
Blackening! I , Naruto , The collection king

**NOTICE : 1 ) ENGLISH is not my native language so there might be some problems with grammar and writing style . I am learning lessons to write with more proficiency , atleast it will take a while . Reborn in the Ninja world as the the child of prophecy , Naruto Uzumaki. Looking at the cheap daddy , make himself the container for the Nine-tails. He almost didn't greeted seven generation of ancestors. After all , being an otaku in his last life he clearly knows how tragic the life of Naruto is . he had a feeling of being pitted by god . Fortunately his gold finger arrived, make him breath a sigh of relief [ ding ! collection system is online , whether to bind it host?? ] Naruto : yes Years later , during the 4th Great ninja war . Madara loot at the hord of tailed beasts and a man with unusual eyes . " in front of this man i really can't, dance" kaguya : " fuck, this is scarier than ostusuki " Naruto : from today i am the god of ninja world , who agrees and who opposes? ................................... TAGS : Harem | Invincible Protagonist | System | World hopping | Revenge | Dark

Saltedfish_me · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

001 The unreliable Namikaze Minato

Konoha year 48

The crimson moon in the sky is pretty conspicuous as if reminding of a great omen.

Outskirts of konoha , a behemoth with nine tails is roaring throughout the forest.

" We must entrap the Nine-tails, before he shoot another tailed beast bomb"

NAMIKAZE MINATO, the fastest man alive is pacing towards the giant beast . While holding a baby in one hand and Uzumaki kushina in the other .

Just rescuing his baby and wife from his big filal apprentice has given him a lot of headache .

Now looking at the huge Nine-tails behind him, he always have a feeling of kidney deficiency .

The consecutive teleport of Tailed beasts bomb and Nine tails has almost bottom out his chakra. After all he is not Kushina the red pepper who is alive and kicking after stripped of the tailed beast in her body.

" I can give a Last try , Minato....." Kushina glanced at her husband and said with difficulty.

Suddenly, golden chains burst out of her body straight to the Nine-tails.

Nine-tails who has just recovered from Obito's control showed a look of anger and helplessness after being bound like a kitten under sharingan' s control. Who knows another rope came towards his neck at this time plunging his body to earth.

" Adamantine chains" he blurt it out in horror.

For the second time in his life Nine-tails suffer from the terrifying vitality and sealing techniques of Uzumaki clan. First a Uzumaki mito , now Kushina.

" Cough* cough***" Kushina vomited some blood , after all extraction of tailed beasts is consuming her vitality at a speed visible to naked eye.

Minato who was holding Naruto comes forward to support kushina . Looking at his beloved wife condition, his heart bleeds a lot.

At this time the newborn Naruto open his eyes for the first time.

However instead of his first cry, there was a look of amazement in his eyes.


As if trying to confirm his guess, he moved his head a little but unfortunately his underdeveloped eyes doesn't allow him to see... In the end a blurry figure catches his attention

" F#ck , what the hell is this giant and why does it loon so familiar".

For a moment he suddenly has a feeling of being pittied by God. After all in his past life he was just a medicore person who died because of being choked to death by a fish bone. And now looking at a blurry Beast he has naturally a kind of phobia for at least a while.

"Also, what i a newborn baby am doing in this jungle , why is it there no delivery room in this World"

As if trying to solve his doubt a mechanical voice echo through his mind.

[Ding ! The collection System is online, whether to bind host? ]

Naruto: ?? " Bind"

" System , the standard trasverser cheat , sure enough i really travelled through" Naruto muttered with a hint of joy inwardly.

" System , can you explain the situation first? "

[ Ding ! Host , you have travelled into Naruto world and the one in front of you is Nine-tails]

"Naruto? , Nine-tails, Newborn baby?? .... System don't , tell me i have possesd Uzumaki Naruto"

[ Ding ! Host , your guess is completely wrong]

"Sigh**" Naruto breath a breath of relief, after all whether passed through or not . Who wants to be an orphan and ill treated person.

[ Host , you are Uzumaki Naruto]

Naruto :?

He has a feeling this system is playing brain game with him .

" Sorry, Naruto for waking you up...."

Suddenly a gentle but guilty voice intrepted his thoughts

As if he thought of something he look in the direction of sound.

It was Minato , his cheap daddy's voice

Naruto try not to hate Minato as the biggest pitman . But the next moment Minato's words broke through his defence

" This move will hold back Nine-tails for a while , i will aslo die ... But the long lost period of tranquility between 5 major village can be maintained a little longer "

After all , the end of sengoku era by Senju Hashirama the world has entered in a chaotic age , where the human life's worth is that of weeds and the villages only need a reason for biting each other to death.

" F#ck you Minato , you son of a b*tch" Naruto almost didn't greeted the ancestors of NAMIKAZE family.

Somehow he muster his whole strength to give Minato a middle finger .

Minato who was ready for Ghost seal frowned and hurriedly put down naruto's finger.

At this moment kushina , looked at Naruto with warm eyes . Naruto almost didn't cried out at her face , is her sacrifice really worth it ? That group of madman will only tourcher me , a baby.

" Hey , you can't die ,if you died i am going to suffer h from hell" Naruto tried to speak, but every word from his mouth sound only in cry.

" Don't worry , naruto , we will always be by your side , Kushina.... I am going to seal our chakra in Naruto's body , so we can meet him in future" as if realising Uneasiness in Naruto's eyes Minato said slowly.

Meet in future, meet the ghost . Don't you know that the third hokage Oldman wants him to be a tool person and danzo seeks to brainwash people all the time.

" Thank you , naruto , Minato for being part of my life " Kushina said with difficulty as passing all of her chakra in the adamantine chains .

A drop of tear passed through Naruto's eyes but he can't washed it even he wants.

Not to be surprised ,

NAMIKAZE Minato , who was moved by Kushina's word huge her with one hand .

" Kushina , it's not you who is lucky but me , it's you who took Minato 2 a civilian to yellow flash of konoha and current hokage . And thanks you for having a child with me . Ahhh , why is this child kicking , what's wrong with him?? "

Looking at the Public display of affection , Naruto's tear dried up and gave his all he kicked right into His cheap daddy's cheek breaking the emotional atmosphere between the couple.

" Ahem , what if we aren't with the child "

Kushina's word almost didn't give Naruto a heart attack.

He really finds this family very unpleasant to the eyes .

" System , is there any way to save my parents'life "

[ Host , the energy accumulated in the system is not enough to counter the situation , even if there was any ,your current body really can't hold it]

"Sigh****" Naruto gives a heavy inwardly.

After all he knows Minato is still saveable but he will still choose to die along with kushina .

After all , if solving a nine tail's rebellion can kill people then He is really sorry for the 4th hokage 's identity.

You must know 9 tails at present can be dealt with by sealing in a strong container or resealing it in dying kushina will only lead to its disappearance for a few years. Which is enough for the village to regain some vitality and seal it again in the new jinchuriki.

But this old man is so much obsessed with his wife , that by creating a favorable excuse he chose to die along with her . Yeah! Minato only died because he couldn't bear loneliness without Kushina.

Sure enough parents are true love and children are just mistakes , Naruto has this thought inwardly.

Don't think Minato having this much love for Kushina is great , the reason why Naruto has a tragic childhood is inseparable from this guy being irresponsible towards the child . Otherwise he won't ever comfort kushina with Jiraiya and Kakashi's presence, who aren't good then himself , one pervert and another with a dark heart period.

" I really wish to see Naruto's grown up image..." Kushina said with reluctance in her eyes .

" Don't worry Kushina , i am going to seal our remaining chakra in Naruto's body , so that we can look at him anytime."

Minato stood - up and looked at the Nine-tails who was completely bound by Kushina .

Suddenly ,he started making some mudras and as soon as his hands froze a shinigami with a short sword(long knife??) appeared behind him.

Kushina has a frightened look

" ghost seal kills the summoner"

" i knew , but this will only take away my soul and half of Nine-tails" Minato paused for a second and looked over Naruto who was looking at him with wild eyes.

" the other half will be sealed inside naruto , only the physique of Uzumaki clan bears the chakra of Nine-tails and it will bring stability to the village."

Kushina suddenly looked at Minato with the eyes of a stranger , and sure enough Minato who expected this started talking nonsense.

" i knew , what are you thinking but , Mr. Jiraiya talked about the prophecy of upcoming trouble times and the appearance of a masked man makes me sure of it"

" Minato, but ..."

" dear , it's our child and I believe, he will definitely bring prosperity to the village and world"

" and also i will seal a part of your Consciousness along with chakra, so that ypu may help him in controlling nine tails in the future .

Kushina after listening to Minato's patriotism talk almost blew up.

" just for a brief moment of meeting , you have to cast a ghost seal"

" f#cking idiot i want you to be Naruto' s side , i want you to take care of him , to help him grow up "

" why are you doing this ? for the village?? for the fire nation?? or the stability of 5 great nations ?? but such a heavy burden must be passed on to my child "

" Minato , i don't even agree with my death'"

Naruto who was going to give another kick to his dad almost didn't applaud.

yeah ! that's my mom . too much better than this cheap daddy who after beating the enemy to death can claim him to be unfathomable.

and also it's your apprentice! why in the fucking world you have to trust him for solving the enemy in future. just go and in give him a giant rasengan with Flying thunder god and he is really done for.

" System, can you do at least something"

[ The host , it is recommended to collect shards of souls from the host's parents]

" shards ? ? , not the soul , and also how to collect , also what function do you have??"

yeah, he forgot about to ask the most important thing , what does this system do.

system: ??

[ Ding ! , host this heavenly collection system, which can collect anything that comes in contact with the host and can redeem it for the host to use or store it for a period of time to give a certain multiplier]

" can you still create souls out of pieces "

[ Ding! , well it is more or less the same]

" because our family is ninja and protecting the village is equivalent to protecting our child"

with this Minato who ended his talk at this time put Naruto at this time on the ground and start 8 Trigram sealing and with the ending of handprints an alter appear below Naruto lifting him up .