
Black Contract

In the midst of a world engulfed in crisis due to the presence of demons and with only a few cities left standing, the people are desperately seeking a way to reclaim their world. The Aegis Defense Agency emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a solution in the form of a system implant that allows individuals to fight back against the demonic threat. Despite the passage of several years, the demons continue to pose a significant danger to humanity. In this delicate and perilous situation, we are introduced to Arihara Rin, a strategist belonging to Squad 14, the lowest rank among the defense forces. Unexpectedly, Arihara enters into a contract with a demon girl named Saya Hoshiko. This contract intertwines their destinies, and together. As Arihara assumes the role of strategist, he must utilize his tactical expertise and strategic thinking to guide his squad in combat against the demonic forces. Saya Hoshiko, his contracted demon, becomes an invaluable ally with her unique abilities and powers.

Yamiru · แอคชั่น
21 Chs

Thinking about the Past (1)

After defeating Ryujin, hordes of other demons were alerted and began swarming toward the team.

Among them were numerous level 5 demons, pouring out of a nearby building like a relentless army of ants.

the team fought off the advancing demons while running towards the subway station. The streets were filled with chaos and mayhem, but they pushed forward, reaching their destination.

"Head to the left! You'll find the stairway to the subway," I shouted through the radio."

Shin, firing his assault rifle, responded with frustration, "It would be great if you could just give us the exact map!"

"I'm too far away to send you the map directly, Right now, focus on reaching the location and planting the bomb."

Gah, I seriously need a vacation after this expedition!" Saori exclaimed, her katana slicing through the demons in frustration as she made her way forward.

"Hehe, count me in," Alice chimed in, charging ahead to face the oncoming horde of demons.

"I'll inform Director Hoshino, but once we're done, we must complete this expedition!" I responded over the radio.

"Rei, I can see level 10 demons in front of the station," Hoshiko reported through the radio.

"Understood." I directed my drone toward the level 10 demon and activated my skill, "Neural Disruptor!" The skill debuffed the demons, weakening them by disrupting their neural functions.

After debuffing the level 10 demons, the team swiftly moved forward, battling through the horde. Saori's katana sliced through the enemies with precision, while Alice's naginata struck with deadly force. Atsuko's submachine guns unleashed a hail of bullets, and Shin's assault rifle provided cover fire.

After a few minutes, they finally responded. "Arihara, we've planted the bomb. This should do it, right?!" Saori's voice came through the radio, accompanied by the sound of her katana slicing through demons.

"Yeah, good work! Get out of there now and come back here!"

"Roger that!"

With the bomb planted, the team swiftly made their way out of the subway station. They fought their way through the remaining demons.

"Heading back to your location, Arihara! Out!" Alice's voice came through the radio.

"Affirmative," I replied, setting the radio down on the table. I let out a sigh and used my drones to scan the surrounding area, keeping a vigilant watch.

Meanwhile, the rain continued to pour relentlessly, creating a blurred view from my vantage point on the rooftop. The sound of raindrops hitting the ground echoed through the air, adding to the somber atmosphere of the aftermath.

The once lively area had transformed into a scene of horror and devastation. Buildings lay in ruins

I sat down near the edge of the building, my mind filled with memories from the past. The weight of those recollections hung heavily upon me as I gazed into the distance, lost in my thoughts.

The flashback replayed in my mind, the images and emotions resurfacing with vivid clarity.

Flashback to 10 years ago... I was leading a peaceful and ordinary life with my parents before the disaster struck.

"Mom, are we going to visit Grandma?" I asked, looking up at her with anticipation.

"Yes, sweetie," she replied, gently patting my head. "But we'll have to wait for your father to join us."

I nodded then looks around. "Mom, Where's Airi?" I inquired, referring to my younger sister.

"She's playing with the cat right now. Why don't you go join her?"

"Great idea! I'm going to play with her!"

I ran towards the backyard where Airi was playing with our pet cat. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the surroundings.

"Airi!" I called out, catching her attention. "Let's play together!"

She turned towards me with a big smile. "Yay! Rei is here!" she exclaimed, running towards me.

I was 9 years old at that time, and despite growing older, I still acted childish around my little sister, Airi. Our sibling dynamic often involved playful arguments and occasional scolding, but deep down, we shared a strong bond.

Three years later, I found myself as a middle school student. Our lives changed significantly during that time. Our parents had taken up job opportunities abroad, leaving Airi and me to navigate the challenges of adolescence on our own. It was a big adjustment for both of us, but we were determined to make the best of it.

Despite the changes and the occasional bickering, our sibling bond remained strong. Airi and I relied on each other for support and companionship in the absence of our parents.

That's how my normal life should be...

But then as Airi and I prepared to leave for school, the skies suddenly turned a deep shade of red. It was an eerie sight, and a sense of foreboding filled the air. Little did we know that this would be the beginning of a catastrophic event that would reshape my normal life.

Then, a crimson portal appeared in the sky, and ominous red-skinned creatures emerged, descending to the ground. Their presence sent shockwaves through the city as they began indiscriminately attacking and taking lives.

My heart raced with fear as I tightly gripped Airi's hand, pulling her toward the safety of our home. Panic and chaos filled the streets as people scattered, desperately seeking refuge.

Once inside, I swiftly closed and locked the door. "Airi, go to your room now," I instructed, my voice trembling with urgency. She looked at me, her hands shaking, her eyes filled with terror.

"B-Brother, I saw... I saw them... killing..."

My voice quivered as I reassured her, "It's okay, Airi. I'm here with you. Just do as I say and go to your room. I'll try to contact the police. They should be able to help us." I reached for my phone, my fingers trembling, and dialed the emergency number. But to my dismay, the call didn't connect. The line was dead.

"Shit..." I muttered to myself, gritting my teeth in frustration and fear. The realization that we were on our own sank in, intensifying the weight of responsibility on my shoulders.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart and calm my thoughts. I needed to come up with a plan, to ensure our survival in this chaotic and dangerous situation.

As I looked at Airi, her eyes filled with uncertainty, I knew I had to be strong for both of us. I couldn't let fear paralyze me. "I have to stay strong." I thought to myself. "Airi, we need to stay calm. We'll find a way to get through this. For now, let's gather some supplies and secure the house. We'll figure out our next steps together."