
Black White Academy

In a place where an academy where divided into two, two faction were made, consisting of competitive students. Separated by colors, Black and White, students thus began discriminating and fighting each other. An academy as big as a country, and a new world to all students, Black White Academy was actually the most prestigious academy that can be found in the entire world. Two faction, Black and White, differ from each other. Each have their own rules and laws, thus also having different leaders. Between two faction, can love between two leaders of each faction sprout despite the differences? "Well, I just want to be friends with you." "President Ren, let me be frank with you, did you like me?" Wen didn't like to take this thing more further and just asked. Ren looked at Wen and felt somewhat hopeful. "Well, will President Wen get mad at me if I indeed like you?" "Well, please stop that! I don't like men! And I feel disgust with boy to boy, so it may be hurtful, but I'll never like you." "Well, so, that's why President Wen tried to avoid me? Did you feel uncomfortable?". "Well, yeah, because who wouldn't be like me?" "But I didn't do anything wrong or did I cross over the line, right?" "I guess so." "Since that's the case, we can still be friends, right?" "But... won't you get hurt?" "Well, that's should be my problem, right? And besides, I'm also happy when I'm together with you." Is it possible for those two to end up together? Or just be friends as what Wen said?

Sky_Light_0279 · LGBT+
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16 Chs

Chapter 5: Orion Group Chat

Ren was currently studying at his study room when the phone in his side suddenly vibrate stealing his attention.

He pick it up and join the group chat.

Orion's Chat Group

Zoey: Oh, guys, I forgot to ask earlier, do you have free time tommorow?

Shane: Well, if it's noon time, I guess I'll have.

Peter: What's the matter? Is there something important tomorrow?

Zoey: It's not really that important. I actually won some points, so I just want to ask you if you want to go to the mall tommorow. Shopping, you know.

Vie: Oh, you won points? How much?

Zoey: Not much. Just 50, 000 points.

Vie: What?! That's a large amount of points? Zoey, you need to treat me to a meal tommorow!

Ren: Hey, Vie, how can you be so shameless to force Zoey to treat you?

Zoey: Well, it's fine. Something like this is rare to happen, so why not?

Gray: Zoey, I'm free anytime.

Ren: Well, I want to study tommorow but since you ask, then I'll go to as well. What time?

Zoey: How about you Peter? Coming?

Peter: No. I have something to do.

Vie: What?! No, you can't say no!

Peter: But I have something to do, so what can you say?

Vie: Well, fine. I'll just go to your house and fetch you.

Zoey: So it's decided then. Then, how about we meet at Black Star Mall?

Peter: Hey! It's not decided, ah! I said I will not come.

Vie: And I said I'll fetch you! What's wrong about that?

Ren: Vie, can you stop being so flirty all the time. It's annoying.

Gray: You're just jealous of her, how pitiful.

Ren: Gray! Just wait someday, and I'll definitely beat you up!

Zoey: Well, so are you okay with that?

Peter: No, I'm not!

Vie: Don't listen to him. He's just playing hard to get.

Peter: Who's playing hard to get?!

Gray: Bro, you know it yourself, so please, don't embarass yourself even more.

Peter: President, you said you want to beat Gray, do you? Why don't we join hands together?

Ren: You're offer seems interesting.

Gray: Hey, guys. Why be like this?

Vie: Well, anyways, we always go to the Black Star Mall, so why don't we go to the White Moon Mall this time? Let's go to the mall that the White Faction has. I'm really curious about that.

Gray: Yeah, what Vie said is indeed interesting. And maybe we can bump into Hailey, and President... You know?

Zoey: That's seems interesting. But won't the White Faction will stop us before we even enter?

Vie: Don't worry about that. Just wear white clothes.

Shane: And that's the point. We don't have white clothes.

Vie: You don't have? Didn't you also go towards White Faction School? You didn't buy their products?

Shane: Why would I buy from them? Black is more better than their products.

Vie: Well, then, It's indeed a problem. But don't worry. I have a friend from White Faction.

Shane: What?! How can you have a friend from our enemies! Vie, are you betraying us?

Vie: Secretary, don't be so exaggerated. It's just a friend, so how come it's betraying. And besides, he also don't discriminate faction, so he's a good friend. I always chat with him, so maybe I can get help from him.

Peter: He? Chat with him?

Gray: Oh, I smell vinegar, ah.

Zoey: Hahaha, so Peter, will you come tommorow? If not, maybe Vie might go with that boy, you know?

Peter: So what? Then go to him. Who cares about Vie?!

Vie: Peter, don't get jealous. You know that I only like you, so you don't need to worry about that.

Peter: Who's jealous?! Who's worried?! You're the jealous and worried!

Ren: Vie, how come you have a friend from them? Are you this sociable? And it's even a boy not a girl?

Vie: Well, I'm your sister after all, so I'm special. And I also just become friend with him, because he pursue me once, when I went their to compete in English.

Peter: What?! Pursue?

Gray: Ah, the sourness is spreading, it's suffocating me.

Peter: Then just die already!

Shane: Peter, if you don't want to make us know you're jealous, then just watch your phone. No need to make an appearance.

Peter: Secretary, you change! Didn't you always hate White Faction, so why don't scold Vie?

Shane: But they also said, that as long as it remain as a secret, no problem will arise, so what wrong about that? And besides, I'm tired getting ignored, so I'll just let them.

Zoey: So, are we really going to the White Moon Mall?

Peter: I don't like there.

Vie: Let's go. Just ignore Peter. He's just jealous and worry. But I already reject him ten times, so there's really nothing to worry about.

Ren: Ten times? How come I don't know that my sister is such a flirty girl?

Vie: It's because you're always in your study room.

Zoey: So then let's meet at 3:30 in the afternoon there.

Shane: Are we really going there? That's a white faction ah! And besides, that place is too far from ours.

Vie: And that's the reason why we should go there more. It's more fun if it's thrilling enough, ah. Being always in the Black Faction is sometimes tiring too, so what's wrong going there?

Ren: I agree with Vie.

Gray: President, you just agree because you're hoping, ah. But a pity, it's almost impossible, tsk.. tsk..

Ren: Gray! I will definitely beat you up!

Peter: Yeah, let's beat him together.

Vie: Shane, don't worry. We will be fine, and besides, if you worry about the fare, it's all in Zoey, right?

Zoey: Well, yeah. 50,000 is indeed a large sum points, so maybe it's okay for the six of us.

Ren: Zoey, you're really the best. Although I'm not like my sister who's shameless, but a treat is still a treat.

Shane: Okay, then. I'm also curious at what White Faction have.

Ren: And you're also like me, right? Hoping to see someone.

Shane: President, not again, okay? It's okay if just you, why pit me as well?

Gray: President, so you really hope to meet her? Ahahha.

Vie: It become more exciting ah. Well, I will leave first. I need to ask Hero first.

Peter: I'll leave as well. I'm not coming!

Zoey: Peter, don't be like that! Don't let your jealousy stop you from having fun.

Peter: who's jealous?! You're the jealous one!

Gray: Tsk... That Peter really like Vie, yet still don't want to admit.

Ren: I will also leave first. I still need to do something.

Zoey: Well, Gray, let's just meet tommorow, I'm going to sleep now.

Gray: Then go to sleep. Goodnight.

Zoey: 'night.

Ren who read the last chat, can't help but felt annoyed to see these two to flirt at the last moment.