
Bleach: From You to Me

The year is ~900 A.D., social upheaval and tensions rise within Soul Society as souls battle for their right to live with dignity. Some die in the human world, being thrown into the deep end as they navigate life after death. Some are born as souls, knowing only the brutal, poverty-stricken nature of their 'Paradise'. In this shallow world, ambitions fester into obsessions. Souls break down and begin anew, forging themselves into Shinigami. Those who rule over life and death. Ones who attain power beyond imagination. Power that can craft one's perfect world. But what if you didn't need power? What if all you needed was someone to listen? Someone to be there. Someone who can guide you through the challenges of the afterlife. A person or people who want nothing more than to exist for just one moment, nothing more. Kindred souls meet in the bloodiest area in North Rukongai, Akachou. In a place where families are built on bonds rather than blood, a group of lost souls learn what it means to live for the first time. Join a small family as they find purpose, shape their identity, and heal alongside one another. Slight AU. Manga/Anime Mashup. Haven't delved into the novels. Do not own the cover. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Humans, I'll kick this off by saying that this is my maiden voyage for fanfics. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow, enjoying the process. I haven't done much creative writing at all. I ask you to enter without expectations and hopefully you'll leave having enjoyed at least some part of my attempt. If you find a little pleasure in only a couple chapters, I've done a decent job. That being said, please send your thoughts and critiques. Big or small, tough love or coaxing, I don't care, just as long as I can learn what it is I need to work on. Never discount your opinion, whatever it is, share what you're comfortable with. Then without further ado, I hope you'll sit back and gain something from this little story. AKD_Khmer To some happy boi hours.

AKD_Khmer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
78 Chs

Chapter 16: Part-Time Toils

Furoufushi led Batsu'unsai to the small back bedroom. An uncomfortable hush hung in the air as one followed the other. Walking into the room, Furoufushi pointed to the far end of the room. The vacant space was enough for Batsu. Shafts of light pierced through the curtained windows as the sun was reaching midday.

"Guess you don't really have any stuff. You're sleeping on that side of the room. There's a spare futon in the closet over there. For baths, you gotta go to the communal one just up the street. We do breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 5 a.m., 12 p.m., then 5 p.m., don't miss 'em. Opening hours start at 9 a.m., we close at 4 p.m. Got it?"

Little compassion came from Furoufushi. She felt an ingrained aversion toward Batsu. It was a simple connection in her mind. She fought for her spot here while Batsu wandered into the teahouse. Seeing the mute listless face behind the glasses, Furoufushi fumed in anger. She swung her open palm at the back of Batsu's head. A crisp slap sounded out in the room.


"GOT IT?!"

"Ye-yes I got it."

"Good. I'm gonna see what Tenchou's up to. Either settle in or see if he needs help."

And with that, Furoufushi walked out of the room while adjusting her sling. Batsu was left inside the room. Echoes of passersby filtered through the windows from outside. Giggling children and small conversations between adults filled her empty mind. She fixed her glasses before moving toward the closet to retrieve her futon. After preparing her space, she made her way out of the room.


The serving area of the Tengoku teahouse was undergoing Kenji's usual cleaning routine. Noises of subtle scrubs and sopping rags built on the tireless theme of the teahouse. Furoufushi was sitting behind the front counter watching him work. At times, she would wince from the discomfort radiating from her wound.

"How's the pain?" Kenji shot a passing question as he finished wiping the floors.

"It's fine. I should be back on my feet soon." She dismissed his concern with a wave of her free hand.

"I see. Let me know if it worsens... Fu-chan, I think it's about time we had our talk."

Furoufushi flinched at his words. Her lips curled down in difficulty. Kenji's stern voice and the lack of response from her Zanpakutou added to her apprehension.


The words wouldn't leave her throat. Her violet eye flickered between Kenji who continued to work, unbothered by her state, and her Zanpakutou which lay on the counter in plain view.

"Speak Furoufushi. Start small and work your way up."

He patiently guided her while wiping down the undersides of the tables.

"I lost control."

Her pigtails hung down toward the ground as her head lowered in disappointment. She continued to talk to the wooden floor, hoping to escape Kenji's gaze.

"I had a chance to beat the shit outta him… and I let go. It's 'cause I got jumpy. My stamina and fundamentals were lacking big time. He controlled the whole fight. And I felt the walls closing in. Stupid now that I look back. Got ahead of myself when I wounded him. Tried to cut the bastard down a peg, only to get my ass kicked."

Kenji listened quietly as he made his way back behind the counter to sit next to his student. He added his own opinion.

"Yeah. That's a good way to put it. When you saw yourself being manipulated at his pace, you lashed out. The fact is, you didn't think of anything after you cut the back of his knee. There wasn't anything else on your mind but 'making him pay'. Once you connected that strike, you forfeited everything. I imagine your Zanpakutou is avoiding you now."

His blunt words smashed into Furoufushi's body. Biting her lower lip, she reflected. The countless cracks in the wood grains of the floor occupied her vision.

"It was bad. I only dealt with people in one move. I felt weak as hell fighting that prick. Now I gotta pay the price."

Kenji nodded in agreement. He scratched his slicked hair while revealing her weaknesses.

"Good. It's good to see what's wrong, even if it sucks. You reverted back into the messy girl that walked in here all those years ago. Face it head-on. Now you have to spend time earning your Zapakutou's trust back. Not being able to gauge an opponent's strength lies in your sensing ability. Your Reikaku [Spiritual Sense] can be fixed with time and experience. And your stamina, I'll be sparring with you once you recover. It should help you judge your limits. I think you can glean some knowledge on the basics too. I'll still introduce movements. You haven't mastered anything yet, take it slow and reflect."

"Got it."

Furoufushi's voice turned pensive and thoughtful. She clenched her fists, wishing for her wound to heal faster. Kenji's lips curled up seeing her actions. He gave her some encouraging words.

"For a first-time duel, you did well. Really. Not having a Shikai and facing a low-level lieutenant is nothing to scoff at. Without Kidou, without superior Hohou, I'm proud of you. Your spontaneous movements gave you an edge. The awkward angles of attack bought you enough time. Before you landed your strike, you believed in your expression of the sword. And the strike. It was perfect. His entire façade collapsed forcing his mental fortitude to be shaken. But you could've done better. Alright?"

"Yeah. I'll split his skull open next time."

Furoufushi raised her head, displaying a playful smirk. Kenji ruffled her hair in pride before having his hand slapped away. A warm smile graced his lips before his eyes flashed behind them.

"Umm~. Is there anything I can help with?"

Batsu'unsai's timid question interrupted the two's review. Furoufushi's small smile shattered into a sullen scowl. Kenji intervened before she could make a snarky remark.

"Not today. We can go over the teahouse protocol. You'll have to pick up for Fu-chan's shift. Her wound needs a little less than a week to heal up. Get your clothes washed tonight. Your hanten looks like a checkered rag. Need you ready for tomorrow."


[New Employee: Katori Batsu'unsai, Part-time]

[Refer to as Batsu]

[No formal work experience. Please be patient as she may make mistakes.]

[If your order hasn't been delivered within 10 minutes, please approach the front counter. She can get lost at times.]

[If she causes problems, please refer to Kenji or Furoufushi during work hours or in private.]

[Thank you for your continued patronage.]

A small crowd gathered around the bulletin board. Their eyes glanced toward the serving area where Batsu's red and black hanten brought a homely vibe. Her large round eyes and thin-framed glasses evoked a familiar, friendly response. A small smile lined her lips.

She bowed to the crowd of customers. Her ponytail and bangs swung as she lowered her head.

"My name is Batsu! Please take care of me."


Kenji and Furoufushi smirked at the herd of sheep being enthralled with their beautiful shepherd. Even the wolfish men made strides to avoid looking at her... overwhelming assets. Regular guests introduced themselves to her before making their way past. A number of people asked Furoufushi about her wounded shoulder. She waved them off and scoffed in their faces. With a sole squinting eye, she glared at the worried patrons.

*Smack* Kenji gave the one-eyed girl a firm slap to the back of the head. His harsh words berated her.

"They're worried about you. The least you can do is thank them."

She clicked her tongue in annoyance before showing her gratitude to the group at the counter.

"*tsk* Thanks a lot."

"Hmm~. I suddenly remember we didn't have etiquette lessons last night."


She bolted up from her stool. Facing the smiling groups of senior citizens, she bowed the full 90 degrees.


"Better. Wasn't too hard was it."

Kenji moved around after the first thirty minutes. He helped pick up where Batsu struggled. She was excellent when it came to interacting with the guests. However, her actual service left something to be desired. Losing track of orders, delivering to the wrong tables, and spending too much time chatting. The two Tengoku's attributed these issues to Batsu's wanton detachment. She hid it well, well enough to deceive Furoufushi when they first met.

Throughout the day, both Tengoku's could see the smile slipping from Batsu's face. Furoufushi clenched her jaws in anger the entire day. Kenji had to soothe the pig-tailed girl on more than a couple occasions. She threatened to rip Batsu's head off during their breaks. Furoufushi's foaming mouth and feral growls didn't receive much attention. Most customers had become accustomed to her violent behavior. Since it lasted the whole day, everyone just likened it to a passing breeze.

Still, the day ended with little issue. Kenji was satisfied with Batsu's minimum. Furoufushi stomped off to their room after dinner. The two silent occupants continued to eat their dinner. Sitting at the table, Kenji sipped on his sake. Batsu laid her chopsticks down, weariness apparent in her speech.

"Do we do this every day?"

"For you, it's only a month. At least last the whole month."

Kenji's calm retort dug into her skin. Batsu pursed her lips in regret while a spike of shame stuck in her gut. Reluctance coursed through her veins, weakening her desire to see the month through. Kenji advised her as she moved to wash her dishes.

"At lunchtimes, I want you to sit among the customers for an hour. Doesn't matter if you talk or if you daydream, just be there."

"Why?" Batsu's curiosity arose along with her question. His answer was a matter of fact.

"I'm teaching you."


Batsu stood in the kitchen, perplexity forming on her face. Her eyebrows crinkled behind her glasses. She turned to glare at the cheeky man. Her round eyes fell in line with his dull blacks.

"I said this before, I'll say it again. You're not naïve. You either keep it or lose it. Both are fine, I can teach one of the two. But in between. Like you are now, it's not enough."

She stewed in silence as Kenji stood up and walked past her toward the exit. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he warned her with a knowing tone.

"Claw back up or let go. Decide. Or you'll be like this forever."

He patted her on the shoulder and left for his room. Batsu resumed her chore while her thoughts stirred. Only the sounds of sloshing water and rustling rags spilled from the washbasin. Droning on and on, she rubbed the dishes clean thrice over. She avoided her memories by repeating the wash for a fourth time. But how could she escape what was engraved in her soul?