
Black Obstinate Suicidal Society

Jianebu_Samuji · แอคชั่น
1 Chs

Meeting the most Dangerous Man


As soon as I entered the gate of the Black Aztec University, someone immediately blocked me. There were five of them surrounding; I was so lucky with the number of students entering that I was the one they chose to trip over, and they were planning to break my skull. Of course, that was meant to be ironic. I won't even wonder why they chose me out of all those people.

I was unfortunate enough to get expelled from school a number of times as a result of my birth. I've never been lucky in my entire life; everything has happened by accident. Despite my best efforts to stay out of trouble, I always find myself in it.

"Guys, look, we have someone new to play with." They gave me devilish grins and laughed at me.

I replied with a bored expression. I've seen this scene before; it always looks the same whenever I transfer to a new school. Truly, this world is full of a bunch of idiots.

He turned to face me and asked, with an evil smirk on his face, "What's your name, boy?" His hands were in his pockets as he straightened up.

"What does my name have to do with you?" I asked frankly.

"You sure got the balls, huh?" he replied in an irritated tone, raising his right eyebrow in distaste.

"Definitely, and it was bigger than yours." I said with a smirked.

"Y-you!" He gripped my collar and gave me a protracted, intense look in my eyes.

Even though I am unable to see inside of his head, I am aware of his rage at me and the fact that my actions nearly caused his brain to explode.

I didn't say anything more, and yet he reacted as if I had stepped on his soul. That may be an indication of how much of a blow my words gave him in terms of ego. Why? Have I nailed it? I had bigger balls than he has. What a moronically stupid idiot!

His friends started a commotion, and the more I tease them, the more quickly they will come after me and beat me up.

That is exactly how it actually was. When someone rushes at you, they also get angry and want to hurt you as much as they can. What a crazy joke they've got there.

Two of his friends tried to touch me, but before that happened, I kicked the one on my right, causing him to fall down, and I punched the other one on my left just to make him lose his temper and get even more angry. He rushed at me again after I hit him in the jaw; he punched me in the face, causing me to step back a little. After that, their leader punched me, only to cause me to be out of balance and caught by the two. When his two companions were holding me, he arrogantly walked towards me. I was knocked out and couldn't even fight back since I was feeling woozy.

He responded in a haughty manner, "That's what will happen to you when you run into us, yeah, now what?" He even lifted my head in his direction while grabbing my hair. His companions chuckled as he remarked, "Where is your courage to fight me?" He laughs so loudly that you may mistakenly believe he is the bravest person on earth.

"Poor him"

"Yes, it is."

"He doesn't really have a fight because he is alone and there are five of them."

"Ciro and his associates beat up the new transferee again."

I could hear the students around us who were watching. Really, no one wants to stop us from fighting and try to wean us off it?

They didn't even bother to help; what kind of students are they? And what is this new world I have entered?Whatever my fate may be, I will accept it if I can find joy and excitement here. No matter what awaits me, I won't moan about having to confront them.

"You're so arrogant, who do you think you are?" He looked at me in the eyes "Maybe you won't come in after what we did to you." He shook his head with a big smile, "Don't ever come back here." He said seriously, "Did you hear me?!" and yelled at me.

"Obviously not," I answered sarcastically, and as I responded, his eyebrows arched.

This moronically stupid idiot, With all the force of what he stated, really asked me that stupid question.

"Shut up!" For the third time, he yelled at me again and punched me. He emphatically stated, "Leave and don't come back." I can't help but think what a moronically stupid person this man in front of me is. I'm not smart either, but at least I think first about what comes out of my mouth without being embarrassed.

"Heh?!, "Who are you to order me that?" Even though I was dizzy, I responded with a wicked smirk on my face.

He is as red as a tomato; his blood boils for me. He was about to give me another blow on my handsome features, but before his fist landed on my face, it was stopped when someone spoke behind me and to those who were holding me.

In an authoritative voice, he said, "You may now go and disappear without a trace." And after less than five seconds, the dummies who were gawking at me fled.

I collapsed to the ground and cried out in anguish. I took a closer look at the person in question; he exuded a frightening aura. What is going on with this ominous atmosphere? Who is this man?

He sat up a little and looked at me. I don't know why, but the mere sight of his gaze on me causes my whole being to shudder in terror.

"Since when did you have a care, Bud?" Someone suddenly said it, and his face showed surprise.

"Hush!" Another person came over and stated, "Yes dude you're right. It's a miracle that this friend of ours helped a stranger," as he patted his partner on the shoulder and looked at the man standing next to me who was kneeling on one leg.

He had an irritated expression as he regarded them. "Being a hero for once doesn't kill me, right?" he said violently.


"Pal, I don't think you intend it to be a hero." You're doing this for something else, right?" He swayed on his feet. "Hey, did I hit the nail on the head?" he called him when he didn't answer.


"Shove it up your ass," he snorted, as his friends just laughed, and that was the last thing I heard. He irritatedly turned to me and hit my neck, and the next thing I knew, it all went black.

I was asleep in the clinic bed when I woke up. My lip had a cut on it and was swollen. When I realized what had occurred earlier, I was in a state of shock. I was as anxious when I learned that I wasn't admitted to the first class of the academic year.

"We must wait even though it is boring."

I heard a familiar voice.

"You said so, but it's okay because it's preferable than listening to the professor's pointless lecture."

"Yes, right? And Professor Wang's bald, shining head is what made him so amusing."


When I pulled back the curtain, the two men who had earlier assisted me showed up.

"Hey" I'm greeted by the person with brown hair; its eyes are like a forest; they're green.

"How are you feeling?" The other one asked, and he has that lavender hair color and red sclera eyes.

"Well, I'm alive and kicking. You?" When I said that, they both stared at each other and then turned their gaze to me again.

"Extremely good-looking," the wind suddenly changed when he said those words. This one also has a thick face.

"I'm Duke Andreus, and this guy is Caleb Remus," said the brown haired one, and he introduced his comrade as well.

"Lorcan Raze." They both shook hands with me, after that they invited me to walk with them.

They gave me the opportunity to explore the entire campus, and they went with me to the headmaster's office to acquire the timetable and the key to my dorm room so they would also be aware of where I was staying. As the three of us conversed for a considerable amount of time, I learned more about them. It didn't take me long to feel comfortable around them, and I soon developed complacency.

They told me a lot about this institution, and I learned that it is full of assassins and criminals alike. He claimed that the students in this area would rather have chaos than peace, which is why no one had helped me earlier. And that explains why nobody bother to do something about the commotion between me and those five moronically stupid idiots.

I also know that they are looking into a number of mysteries around the entire campus with Rhys, who I previously aided. Just as soon as I heard his name, I once again felt afraid for no apparent reason.

Why am I experiencing this? Naturally, I'm not frightened of anyone I meet, but when I met him, I discovered that I'm not the world's bravest and that, even if I am frightening, there is someone more terrifying than me.

Speaking of the devil, we encountered him while we were walking through the corridor. At the same time that Rhys's was getting closer to us, Duke, Caleb, and I all stopped. Guess what, I was feeling nervous.

"Meet me in Room 754, after class,"  When he spoke, my skin's hair stood on end.

"Did you figure something out?" Duke asked, and Rhys just nodded in response.

"As expected of you, dude," Caleb said.

I gulped when Rhys' eyes landed on me. "What are you looking at?" he said, causing me to be stunned, as if a thorn had been planted in my throat so that I could not speak.

"What a moron!" Caleb laughed, "Leave where you're going." as he patted Rhys on the shoulder. "Don't scare our new comrade," he added.

"Tsk!" "No, I'm not doing anything." After saying that, he passed us by without saying goodbye.

He looked at him in disbelief as he walked away. "That's right, you're not doing anything yet, but you are already scary to death," Duke said, while shaking his head.

Caleb laughed as if that were natural for Rhys to be like that. "Relax, that's how he really is." He put his arm around me and guided me to where we were going.

He's really like that, huh? a terrifying creature. How could they be complacent in front of Rhys while I was shaking with fear?

"From now on, you have nothing to fear because the one who is terrifying is on your side." said by duke

"No Champ, you're wrong because I'm not afraid of anyone, Rhys is even scarier to be with." After I said those words, they were stunned and unable to speak for a while.

"You got it right, he's scary to be with, and it's safety because no one would try to mess up with you when you are one of Rhys's friends or companions," he said with seriousness written all over his face. "It's not that I can't depend on myself or what, but, you know, with that pal, your safety is assured and things are more exciting and fun."

Duke nods his head in agreement "Sometimes having a dangerous friend can occasionally be beneficial."

I couldn't help but believe that he is such a dangerous person after hearing what they said. since I confronted it and sensed how powerful its aura was. Despite the fact that Rhys and I just met and barely communicate.

Should I be glad about this, or should I stay away from them and avoid getting involved?

Greetings to Everyone Who Reads This First Novel of Mine! Thank you for lending your time and for being able to read The Black Obstinate Suicidal Society. I hope you like it ((≧▽≦)), and for those who don't, please refrain from making bad comments and kindly just skip it if you don't like it. Once again, thank you!

Jianebu_Samujicreators' thoughts