

A girl, different from others, in a judging, stereotyping world thrives to achieve her goal. Should they be romance and hair trouble on her path? We’ll see!! Come in this world and see you might be surprised to what happens. When I decide to upload… 3v3 lol Mature Content Hi. Now that I got your attention. No judging or anything. I mean great minds think a like.— Yhana is a normal girl- normal as it one can be- she just finished with her college studies she started looking a job. Not too long after she became a Graphic company’s programmer. With a knowledge like programming there’s so much she can do but that’s not what our story is about. She now lives with her best friend who’s an artist and everything is going well. And at work there are hot people to trip for. Until love problems show themselves and heart break. Is that a love triangle I sense?

Someone222 · วัยรุ่น
6 Chs

“…I have no one else…”

When she turned to head outside the store, she noticed something odd.

She froze when she realized something, or more like someONE!

'I'm sure I saw the same middle aged man when I was leaving the restaurant and when I was on my way to the store. Could it be…? Could It be he's been following me. No it couldn't be because, why?… But I don't know him or his intentions. It better to be safe and call Megu.'

[The number you are trying to reach is not currently available]- Monitone voice.

~Beep Beep~

Yhana's heart rate increased as she heard the phone call end.

"I'm sure she's not asleep then what is she doing. If she doesn't answer who else can I call." She said to herself.

''Excuse me ma'am, we're closing the shop shortly just to let you know'' said the person that was cleaning the store.


She could just ask the shop person for help but what could they do, take her home? And would they even believe her in the first place.

She could also call the police but the man outside would probably leave after hearing them.

She didn't want to come off as a bother or be nuisance to anyone.

Yet, she couldn't just leave. She wouldn't want to be chased around by a rando like a creepy horror story.

As she was going through her train of thought she noticed the man make eye contact with her and she watched as his lips curled into a creepy smile.

Yhana could feel a shiver run down her spine. Terror spread through her. She was scared and alone here.

'I have no one else to call. Maybe I'm getting punished for easily getting offended like that TvT' she thought to herself.

As the last of her hope gave out, she suddenly heard her name being called.

''Hey! Hey Yhana!''

When she turned around she saw Jesse who looked like he had been running.

''Je…Jesse?!'' She said suprised to see him.

''I was looking for you. You left so fast I was worried you were still mad.''

She felt relief wash over her as the creepy guys walked away, when they were getting kicked out of the store for staying after hours.

When she got out she looked around supercilious for any sign of the "stalker" and sighed in relief knowing they were gone.

"Are you alright? Waiting for someone? I can leave" asked Jesse.

"No, no! That's not it the thing is that… I think someone was following me." She told him.

"Really! Then I did good to follow you— Now I sound like the stalker"

"O no! You did do good you're the good stalker" she laughed.

When she took a look at the time she realized that she had just missed the last train.

"O no! The last train just left!."

"If you need a ride I came with my car?" Proposed Jesse.

"Yes please! That would be really helpful right now." Yhana exclaimed.

"Yeah... But it's parked in front of the restaurant though?"

"Np, small price to pay!" Exclaimed Yhana as she smiled.

Then they both made their way back to their previous location.

"O yeah. Were crying back then?" Asked Jesse curious.

"Me? I don't think so. You must have imagined it." Answered Yhana.

"Yeah you're probably right"

When they finally arrived at the restaurant it looked like most of the people they had come with had already left. Including Erutan.

They got into Jesse's car and she told him which way to go.

"By the way this is a rental" said Jesse.

Yhana laughed at the confession.

"Yeah that makes more sense because our job does not pay enough."

"You probably thought I was rich or something"

"I did" she continued.

She was now in a dude's car and she didn't feel intimidated by him as much as she used to. Maybe it was because he had helped her.

They finally got to her apartment and he walked with her to the door. They knocked and not after too long someone opened the door.


''O hey Megumi''

''Why'd you call me so much I was in the shower are you ok, are you hurt!!?you scared me.''

''Sorry about that. I'm ok though. Megu this is Jesse, Jesse Megumi-Chan.''

''Nice to meet you, Megumi.'' greeted Jesse

''Helllooo... Who's this snack''

''MEGUMI!! Have some shame. Let's go! Pardon us, goodnight Jesse thanks again''

''My pleasure if you ever get in trouble again you have my number '' smiled Jesse.

''HUH?! Yhana you sly do—''

''Shush it!''