
Black Rose Revenge

Victoria Blood Martinez the Half-Blood Vampire, wants to take revenge for the death of her family. She wants to take all the risk even if it kills her. "Tori, I think you should stop this" "No matter what you say Micheal, I'll never stop from hunting him"

LilBun04 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Childhood Buddy

When I woke up, there are no more bubbles above the water so I decided to take a quick shower and wore my bathrobe. When I came out of the bathroom, someone knocked on the door.

"Mistress, Michael has arrived," One of the maids said outside the room.

"Tell him to wait for me at the Library," I said then I went inside of my walk-in closet and choose some clothes to wear.

When I got inside the library I found Micheal sitting on a couch with a serious face. Well, I'm used to it. Even when we were kids, he always has a cold and emotionless face.

Let me introduce him to you. He's Micheal Dale, my half-human and vampire childhood buddy. He's like an older brother to me since we're both parentless and Micheal is 10 years older than me but he takes on the physical appearance of a 24-year-old.

"You're so early Micheal. Don't have a date?" I said to him then I sat down on the other side of the couch.

"You know that dating is not my thing, Mistress," he said.

"Oh please stop calling me Mistress. It seems like we have nothing in common right Brother" I teased him. Remember we're not blood-related.

"Ok fine. You won. Btw here's your request" then he handed me the envelope containing the details I needed.

"You want coffee or tea?" I asked him.

"You know what I want Victoria" he raised his left eyebrows to me and I laughed at him.

"Of course I know! I'm just joking"

"You never failed to make me smile Tori" He rested his back on the couch as if he was resting. I put the envelope on the tea table first then went down to the kitchen to get Micheal's milk and chocolate chip.

This is what we're in common. When I'm with him, he always shows his soft side like me but when in front of others? NO. It's a big no. That's why the people here in the mansion are also afraid of him. When I returned to the Library, I saw Micheal reading the contents of the envelope.

When I put down the tray on the table, Micheal gave me a picture. "Jiro Lee. 22 years old. He's a Vampire. Studying at Von University. He has a band called 'Darkness in Dawn' which is composed of 4 members including him..." He stopped for a while because he takes a sip from his hot milk. "Son of Ana Luimor-Lee and Gerome Lee. And.." I looked at him when he stopped talking.

"And what?" I asked him.

"Gerome Lee is one of the shareholders in Alfred's Company"

"Ohh interesting..." Then I stared at the man in the picture.

"Jiro is also a member of a team that is gaining popularity in the Underworld today"

"Well, in that case, do I need to go back to Underworld?"

"Hmm, I think so? But in my opinion. No"

"Well I guess I'll go back in that filthy place"

"You know what, leave it to me Tori-" I stopped him.

"No Micheal. I have to do something on my own too. I don't want to be a burden to you, do you understand?" He let out a sigh.

"If that's what you want, well then okay." He said then I hug him very tightly.

"Can't breath" He said. I free him from my hug and punch him in his chest.

"What the- What was that for?"

"Nothing. I just want you" I teased him.

"If you want to sp just tell me" I laugh at him while he's massaging the part of his chest that I hit.

I gather all the papers and pictures and put them back to the envelope. I stood in front of him when I suddenly remembered the woman that I brought here.

"Oh! before I forgot." I look down on him while he's doing the same thing a while ago. "There's a newbie here, she's staying in the guest room right now. Can you teach her some rules here in the mansion bro?"

"Okay, I'm on it," Michael said then he picks up the last choco chip. I bring the envelope with me and put it down on my desk here at the library. I called Michael again when he was about to leave the room while carrying the tray.

"You forget something don't you?" I slightly nodded at him. He let out a big sigh like he was trying to say that 'as always'. "So what is it?"

"The girl that I said to you a while ago. She's literally a new one" In an instant, he throws me a deadly glare at me. I knew it. He'll be mad at me.

"Why did you turned her?"

"Cause she asked me. Look I'm sorry. I will never ever do that again." I raise my hands then I put an imaginary X sign in front of my chest.

He just raised his right eyebrow at me and then one of the maids who assists the woman earlier entered the room.

"Mistress the visitor is now awake," she said then she takes a bow before she left the room.

"So good luck Bro" I put a fake sweet smile at him just to tease him.

"Yeah right"

After he leaves I burst into laughter because of his sarcastic response. I glance outside the window when I noticed something shining. Fireflies, what beautiful creatures.