
Bleach: Achievement (rewrite)

Regaining all his memories from a past life... Blessing or Curse? It's about What he Seeks and What he Needs. A Multiverse fanfic Update schedule: twice the week

AllBullshit · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
20 Chs

Part-Time JOB

***Daiki's POV

"So basically, you're telling me that you felt a latent power in your body and wanted to awaken it, resulting in what happened" Urahara asked for confirmation, he didn't seem particularly doubtful which made me a little relieved.

"Yes" I didn't tell them more than they need to know, nor did I lie, what I told them was true after all, just not all of the truth.

"hm,I do wonder, now that you have this power what do you plan to do with it?" He asked me in a serious tone, it seems like my next answer would determine the way they would handle my case.

"Protect my family" although my answer seemed pretty lame, it was without a doubt one of the reasons I wanted to grow stronger, I never want to go through what happened last night once again.

"And I also like the feeling of growing stronger" While my first answer didn't seem to surprise them since I already told them about the hollow incident of last night, of course without all the details, since I don't want them to know the *involvement* of my brother even if I am pretty sure that Rukia told them already. But I digress, my second was clearly a surprise to them.

"Haha Hahaha, fine, fine, in this case, I have a proposition for you" Urahara although first surprised, quickly laughed it off and made a proposition.

"What kind of proposition? Also, I am sure that, the other one told you already but a deal with me can't be broken, you will have to uphold it" I had an idea of what he wanted to say considering his personality but I wanted to seem like on the defensive.

"There is nothing to worry about, I am a man of my word after all" he didn't seem to take it too seriously" What about this, you will come here every evening save Saturday and Sunday, working for me and helping around, and I will help you understand your new powers and educate you about this world" he proposed and although this seemed good on the surface, the *helping around* close could be pretty be abused based on the situation.

"Hmm..." thinking about it a little I decided to accept his proposal, although I couldn't learn Kido as of now since my Shinigami powers were still dormant, they could still teach me how to fight and control my newfound power.

"I accept your proposal" as I said, they seemed to wait for something to happen. Still, I decided to tell them " if you are waiting for me to use my power then too bad for y'all because I am not going to use it after all your proposal was..." needn't I to say more as it seemed that they perked up on what I was implying.

"Very well then, I will have to introduce you to my employee and Colleges but before that, I have an important question for you" as he said, his face turned serious "what is your type?" he asked me.

And without a single pause, I answered "The dark-skinned girl" was all I said.

"I see, I see, I like you, you know what you want, but-" before he could finish his sentence, I was assaulted by pain behind my head and found myself flying to the other side of the shop, only stopping after hitting a wall.

"Mind your words, brat" a feminine voice advised before taking her leaves.

Although she was here during all the conversation, she probably didn't want to intrude but found herself forced to act after hearing my words. At least I got a reaction, totally worth it.


Finding myself before the door of my house before I could even knock, someone hurriedly opened it, and I was greeted by a flying kick. I simply took a step to the side, evading the blow which resulted in my father losing his balance and rolling on the ground because of inertia.

"Good evening" I greeted as I made my way in, completely ignoring him and his antics.

"You are even able to avoid my unavoidable attack, truly, you are my pride" he got up perfectly fine, while tears flowed from his eyes like a river.

Rolling my eyes at his antics "I am going to take a shower" I informed him before making my way to my room but I was interpellated by Ichigo "hey, I cannot find my signature white shirt! I am sure you took it!"

True but "finder keeper" I stated and he became speechless, using this opportunity, I quickly got into my room and locked the doors.

"Hey open up, that's not how it works" he shouted from outside.

"Later" I said, and that was enough for him to let it go, at least for now.

Taking a quick shower, I got dressed, nothing special, a jogging, white pants, and a black shirt. Looking at the clock, it was not time for dinner yet, so what should I do?

I cannot use my spiritual power or Ichigo and my father would feel it at such a close distance, worse it could attract some wandering hollows.

I also just took a shower and don't feel like exercising myself physically, guess I'll go help Yuzu with the cooking.

"Yuzu" I called her once I was there, it seems like she already started cooking.

"Daiki!" she ranged her cooking tools just to jump in my arms and hug me, a heartfelt smile on her face. It immediately improved my mood.

"How have you been? Do you want me to accompany you?" I asked with a smile while putting her down "I am fine, and Yes please!" she said, clearly excited. It was not rare for me to help her in the kitchen but she is always happy when it happens.

It is not that she need help, what she enjoyed was spending time with me and I knew it, that's why I did it so often.

"So, what are we cooking today?" I asked

"Cury, I just finished cutting the foodstuffs"

"Okay then, let's get started" I washed my hand thoroughly.


"Itadakimasu!" we all paid respect before everyone start eating

"Everyone, I got something to tell all of you" I successfully got their attention so I followed "I found a part-time job"

"So now you can get enough money to buy your own clothes and stop stealing mine!" Is what Ichigo said.

"don't count on that" I countered.

"Where is it you will be working at?" Karin asked.

"A small Convenience shop not too far from here" I answered.

"Every day?" It was Yuzu's turn.

"Except the weekends"

"It seems like, your heart is already set in working there, then there is nothing else to say" Was all my father said. He didn't look particularly displeased or anything

"Thank you for your support" I was grateful.

"I will be in my room" Ichigo departed.

I started cleaning up with Yuzu "I will help" Karin said.

Now that everything got settled on this side, I will start my training tomorrow.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

AllBullshitcreators' thoughts