
Black Clover: Undefined

Beliefs, religion, and culture helped humanity thrive. They helped build societies, civilizations, and kingdoms. However, we cannot say that they are indeed morally good. This fanfiction tells the story of a young man who became the victim of such beliefs. After finding out the truth, he sets out to be what society thought of him to be. The one and only, devil child. I don't own the cover picture. Of course the same goes for Black Clover. --------------------

BlankPage0201 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
88 Chs

Chapter 6

Koyori has been running for more than 10 minutes downhill. With her just sedated body, her breathing turned heavy fast. With her efforts, she was able to reach the farthest house in their town, though with few cuts and bruises.

There, it became easier to traverse and she was able to reach her home in just five minutes. Compared to the number of people that Hisashi saw, this time, there were fewer people.

She slipped through spaces before entering the door. One adult tried to ask her but she entered the house fast. Opening the door, she was blocked by a sheathe of a katana before she can enter.

This attracted the attention of everyone in the house. The two samurai, Furukawa, and Masaru – Koyori's father. Looking at the kid that entered the house, the two adults immediately ran to her.


"Mother! Father! Hisashi!"

The three immediately hugged each other as the two samurai looked at each other.

"Mother! We need to help Hisashi! He's still there!" Furukawa let go of her child.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Masaru followed suit and asked her too.

"Hisashi? That young man? What happened?" After their questions, Koyori can't help but cry.

*Sob* *Sob*

"He- He saved me. He's still there fighting the criminal! We need to go fast!"

Hearing this, the two samurai acted fast. "Criminal? Take us there immediately." This garnered the concern of her parents.

"Huh? What do you mean? Explain it. We won't let you get in danger again." Furukawa said. However, Koyori didn't listen.

"He saved me from the criminal. He was fighting the man so that I can go home! We need to help him." Without missing a beat, she ran outside but was stopped when her father grabbed her. "Please! He might die! He's already so tired! What would he even be able to do? Please, father! Mother!"

Her plead made the Masaru let go of her arm but he stood up. He entered the room and came out with a scroll and a katana in his hands. "Let's go. Hon, can you go to the Yami's and explain it to Yuna and… Itsuki."

As soon as he said it, he nodded to the two samurai and left with Koyori. The four's actions surprised the citizens nitpicking but no one asked anything. A minute after, Furukawa comes out of the house and ran to the area of Yami's.

'I hope Hisashi survives. I still need to thank him.' Furukawa thought to herself.


As the three people ran, Koyori was carried by her father. She was also explaining what she knows to the samurai who is holding a fire pigeon.

According to her, the last she can remember after being saved was her walking to school. After that, she woke up in Hisashi's arms. "Father, can we go faster? Hisashi needs immediate help."

"Yes, my baby. Sir samurai, let's pick up the pace. I need to thank that kid no matter what happens."

The two samurais agreed. After 5 minutes, they soon reach the area and Koyori points the direction. One of the samurai someone a firebird who flew around the area.

"There! My firebird sees something there!" One samurai points out. However, as they run to it, they soon discover a sight that they didn't expect. Trees were cut in different ways, dirt with long slits, and blood everywhere.

As they continued to look for them, the worst made them stop. Starting from destroyed tents, severed fingers, arms, and even a dead body. Seeing this, Masaru immediately covered her daughter's eyes. However, Koyori took it and forcefully removed it. It caused her to be a bit nauseous but she endured.

At the corner of her eye, Koyori saw someone standing. "Huh?" The three adults looked in that direction and saw the same thing. They walked cautiously and Koyori jumped out of her father's shoulder.

"Hisashi!" Even from meters apart, facing back, and dark background, she recognized his body. It's Hisashi, standing back at them, not moving. They then walked up to them and looked at the situation.

The instant that they saw everything, they were all shocked. "What happened here?!"

What they saw, was the chopped-up body of a man. His blood spilled so much that the ground was dyed red. The fear on his face shows the terror that he felt before his death. This disturbed them so much that their Koyori's voice is the only thing that knocked them out of their trance.

She quickly run towards him and saw his eyes fixed on the body of the man. Unable to take it anymore, she hugs him quickly. The moment the two touched, Hisashi's body fell 'unconscious'. His body fell onto Koyori who almost fell to the ground because of his weight.

Not minding the strong smell of blood from his body, she lets him down and looks at the adults who checked him out immediately and were surprised at what they saw.

There are no scars on his body but after checking what was more, they felt that his muscles were all ruptured.

"We need to take him to Mikuriya-dono. He's in a bad condition." The samurai then created a wind cushion for him before immediately running back to the village.

-At the hospital-

Everyone was surrounding Hisashi who was bandaged up. Koyori was still crying while Sukehiro and Ichika are concerned. Mikuriya Mizuya was checking him.

"I have a couple of bad news and good news. Which one do you want to hear first, Itsuki and Yuna?"

The couple looked at each other before answering. "The good news, Mizuya."

"Well, he's already healing. He may need a few more days to fully heal up because of the degree of damage but his condition is on the good side. The ruptured muscles were healing, and his lungs and heart is now being stabilized.

The over-exhaustion should've been life-threatening, however, he had a miracle and it may take only a month or two of therapy for him to be back to his usual health."

The two smiled upon hearing this. However, they looked at Mizuya to hear the other one. "Can we hear the bad news?"

Mizuya looks at the two before sighing. "I don't know when he will wake up." This shocked everyone listening, especially Koyori.

"What do you mean, Mikuriya-dono?" She asks immediately.

"The thing is, his brain also took massive fatigue. The muscles were caused by a massive spike of use of Ki which ruptured it, but we've also sensed a large amount of spike in Yoryoku in his brain. This caused him to be in a coma."

"Are you telling me tha-?" Itsuki's question was cut off.

"Yes, he used Yoryoku."

The medic isn't the parent of Ryuya's subordinate. Maybe just a long lost relative.

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