
Black Magic: A Love of a Witch

With magic comes great responsibility. It's not enough to possess the ability to use magic. One must have the wisdom and courage to use it for the good of the people. ...... Mates are for life, right? Yea. Opposites attract each other, don't they? Duh. And it's always the Alphas and Lunas who end up getting their stories told in most books, like always? Of course! Well, if you say mates are forever and opposites attract, then does the Luna have to be werewolf? Not all the time. Human? There are 'rare' times that it does happen. Then, how about a witch? Um . . . What? Yeah, you heard me. ..... After exposing herself to first love and a deranged king, Ravyn learns to find her own way in the world. She meets many creatures along the way and learns magic as well. With two witchy friends by her side and her faithful familiar, can Ravyn survive one disaster after another? ..... Will be mature later on. Surprise updates. Trigger warnings.

McKenzieJ17 · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

I’m not a rat!

(WARNING: Blood, gore, and death.)



Novoli groans before he's distracted once more.

This time, four Royal Knights in shining silver armor and a deep mauve cape march over. I notice Novoli's eyes glance at me before standing by my side.

"Stay close," he advises through a tense jaw, "they'll take advantage as much as they can, sister."

For a split moment, I'm in tears.

To be considered Novoli's sister in war, oh! What a time to be alive! I couldn't even think properly for once.

It was considered to be an honor for Novoli to even think of me as a sister in battle. It may not be a big deal for him, but to me, I've won a prize! Even Nissa hasn't considered me a battle sister yet and we're in the same year! Maybe that's why she's always with Asha-

"Hey!" Novoli calls my attention to the matter at hand. He stomps one knight's head in, spattering blood everywhere, and snarls at me, "Pay attention, rat!"

I snarl, "I'm not a rat!"

Casting [Venom Fangs], I slide between the Royal Knight's legs and jerk on his cape. This causes him to fall back and land on his behind. Using [Black Out], my [Tiger Claws] take care of him quickly before I can enact my newest power I've yet to use.

It took me seven days and eight nights of moon bathing to acquire it. Just thinking about the training I went through to master my latest power gives me a headache!

There's a lot going on everywhere in our small village, so I'm not able to keep track of Novoli at every moment, but when I happen to turn around after another injury I've solely caused, I spot three guards surrounding Nissa's brother. One knight snatched him by his arm as the other does the same. As the third knight vehemently walks towards him with a raised sword and insane grin, panic envelopes my heart.

Before I could stop myself, I focus deep inside and enhance my power.

The build-up is small compared to what Mom and Dad can do, but I'm still determined to save Nissa's brother. No matter at what cost.

He had defended us whenever his caste decided to pick on us, especially Asha. Those two are inseparable and seem to know how to work together in a sick fashion. I couldn't recall every trick the two ever pulled, but I do remember it was always towards others and the four of us had laughed.

Those were better times than now.

My eyes were closed while I concentrate on the power I've developed, hoping that it would be enough to save Novoli. I could feel the tiny specks of energy twirling around my fingers. The moon particles were very low when the sun's out, but I refuse to let that be an obstacle!

Novoli has saved me so many times... This is my chance to repay him!

Whispering the final chant of the incantaion, I feel the moon's energy envelope my body. It's cool, much like the shade, and I make sure to focus on that. I don't allow the engery to flow through me, rather, I collect each tiny speck and prepare for the ultimate blow.

These knights won't know what hit them!

My eyes flash open and they shine so bright in their natural born color. I'm not blinded by this mauve hue, rather it empowers me with so much more wandering vision than I had ever thought to try out.

This is going to be good.

A giant burst of energy flies from my fingers and into the ground around me, The moon energy aids me with forming large rocks beneath the surface of the earth to use to my benefit. When I'm ready, I beckon the boulders to rise from the earth and jet towards the steaming pot with full power.

Novoli was readying himself for an attack, most likely one that'll use lava. It's his specialty.

Before he could follow through, I send my boulders after the sword.

One smashes directly into the hilt of the sword and the knight's hand. He barely cries out before another boulder crashes directly into his face before he falls. The last rock I conjured from the ground sweeps against the back of one of the knights who hold Novoli. The impact from the rock sends him on his chest, groaning.

The last knight kneeling releases Novoli as if he was fire himself. He timidly backs away until he turns and tries to stand, but Novoli's one step ahead. He conjures the [Flaming Sword of Blue Fire] again.

With a smirk, I turn back around to the crowd of knights in front of me instead of Novoli.

He's got this...

And, on top of that, [Lunar Orbit] finally works!

My head whips around and spots Asha and Nissa fighting off four more knights. My eyes widen as I take off after them before the knights could lift my two friends in their arms.

I couldn't let them be captured!

Novoli would say it's all my fault.

Which, it's not because I'm racing over to the six now!

My anger rises when I'm almost there and a knight dares to snatch Asha by her vibrant hair. He lifts her in the air all the while she protests and cries. Her legs kick at him while he shakes her about. Another knight grabs a hold of her arms and begins to tie witch's bane around her arms. Asha cries grow louder and louder as the poison scratches her skin.

I knew Nissa was there to protect her, but she was being held back by her arms and legs between the two other knights. She protests, kicking and biting at their hands and skin until they're forcing her to stretch out between them in midair.

As much as Nissa dislikes me, I still consider her a friend and battle sister.

I can't just leave them.

Hearing Nissa's sudden cry, it urges me to run faster until I've activated my [Viper Swipe]. My speed increases tenfold than what it normally is. I conjure [Claws of Wolverine] twice in a row to free her. I don't bother with [Back Out] because they're all ready blinded.

Nissa drops the the dirt as the two knights cry out in agony from their severe injuries.

"Nissa!" I exclaim, running over to her.

I have to dodge several attacks from other witches, mostly older and more powerful ones than myself. My eyes flicker to Asha as she's still being tortured. A glare rises in my eyes.

I wanted to use [Lunar Orbit] again, but I could feel the moon energy I've pent up drain quickly after I used that offensive attack.

Passing out now would be equivalent to surrendering.

So, with all my might, I cast [Venom Fangs] over and over again, sending the canines directly to the arteries of the knights holding our dear Asha.

Nissa finally decides to join me in rescuing our friend and stands beside me with flames engulfing her fists.