
Blades of Arcane

"Blades of the Arcane" is a thrilling supernatural fantasy novel. In a world where hidden powers and dark organizations collide, the main trio—Elena, Lucian, and Aria—unite to thwart sinister forces. Armed with enchanted katanas and unique abilities, they face battles filled with action, intrigue, and revenge. A fourth member, Darius, conceals his true identity as "Shadowblade" while striking from the shadows. Together, they unravel secrets, form unlikely alliances, and confront a malevolent organization. As they navigate trust, betrayal, and dark prophecies, they're drawn into a web of mystery, culminating in a high-stakes battle to protect their world from impending doom.

Confusewriter · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

X Commoner’s Act X

The group found themselves on the outskirts of a quaint village nestled amidst rolling hills and dense forests. It was here that they hoped to gather information about the secretive cult that had plagued their world. Dressed as commoners, they had embarked on this mission of reconnaissance, each taking on a different role within the village. They took up a humble residence at the edge of the village outskirts.

The trio—Elena Blade, Lucian Storm, and Aria Night—had always been comfortable in the shadows, but now they found themselves in a different kind of darkness it was especially hard for them. They had adopted new identities, concealing their true powers and backgrounds. As they settled into their roles, they couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability, far removed from the battles they were accustomed to.

Elena, her raven hair concealed under a simple bonnet, had become a farmer's daughter, with her shadow manipulation abilities dormant, worked as a seamstress, her fingers deftly sewing clothes for the villagers. It was a guise that allowed her to listen to the whispered conversations of the townsfolk as they came to pick up their garments.

Lucian, who had always relied on his elemental powers, now toiled in the fields alongside the villagers, his hands blistered and his muscles sore. It was a humbling experience, one that forced him to confront the stark contrast between his abilities and the everyday struggles of the common folk.

Aria, her ethereal beauty hidden behind a plain dress, the master of illusions had taken on the role of a healer, offering remedies and lending a sympathetic ear assumed the role of a healer, tending to the ailments and injuries of the villagers. Her soothing presence earned her the trust of the community, and they shared their secrets with her as she treated their wounds.

Darius, true to his dual character, had become a jovial merchant peddling his wares. Nix, in his fedora and inconspicuous attire, roamed the village's taverns and marketplaces, gathering information through casual conversations and eavesdropping.

As they went about their tasks, they faced the challenge of blending into the close-knit community. For Nix and Darius, this meant donning a facade of simple folk and adapting to the customs and rhythms of the village.

Days turned into weeks as they ingrained themselves into the fabric of the village, their true identities hidden beneath the facade of ordinary life. The trio attended village gatherings, shared meals, and lent a helping hand whenever needed. They listened to the rumours and gossip, slowly piecing together the cult's activities.


In the bustling marketplace, Nix struck up a conversation with a jovial fishmonger who had a penchant for gossip. "Good sir, have you heard any strange rumours or tales of odd occurrences lately?"

The fishmonger, an overweight man with a twinkle in his eye, leaned in conspiratorially. "Oh, you're new in town, aren't ya? Well, let me tell you, there's been talk of eerie happenings in the nearby forest. Some say they've seen flickering lights and heard ghostly whispers."

Nix feigned surprise. "Flickering lights, you say? That's quite intriguing. Any idea what might be causing it?"

The fishmonger shrugged. "No one knows for sure. Some think it's just superstitious nonsense, but others are convinced it's the work of supernatural beings."

Meanwhile, in the fields, Elena engaged in conversation with a fellow farmer. "Have you noticed anything unusual around here, perhaps any strangers passing through?"

The farmer, wiping sweat from his brow, looked thoughtful. "Well, there was a traveller not too long ago. Kept to himself and didn't interact much. But he had a peculiar mark on his arm, like a tattoo. Some folks around here thought it looked like the symbol of that cursed cult."

Elena's heart quickened. A lead, however faint, was still a lead. "Do you know where this traveller went?"

The farmer nodded. "He mentioned heading into the forest. Said he was looking for something, though he didn't say what."

In another corner of the village, Lucian, working at a makeshift forge, overheard conversations among the villagers. They spoke in hushed tones about disappearances and strange occurrences in the woods, adding fuel to the rumours that had reached Nix's ears.

Aria, tending to an ailing child, listened to the villagers' woes. They spoke of a lingering darkness that seemed to emanate from the forest, a fear that had gripped the village for some time. It was clear that the mysterious happenings in the woods had cast a shadow over the villagers' lives.

One evening, as the villagers gathered around a bonfire, as the day wore on, the group reunited in a secluded corner of the village, hidden from prying eyes.

Aria couldn't contain her excitement. "I've heard whispers about a mysterious gathering in the forest at the edge of the village. They say it's a gathering of the cult's inner circle."

Lucian's eyes narrowed with determination. "That's where we need to be. If we can infiltrate that gathering, we might finally uncover their leader and their plans."

  Darius, with his typical merchant persona, spoke first. "I've heard whispers of flickering lights and ghostly whispers in the forest. Some believe it's the work of supernatural beings, while others dismiss it as mere superstition."

Lucian, his voice low and contemplative, added, "I've overheard talk of a traveller with a mark resembling the cult's symbol. He ventured into the forest, and it's possible he may be connected to the cult's activities."

Elena nodded. "And I learned of the unease among the villagers, stemming from strange occurrences and disappearances in the woods. The forest seems to hold the key to this mystery."

Aria's expression grew sombre. "It appears that the forest is a focal point of these unsettling events. We should investigate further, but we must tread carefully."

Nix, leaning against a weathered wooden fence, shared the culmination of his own findings. "The forest is indeed a place of intrigue, but there's something else. The cult's influence here runs deeper than we thought. I've heard murmurs of a hidden gathering place deep within the woods, where they conduct their rituals and ceremonies."

Darius raised an eyebrow. "A hidden gathering place? That's valuable information. We must locate it."

Lucian, his resolve unwavering, spoke with determination. "We have our leads, and it's clear that the forest holds the answers. We should make our way there under the cover of nightfall."

Elena, always the strategist, outlined their plan. "We'll need to be cautious and discreet. Aria, you'll need to create illusions to divert attention away from us. Lucian, be ready to use your elemental powers if things go awry." 

As the night of the gathering approached, their anticipation grew, mingling with the fear of discovery. They had become part of the village, and any misstep could jeopardize not only their mission but also the safety of the villagers.

Meanwhile, Darius his enigmatic hidden character unknown to everybody, had continued to gather information from his secret contacts. He had infiltrated the old church on the outskirts of the village, a place rumoured to hold critical secrets about the cult's activities.

One night, under the cover of darkness, Darius returned to their safehouse, his steps shrouded in silence. With a faint smile, he addressed the trio. "I've uncovered crucial information. The cult's gathering in the forest is indeed significant, but there's more. They have a hidden meeting place beneath the old church. It's there that their leader, known as 'The High Serpent,' presides over their darkest rituals."

Elena's eyes widened with realization. "The High Serpent? He is the key to all of this."

"Yes and if we can confront and unmask their leader, we might finally end this threat," Darius added.