
Blazing Swordsman

'What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. As the call so does the echo.' All of this simply means that your actions dictate your consequences, but do they? Different cultures and different beliefs but most of them have one thing in common, they believe in a higher power. Now, imagine a world that seems like ours but only has a couple of more elements to it, yes the world of mana and magic. Do you think humans will still hold onto their beliefs when they can become gods themselves? ____________________________________________ A world where dragons and griffons are more than just a myth, a world where even the dead aren't safe, a society with little to no empathy, and our protagonists are blind. An empire on the verge of civil war, risky plots with unfathomable consequences, this book contains all ____________________________________________ Yes, this novel contains multiple points of view, which might confuse you at the start but it will make much more sense when the novel goes on. There will be a tinge of romance but it will be quite slow, it is more of an action mystery than a romance novel. At last, place this in your library if you decide to read it, criticisms and reviews are welcome Thanx

Nuah_Zuah · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

The build up(2)


"Why do you assume that this is some kind of conspiracy? Instead of hiding like chickens, shouldn't we help the other surviving villagers?"

I wanted to know Razak's reasoning and the reason and why he is being so paranoid.

"I survived for 18 years by following a single rule, the unwritten rule of the jungle. I honestly want my speculations to be false, but that doesn't imply that I shouldn't take precautions." Razak replied with a gentle tone.

He didn't have any sought of conclusive evidence or even a believable theory, but recalling the fact that he saved me instead of various damsels he must have run across, I chose to trust him.

" Rias, can you tell me a little more about the different types of mages that you know of", Razak exclaimed out of nowhere

"Yes, I can, when a mage reaches the orange core, they begin to develop an affinity for a particular element. My master Viserys had an affinity with the air element which further evolved when he reached the green core, now he is what you call a dimensional mage".

" What about you? What affinity do you have"? Razak asked with genuine interest.

"I really can't answer that, even my master does not know what kind of element I am attuned with, I feel an affinity with almost all the elements but alas none of them have evolved any further."

"I have tried reading many books about magic and its types, but I found nothing, there is no book that even mentions possessing animals". I further added.

Walking through the lush forest we encountered myriad kinds of flora and fauna, Razak took his time admiring them from time to time. He seemed like 2-year-old touring an amusement park.

We faced countless types of animals, but none of them tried to ambush us, even the magically evolved ones got out of our way when they saw the hunk walking beside me.

" Why aren't they trying to hunt us"? I asked with genuine interest.

"None of them can last even a minute against me if they come at me alone, and if they attempt to team up then nobody can save them from the wrath of my guardian."

"Y-You have a guardian?" I was stunned, I knew him for more than 7 years, and never did he previously mention anything of that sought.

"Well, not everyone had an individual like Viserys in their respective lives, I was an orphan who was born and raised in the jungle."

"If my master Drakos hadn't taken me in, I would have died a long ago." He continued.





My expensive heels made a rhythmic click-clack sound as I arrived at Matthew Salvator's antechamber.

I saw a tall man, with pale skin and blue eyes, sitting outside the office. He had a cigarette in his left hand and a piece of paper in his right.

Frowning from time to time while reading a report, he finally noticed my presence and hissed,

" This better be important, Hillary, I am not in a great mood right now."

"The awakening has begun, the inquisitors are on their way to the location, now all we need to do is wait for the results," I reported in a calm tone.

"What is the estimated number of surviving hybrids?"

"No more than 50, almost all of them are still in a trance."

"How many inquisitors did you send?

"4 of them, a couple of master-ranked swordsmen, a dimensional mage, and Ivan Odinson."

"It was the right decision to send the necromancer, I can't fathom the consequences that will follow if even a single soul escapes." He said with a sense of approval.

" If you don't have anything else to report, you may take your leave and don't forget to silence Nicholas and Samantha, they have outlived their significance." He further added.




Standing on the top of a mountain was a 100-meter-long dragon, with his eyes glowing red with flame and a conflicted expression on his menacing face, he blew another burst of hellfire.

He was not pleased with the destruction he had wrought, especially when he saw the town in the distance still burning brightly, and could hear the distant shrieks of the people in them. In a blaze of anger, he had burnt another city down to the ground.

W-Where is he? Where is my firstborn? Kadal shrieked, there was molten lava running through his eyes, even after living for a millennium he was still not able to restrain himself.




"Did you find something?"


"Ah Fuck, another eagle got sniped"

"Try to possess a dragonfly or something"

"Nope, can't do, those dragonflies have binocular eyes, I can't handle their field of vision for more than a couple of minutes".

" Is there nothing you can do?"

"Find me a mana crystal, and maybe I can possess a dragonfly for a couple of hours"

"I got a couple of them tucked away in my cave, but it will still take more than an hour to reach there," I replied

Rias was currently attempting to infiltrate the clinic with the help of an animal, she tried possessing rodents, eagles, and even a fucking bear but alas all of them were killed in a matter of seconds.

After looking at every nook and cranny of the village and still not being able to find a single human being, we tried to search the clinic.

One hour later

We finally arrived at the back end of the Afro forest, and it was dark already, I felt a pleasant breeze on my back, that made my weariness go away.

"So where is your 'cave of treasures' oh

boar-like human? It's your first time having a girl over, right? Rias joked.

" Yes, it is, but don't flatter Yousef---


Out of nowhere, a gigantic creature appeared in front of us with a thunderous sound.

"Razak, something bizarre is going on, I can't breathe fire anymore." asserted the Magma drake who was drenched in water.