
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
998 Chs


"Ariados, use a continuous String Shot Unique Ability." One after another white thread continuously sprayed from Ariados' mouth, allowing the dark crow in the sky to continually fly back and forth in the gap of these threads.

"Although the Flying Attribute of the Dark Raven restrains the bug type of Ariados, the Ability of String Shot is indeed very troublesome and has nothing to do with elemental attacks. It is completely the Ability of the Physical Department. Once it is entangled, the wings of the Dark Raven can not fly. Now. "

Ash 's three-tomoe clearly sees that the white silk thread ejected by Ariados has a strong adhesive surface. Once it is glued, the dark crow 's wings are useless.

"Dark Crow, use Vacuum Sphere to break all the silk thread that Ariados spit out."

"Ga ~" I saw the dark crow constantly flapping his wings in the sky irregularly, one after another Ao colored light beam, emerged from the dark crow's irregular flapping wings, completely cutting off the incoming silk thread , Can be said to break immediately.

"What is this Ability? Does Flying Type have this kind of Ability." Miwako's younger brother Bugsy, when he saw the Ao-colored light beam emitted by the dark crow, suddenly shouted in shock, touching him from the grass department Pokémon since childhood, naturally You also need to know more about the Flying Type that restrains the Bug Type.

"Is this the self-created technique, the formidable power is really strong, but this alone cannot beat my Ariados."

"Ariados, use your usual tactics." With Miwako's tone barely fell, Ariados suddenly Spit Up a white thread stuck to the big tree around the grass field, and then the spike on the tail was also the Spit Up thread .

I saw Ariados swaying back and forth among the trees, seemingly as if there were no rules, making it impossible for anyone to predict his next destination.

"Dark Crow, use Blade of Wind to bless its own speed and power." Although Ash's Sharingan can see Ariados' moving foothold, the current strength of the Dark Crow is not enough to keep up with Ash's reaction.

"Ka!" I saw that the dark crow's wings were suddenly covered by an Ao-colored wind blade, suddenly, the speed of the dark crow was faster than before, almost reached the level of Pseudo-Emperor, and was If the Dark Raven pair of Wing Attack arrives, the sharp blade above is not fun to look at.

"Worthy-of is Champion Trainer, even using Elite-level Pokémon, can also develop such a self-created technology with formable power." Mei He Zi narrowed his eyes and looked at the speeding dark crow.

"Ariados, use continuous venom." One after another purple liquid is launched from Poria Sting of Ariados. Once it sticks a little, it will fall into a high-intensity poisoning state, which is more invasive than Poison Sting.

"Do you want to rely on the venom to stop the speed of the dark crow? It's too simple to think about it, the dark crow, Sucker Punch."


I saw that the dark crow suddenly disappeared into the eyes of Miwako and Ariados, and then appeared behind Ariados, with a hard pointed mouth and fiercely's thorn in the back of Ariados, making it scream.

Sucker Punch uses the speed of a short burst to reach an attack that is invisible to the naked eye. This is the short burst that the Dark Crow can use after only a few days of training.

With the life force of Ash Wood-Style, the training of the Dark Raven does not need to fear injury at all, and he dies to death. This is the secret of his ability to quickly improve strength in such a short time.

Flying Type inherently restrains the Bug Type, so the Ability just caused double the damage to Ariados. If it is not because the Dark Raven Level is a big difference from Ariados, it is estimated that it can cause double damage.

"Ariados, use a grimace." After being stabbed by the dark raven's pointed mouth, Ariados immediately showed a lot of scars behind his back. Then Ariados suddenly turned around and posed for the dark raven who had not left. Grimace.

"Ga." The gap on the level and the intimidation of the grimace suddenly made the body of the dark crow suddenly stiff, and within a few seconds, Ariados instantly left the dark crow's attack range.

"Ariados, illusion technique." A multi-colored energy column was fired from the sharp horn on Ariados' forehead and hit the dark crow.

"Ka!" The dark crow's wings flew for a while, hitting its own illusion light suddenlyly, and only a few scars appeared on his body, which did not affect the action.

"Useless, the Dark Crow has Dark Type. It has absolute restraint for the Unique Ability of the Confusion Department. Although the Level differs by a large level, the Ability of the illusion technique can make the other side defensive power drop. The trigger rate is only 10%. Once there is no Trigger this probability, then the illusion technique will at most cause a little bruise to my dark crow. "

"My dark crow is one big difference from your Ariados. The gap in Level increases the triggerability of Ariados illusion by 5%, but the probability of 15% is not just casual."

Seeing that Dark Raven shocked Ariados's illusion technique, Ash said to start to talk. The illusion technique is the Ability of the superpower system. There is a certain probability that can reduce the defense of the other side by one level, but the trigger rate is only 10%.

"Che, I have forgotten that Dark Crow still has Dark Type, which is too careless for me." After hearing Ash's words, Miwako thought secretly, and also felt a little embarrassed. After all, it was an Emperor-level Trainer. Errors will appear on the Attribute data.

"Dark Crow, use 1000 winds." The blades formed by countless clear breezes move towards Ariados Absorb like a blade, but don't underestimate the C-Rank Ability. The superimposed damage of these small wind blades can reach B-Rank Degree.

"There are a lot of them !!! Ariados, hurry and hide behind the tree." Looked at the scenery already covered by the wind blade, Miwako suddenly showed a horrified face.