
Black Sun In Marvel and DC

Next welcome to our-- Hydra's holy forerunner,Thanos' chief pope The Avengers' psychologist,S.H.I.E.L.D.'s finance consultant The paper killer to Batman,The soulmate to Joker Attending physician in Arkham Asylum,Praised professor in Gotham University The holder of Order of the Red Banner,The possessor of bless from the God Iron Curtain in New York, Spring Wind in Gotham The black sun which never dies Schiller Rodriguez! —————————————————— *English is not my first language. *Character setting follows comic and plot follows movie. *System will disappear soon. *If you want to support me financially and get access to more chapters please visit patreon.com/Earth_2260

Earth_2260 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
110 Chs

Ch.37 Batman's Expulsion Notice

On a gloomy and chilly morning in Gotham City, the cold wind and damp mist creep onto the balcony through the cracks in the window, forming glistening droplets under the illumination of the lights.


Professor Schiller sits at his desk in his office, reviewing the students' papers. After a while, a document is thrown onto his desk from the neighboring one. Schiller shifts his gaze from the homework in his hands and turns to read the document.


"A campus alcohol ban? Who is the genius who gets themselves into trouble this time?" Schiller asks.


His colleague, Anna, stands by the water dispenser, waiting for the water to be ready, and remarks with hands on her hips, "Obviously, it's our genius new president. Rather than calling him a genius, it's more accurate to say he's too arrogant."


Before Schiller inquires further, Mrs. Murphy, the president's assistant, moves her somewhat bulky figure and knocks on the door before entering. She says, "Professor Schiller, the president wants to see you."


Just as Schiller gets up, Mrs. Murphy approaches him. She lightly taps his arm and says softly, "He's quite a handful, so better be careful."



Schiller enters the president's office. The new president has only arrived a few days ago. His name is Seldon, Seldon Smith, and he is a white who supports Donkey. It is said that he used to be in charge of the academic affairs office at Princeton University, but for some reason, he inexplicably chooses to come to Gotham University as the president.


As soon as Schiller walks in, Seldon taps the desk hinting him to sit . He is a very typical white leader, looking energetic like a lion. He speaks, "I assume you have already read the document I issued. Yes, the campus alcohol ban is inevitable."


"I really don't understand how this school allows beer trucks to drive right up to the entrance. It's absurd. If this is the mess the former president left behind, then I will definitely clean it up, right now!"


"You know, in this situation, we have to take a tough stance. Based on your background, Professor Schiller, I believe dealing with a group of kids isn't more difficult than dealing with serial killers, right?"


Schiller understands the implicit meaning behind his words:although I want to make a big splash as the new boss, you'd better work for me.


Schiller smiles and says, "Of course, of course..."


Then his tone of voice cools down a bit, and he says, "In fact, dealing with anyone in this world isn't more difficult than dealing with those maniacs involved in the serial killing cases."


The president detects a hint of warning in his tone. He isn't a fool, at least smarter than the previous. He says, "I've heard about the rumors circulating in the school before. But that's not my concern. What this place needs is a new order and a new administrator."


Schiller reveals a faint smile, "You have great ambitions,and want to establish a new order in Gotham. I can't help but applaud this goal."


"Not Gotham, but Gotham University. This will be my territory. I won't bother with empty words about being responsible for the students. I just want to say that the previous president is a cowardly idiot, so he's gone. But I'm different from him!"


As he speaks, he makes various radical gestures, occasionally tapping the table with his fingertips based on the stress, displaying typical American politicians' style.


Schiller glances at his watch and says, "My class is about to start. But since this is the task assigned by the new president, I will definitely complete it satisfactorily."


After saying that, he leaves. The new president watches his figure, his expression not looking good. His intuition tells him that this person won't be easy to deal with.



The next day, an expulsion notice is delivered to Bruce Wayne's desk.


It reads, "...due to your repeated alcohol consumption on campus and organizing gatherings involving alcoholic beverages. It has been confirmed that at least 50 students have consumed alcohol purchased by you. It is with regret that I inform you, Mr. Wayne, that your enrollment will be canceled. You must vacate the student apartment within three days. - Professor Schiller Rodriguez."


The following day, Seldon covers his forehead in his office, showing signs of fluster. He says to Schiller, "I didn't ask for... tough. Oh, yes, quite tough. But, what I mean is, not this kind of tough, it's too excessive..."


The new president curses inwardly, it's too crazy. How dare he write an expulsion notice to the heir of the Wayne family? The Gotham University's biggest benefactor! He provides billions of dollars in funding annually!


If Wayne is expelled, then he, the president, is nothing!


Moreover, they say Bruce has been causing trouble and doesn't seem like a pleasant person. Is he really not afraid of offending the world's richest man?!


Schiller maintains his emotionless fake smile, "I believe using this as a deterrent is necessary. If we dare to expel Bruce Wayne, then there won't be anyone who dares to disobey your alcohol ban, right?"


Seldon opens his mouth, but can't say anything. He finds it difficult to describe his complex emotions at the moment and can't come up with any counterarguments against Schiller. In fact, what Schiller says makes a lot of sense.


Isn't Bruce Wayne the one who can drink the most, who dares to drink during the day, and go crazy with alcohol within the school? And what Schiller says is true, if Bruce is expelled, then the other students will surely behave like chickens.


But the question is, which private university president dares to expel their own board chairman???


The president doesn't dare, but Schiller does. He can't wait for Bruce to piss off. Otherwise, if Gotham University encounters the Joker, it would be a huge trouble.


Seldon wipes the sweat off his forehead. He stammers, "First, let's retract this expulsion notice..."


"I never retract letters I've written. However, as the president, you can make a call and have him personally deliver the letter to my office."


Schiller taps the desk, imitating Seldon.


"Mr. president, as a professor, do you expect me to fawn on a student who has made mistakes? How to please the board is the president's job, not mine. My duty is to educate and teach, regardless of whether it's Wayne or someone else. No one can misbehave in my classroom."


"By the way, please tell him for me that if I ever catch a whiff of alcohol in my classroom, I will kick him out without hesitation. Don't blame me for not warning him."


Madman! He's truly a madman! Seldon thinks.


What the hell is he? Why does he always clash with Bruce? He is the world's richest man!


"Your obstinacy shocks me." After a while, Seldon says with a gloomy face, "I hope you can maintain your stubborn style."


Schiller smirks, "I will. In fact, I have faced countless insanity criminals and maniacs in numerous high-profile cases. Compared to them, Bruce is like a newborn foal. I hope he can stand up before he learns how to run."


The president looks at Schiller, who has a slightly sickly pale complexion. His gray eyes, hidden behind lenses, seem to be shrouded in unending mist.


After Schiller leaves, the president presses the switch of the recording pen under the desk. He thinks, a playboy like Bruce Wayne could never tolerate being insulted by a professor like this. The words Schiller said today should be engraved on his tombstone.


If an expulsion notice isn't enough to ignite Bruce's anger, then he'll add more fuel. He wonders what Bruce's thoughts will be after listening to these recordings?


Seldon thinks, facing such a brash and young billionaire, regardless of Schiller's abilities, he will never be able to beat the power of capital. The Wayne family has countless ways to make a professor disappear from the world. Even if Bruce isn't that cruel, he won't let go of someone who repeatedly insulted him.



After receiving this recording, Bruce's expression is strange. He is not angry. No, he is not angry at all.


In fact, even if it is not Schiller in the recording, Bruce is not too angry. Impulsiveness and recklessness are just his disguise.


But after listening to the recording, he actually feels relieved. Thankfully, Schiller does not bring up any more questions that give him a headache and are difficult to answer. Schiller also does not use that harsher tone he usually uses when chasing after Bruce for assignments.


Bruce knows this reaction is wrong. How can his expectations be so low? Shouldn't it be that Schiller praises him, and then he would be a bit happier?


No, no,that's not important.


Bruce tosses the recording pen onto the table and runs his hand through his hair. He admits. After listening to this recording, he can't help but think that maybe Batman's recent actions in Gotham are good, hence why the professor's attitude softens.


Of course, he is Batman. Soon, he starts thinking about serious matters.


The president focusing so much on Schiller does not seem without reason. He seems to have some extra source of information, knowing that Schiller has been involved in the previous president's trial.


Bruce squints and analyzes: The president wants to establish order at Gotham University, or rather, he wants to turn Gotham University into his dictatorship. Dangerous individuals like Schiller would naturally be his first target.



The next day, Schiller goes to teach class as usual, not even sparing a glance at Bruce.


Sheldon, who can control the classroom cameras, furrows his brows. Bruce doesn't go looking for trouble with Schiller, what's going on?


Disguised as a playboy, Bruce has caused trouble many times. He has beaten up several classmates. Although it is wrong to beat up a professor, as the world's richest man, there is no one he can't beat up and no one whose compensation he can't afford.


Then he witnesses an even more incredible scene - when collecting assignments, Bruce actually hands in a stack of papers, and from the thickness, he has probably written a full 3,000 words.


When has Bruce ever handed in an assignment? Which professor at Gotham University dares to collect his assignments? Which course at Gotham University dares not to give him a full score?


Thinking about this, the president opens the Gotham University credit system. He discovers that for the psychology course Schiller is in charge of, Bruce's assignment score is less than two, and his overall grade is the lowest. The professor's comment section reads, "As a billionaire, he certainly enjoys life responsibly, but as a student, he is utterly terrible."


The president's hand trembles. This is not an internal website but a site where all students have to check their final grades. They can see clearly the comments given by each professor, and they can leave comments for all their professors as well.


The president thinks this way as he scrolls down the mouse wheel, and then he is startled to see the comment Bruce left for Schiller:


"I promise to complete all assignments next semester. If I do so, can my assignment scores be increased by two points? Or even 1.8 points. If I can achieve a score of 90 or above on my final exam, I sincerely hope that my credits won't be deducted entirely, even if it's just left one point."


Isn't this a subtle expression of "Professor, please help me out"?


Thinking this way, the president closes his computer with a unhappy expression. He feels stifled. How many people want to be associated with Wayne Enterprises, which brings them tremendous benefits, and the president is certainly one of them.


However, it seems he doesn't have much of a chance. Bruce doesn't care whether he is the president of Gotham University or not; to him, the president is just a position that can be replaced if he wants.


But it seems that Professor Schiller has really gained control over the world's richest man. Sheldon thinks that no matter what, he has to get rid of Schiller. If he wants to go further, he has to have an irreplaceable position in Bruce's eyes. Schiller is his biggest hurdle.



On the other hand, Bruce is starting to become dissatisfied with this new president.


Because when he returns the expulsion notice to Schiller, Schiller almost seems to have the words "Piss off now" written on his face.


Everything has been going smoothly before this new president arrived. Whether it is his communication with Schiller or his cooperation with Gordon, it is all beneficial for Batman's crime-fighting endeavors.


But now, the new president suddenly implements an alcohol ban, giving Schiller an excuse to expel him. Of course, Bruce feels unhappy.

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