
Black: List

Ayo leaves in a world filled with Souls that roam and take over those with ties that binds them, Reaper fights against the Aleminn. if you like jujutsu kaisen, maybe you might dig this.

Neddyb_B · แอคชั่น
1 Chs


I took of my shoe's and observed the brand leaving my feet exposed to the chilling atmosphere

I took a sniff of my shoes. Sniff, sniff, sniff....

My nose wanted to crawl back inside my skull, i looked around but the park was actually empty. I shrugged my shoulders as it means that people won't look at me wierd.

I put my shoes back on ready to get back to hunting, i am really looking forward to get more cash for new shoes..... but i have other expenses to clear. I let out a sigh as i reached for my phone.

I walked out the empty park, and met with the bustling city, i have a dead look in my eyes with heavy eye bag which no matter how i sleep, doesn't seem to go away.

People just seem to walk pass me, most in a hurry... makes me wonder?

About to be swarmed by thoughts, until i felt a strong essence but this type's scent was horrendous, my nose perked up, l lifted my head to follow the odour.

I got to the entrance of a alley way, trash can's left on uncovered, left and right and was eerie.

I saw a large soul that was trying to take over a man who appeared helpless, holding unto life which the soul did not make easy. The philosophy of souls that could not rest are called Linger.

It was already deep in his body, but a soul can not resonate with the living, as it is stated that the the dead can not communicate with the living.

I stood there with my eyes lacking empathy or emotions, just watching...

" please..... help..."

He just use the last of his stamina to voice those two words out.

I stretched my right hand forward, a mouth forming in my right hand started speaking.

"Oho did you prepare me this meal, i am so delighted, i will enjoy this" it said with a sly tone.

"Zeron just absorb it's essence" i replied impatiently to the mouth on my right hand.

" But of course" it continued, Zeron opens his mouth and start absorbing the soul's essence. The man eyes welled up tears as it appeared painful and a bright blue light just covered the dark alley leaving no shadow, but it was was soon envelopes with darkness.

I stood there thinking, it's just the same things never change in the city.... or maybe.... things never changed with me.

The man was dried up and his clothes was still intact but he was dead for sure.

" Hey Ayo that taste delicious" Zeron licked it's lips.

" Yeah whatever, just shut up, you're getting annoying" i said distastefully as i walked out the alley.

" My bad Ayo, but you're useless without me" Zeron seem to be taunting me, sadly the only thing i can do is stab my hand, but he's still going to just heal it back, and keep yapping.

I just placed my hands in my track suit pocket, taking a taxi to the Organization branch, but the traffic was mood wrecking, but we got to our destination though.

Entering the building, always gives me the creeps, cause of the eerie statues.

But it always brightens up when i see her, i had a smile on my face when she's on the counter, I waltzed to her.

"Hey" i said with a dumb face i sure would laugh at my self.

"Oh it's Ayo!, how was your hunt today?" she asked in her usual manner

"Me am fine just here to turn in some center

( centers are the what holds a soul together it is valuable, as a center equals 100 dons)

"Oh no problem the Marias are now available please jead over to them and yo will be compensated" she replied sternly.

I stood there, resting my arms on the counter, just lost in her green eyes .

she noticed my stare " um.....Ayo, are you alright ?" she asked in concern.

"Could we go out on a date, just you and me, and of course a plate of spaghetti?, what do you say?" i blurted out.

"No " she said with a smile and continued with her work on the computer, without further elaboration.

" Today is another defeat, but i will get you Priscilla!!" i said pointing at her while also being dramatic.

She didn't respond, but just kept on typing....

i walked to the elevator, it indicated floor D, which i clicked for the elevator to take me down to the Maria's.

They really creep me out, but they're role here is vital. They check the centers of souls and collect them if valuable enough and you get paid... at least that's all i know, i mean the cash is all i care about.

The D Floor, the sound ting!!!!

the elevator rang, as i stepped out walking on the hall way, i looked straight forward to the door that led to the Maria's, a bunch of Hunter's roamed in and out the door.

I walked to door, opening it.....

The room was gloomy, and the lack of light brings about a gothic feel. Seats were lined up for Hunters to take a seat.

I sat down at an available spot, with a counter that was separated by a net from the rest of the room but you could barely see through it.

A wrinkled hand came from the bottom of the net, i swallowed up as i saw the dried fingers taping the table, as it took my attention. Nobody knows what Maria's are..... but even a child would feel disgusted and disturbed when near one.

" ..... you..have... business here?" A wretched voice came from the dark net.

I placed my hands in my track suit to bring out the center i accquired earlier from the Linger soul, " um... yeah" i brought out the Center to the Maria " here", i placed near the table. It took it's time and received it

" oh it is a Lingering soul... it's center is quite larger..." It collected the center and brought out a bundle of cash pushing it to me.

"Exactly 3,000 Dons.... for the center" the voiced screeched in my ear.

" Wait, hold up you're telling me that the for the center, it only cost 3,000 Dons, that's too cheap it should be double " iI drew attention from the other hunters.

" I do not give more than that" it's voice deepen with utter threat.

Sweat slid down the corner of my face, " yeah... whatever ", i took the cash and stuffed it in my track suit.

I was out of the building and and dragging my feet on the pavement of the street, with many people still on a hurry, i took out the cash and started doing the math

" A thousand Dons for the rent, 500 Dons for the Medications for mom and and the rest gor dinner" damn, when i just thought i could buy some new shoes, and maybe some clothes, maybe change out of this track suit for once.


okay the first chapter is slow and i am bad at writing and suddenly i thought maybe i should pass the time writing novels.

i would drop more chapters and if the novel does well then it's ggs

any ways drop a review i would love to know how you feel about the first chapter