

A girl, different from others, in a judging, stereotyping world thrives to achieve her goal. Should they be romance and hair trouble on her path? We’ll see!! Come in this world and see you might be surprised to what happens. When I decide to upload… 3v3 lol Mature Content Hi. Now that I got your attention. No judging or anything. I mean great minds think a like.— Yhana is a normal girl- normal as it one can be- she just finished with her college studies she started looking a job. Not too long after she became a Graphic company’s programmer. With a knowledge like programming there’s so much she can do but that’s not what our story is about. She now lives with her best friend who’s an artist and everything is going well. And at work there are hot people to trip for. Until love problems show themselves and heart break. Is that a love triangle I sense?

Someone222 · วัยรุ่น
6 Chs

“...My real Goal...”

Yhana wasn't always shy. Sometimes, like around her friend(s?), she could act like the fun joyful person she was.

But when it came to strangers, she could feel all her insecurities peek out, which made her ever more self conscious.

'I better not do something stupid or he'll think I'm weird, I wonder if he has a girlfriend, he probably does I mean look at him!…'

"So this Is the lounge and..."

"Hey...Hey! Stoll" said Jesse trying to wake her from her day dreaming.

"Huh ?" She answered.

"Are you listening ?"

"Oh! Yeah! Of course!"

"Ok now since it's your first day I'll just show you the basics"


He took her to her desk and showed her the things they used and what she has to do.

"That's pretty much it. You know best how to do your job so that's as far as I can help"

"Yeah I got it from here, thanks" she said.

She was just about to get to work when another person came where they stood.

"Hey Stoll right, I'm Erutan, Nice to meet you"

She was another coworker. She had dark hair and looked very mature and elegant,

"I heard there was a newbie that just got done getting cozy and Jesse was hogging her for himself" she said in a playful manner.

"I was not 'hogging'" said Jesse monotone.

"Hey. Nice to meet you" smiled Yhana.

"Well I gtg so, Good Luck." Jesse said deciding to go back to his own work.

"So how are you doing so far"

"It's been good. I haven't embarrassed myself yet…"

"O wow you're hilarious" chuckled Erutan. "You'll be fine,"

She was one of those people who were easy to talk to and Yhana could already see them becoming good friends.

"So are you free after work? We have a member's party every Friday night." Explained Erutan

"Yeah sure!" Yhana answered cheerfully.

She had never been invited to a crazy party or maxed out drinking in high school before. Probably because of her strict parents but now it was different.

She had her own place, now a job, everything was going according to plan.

After work, most people left the office and made their way to a restaurant not too far.

She left with Erutan and they were one of the firsts to get there.

Sadly it wasn't the high school crash party she was imagining. It was a normal sane "job soirée".

"So can I call you Yhana out of work?" Erutan asked.

"Yeah." Answered Yhana, obviously.

"Hey!! JESS?" Erutan yelled. " Come sit with us!"

He had come in after them and was standing after just walking in.

He was making his way to where they sat and Yhana hoped he wouldn't sit in the only open sit which was next to her.

'What my supposed to do or say it'll be so awkward if he sits here and he'll definitely hate me—' her train of thoughts were interrupted as she heard Erutan's phone ring and watched her get up to leave.

"Uh…Be right back, I gotta take this it's too loud in here".

'No not my social comfort blanket!!—'

Before she could fret anymore Jesse had already taken a seat next to her and was sensing the unfamiliarity from her to him.

"So... how you liking the meet up?"Jesse said.

"It's cool..." she answered.

''It's cool'? What was that, can't you keep a convo going!' She thought to herself. 'Here comes the awkward silence just say something!'

"W-Why did you join the graphic's industry?" She asked curiously

"Just 'cause... I've liked art ever since I was a kid seemed like my only option"

"Oh" She said relieved to see Erutan making her way back to them.

"Whatcha talkin about" Erutan asked.

" Oh just career choices" Yhana responded.


"What about you Yhana, did you have other plans apart from this?" Jesse questioned,

"Um... Well actually, I really love programming but it's more on the side, my real goal is…is to…become a Pop-Idol!"

'Urg that was cringe' thought Yhana to herself. 'Every time'.