~, forget it. Such sick men shouldn't be allowed out into the world. The Shinigami are failures."

"Hehe. That's exactly what I said. Imagine how I looked when the second lady of the Shijima Clan asked me if I wanted to leave the Nest of Maggots. Blasted Shihouin. *ptui*"

"It's what you deserve Saizou. I've never met a more disgusting man in my life."

"Hehe. You're not wrong boy. You're not wrong."

The two shadowy men continued to the end of the hallway. Their destination was a rusted door, lit up by a single candle. Faint features showed on the two men.

The young man's face resembled a resting snake. With thin lips and languid eyes, his cold-blooded demeanor paired with his features to make an authentic aura of nobility and aristocracy. Grey bangs framed is thin face.

The hunched man's face was nightmarish. His gaunt and wrinkled look added to his fiendish and malevolent aura. A lack of teeth was evident by his open, hanging mouth. His sunken, unseen eyes flickered to the handle of the door.

His aged voice carried a hint of amusement.

"So, what is it that you wanted to show me?"

The young man responded with indifference and measured words.

"My progress has halted. I need your expertise and insights."


The young man opened the rusted door causing the hinges to shriek. The two men stepped inside the room. A table sat in the middle of the dim room; a cloaked, twitching silhouette rested on the table. A white cloth was draped over what appeared to be a body.

The hunched man approached the table and ripped off the cover. Muffled screams hummed as the body reacted to the newfound light. The hunched man's sunken eyes traveled along the body. His raspy voice was laced with pure interest.

"How fascinating. To hide such a project away from your clan. Truly genius work. Medicine would progress by entire centuries with this. But why has it taken on feminine features?"

The young man walked up to the table.

"A side effect of the process. It doesn't harm anything."

"A poor outlook boy. For all we know, this may be unfinished simply because of such a detail. Hmm? It retained its male genitalia; it makes it oddly attractive. Did you have some fun? I certainly would've. Ahh~. Youth. Women, Men, how fun it was."

"How vile. I don't need such frivolous thoughts. Focus on the task."

"Hehe. All in due time Chigiri-kun. All in due time. You're in my territory now boy. And Sakahone Saizou always makes good on his promises. Always."