
Black Clover : The Last Legacy

What if there was a clan that could go toe to toe with devils and elves but forgotten with the passage of time . What if the history of the world is not what its told about. Join the adventure of a boy who is reborn in the world of magic and figure out the true history of the world. Note :Mc will join the Black Bulls Mc in the story only has knowledge till the end of elf arc. Story focuses mainly on the adventures of the protagonist so don't expect romance. (I am writing a fanfiction for the first time so there will be a lot of mistakes)

Immortle_diablo123 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
189 Chs

Vetto vs The Black Bulls

"COME! " Vetto screamed as an intense wave of bloodlust enveloped every person present there.

"Let's do it Kiato!" Kahono said out loud.

Kiato readied his blades while Kahono began singing.

[Combination magic: Neptune's advent ]

Water slashes emerged from the blade of Kiato and each slash had the property of vibrations. A combination of both of their magic let Kiato move more fluidly and dodge attacks.

With Asta's sword the defense of Vatto's body was broken and with Kiato's support scratches began appearing on Vetto's body.


Kiato rotated his body dodging Vetto's punch but Asta kicked him away as another punch passed from his position.

"For us, our music and dance are means of worship. It repents our pride and bond with everyone. It won't be possible for the likes of you to break it. !!" Kiato screamed using one of his strongest slash attacks.

but….Kiato's blade stopped on Vetto's arm without bulging. Vetto looked toward Kiato and gave him a smile that sent a chill down his spine.

" DO YOU THINK I CARE ABOUT YOUR PRIDE !! " Vetto roared as his mana increased even more.

Kahono's sonic blast, Noelle's water bullets, Charmy's sheep attacks, Gauche's mirror beams….nothing could break his defense.

'I have to dodge! I have to doge ! ' every cell in Kiato shouted for him to move but Vetto's speed was too far for him to react.

At the last moment, Vetto's arms stopped a centimeter in front of Kiato's face due to Vanessa's strings being wrapped around Vetto's arms.

Even though the punch stopped, the shockwave from the punch sent Kiato flying. Fortunately Final was there to save him before he crashed into the wall.

Strings of Vanessa wrapped around everyone present there with Finral making everyone with his mana.

The pace of the battle soared as every Black Bulls member had to give their all to avoid dying.

Every single attack of Vetto was lethal making it extremely difficult to dodge and attack at the same time.

Vetto's beast magic gave him powers of multiple beasts making his attacks unpredictable.

Some instances were Armor of Rhyno, Claws of Bear, Wings of Wyvern, Speed of Leopards etc.

Charmy's food and Kahono's voice had the properties of healing magic but in the current stage, it was impossible to use them.

As the battle went on, injuries started to accumulate.

Alongside injuries, Vetto's corrupted mana entered their bodies putting them in intense pain.

Asta used all of his focus to increase the flow of anti-magic which introduced some changes in his body.

His eyes turned red alongside his arms acquiring a black tint due to the coating of Anti Magic.

Suddenly, Asta's attacks were dealing actual damage to Vetto.

Seeing this, the strategy was switched making Asta the main damage dealer with everyone supporting him.

This change in battle style finally put pressure on Vetto to give a glimpse of hope to the Black Bulls but it was short-lived.

An enormous amount of corrupted mana accuminated around Vetto and exploded like a bomb.

Time seemed to have slowed down around Finral.

It was clear that if he didn't do something everyone would be instantly vaporized.

'Hey Finral, Spatial Magic if used properly can make you invincible….

You can just make yourself completely permeable as soon as any attacks hit you….

I know it would be insanely difficult to achieve, but I know you can do it !!!' Julian's voice rang in his ears as a new spell got engraved into his Grimoire.

[Mana zone: complete permeability ]

A dome of mana was created around Finral taking Noelle, Vanessa, and Asta while small domes around Gauche, Charmy, Kahono, Kiato, and the fainted people like Luck, Magna, and Temple Guardian.

The same thing happen to Noelle as she realized everything was about to end with their death.

At that moment, all of the happy memories Noelle had with the Black Bulls stuck her all together as she heard a foreign voice in her head.

[Daugher of the Silver Valkyrie…..I shall lend you my power]

Vetto exploded like a bomb blowing the temple and revealing the sky.

Every single person in the Underwater City felt Vetto's mana and bloodlust.

As the mana in the environment settled down, the after-effects were revealed.

Finrals' barriers completely saved Asta, Vanessa, Noelle, and Final but the same can't be said about others.

Although his spell made ninety percent of Vetto's spell pass through them the ten percent got them making them faint with injuries.

Suddenly it was only Asta in the front with Noelle, Vanessa, and Finral with support.

"HOW WAS IT INSECTS !!! DO YOU FEEL DISPAIR !!!!" Vetto screamed as another Rhyno armor appeared around him.

Noelle's eyes glowed in a blue light as she pointed her wand at Vetto.

"How dare you…..HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY FAMILY !!!" All of Noelle's mana condensed into her wand.

[Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragon's roar ]

A Giant Water Dragon emerged from Noelle's want and enveloped Vetto. The power of the spell was so huge that the entire chamber shook.

What remained after the aftermath was the damaged body of Vetto who had his entire right side missing as he staggered and fell to the ground.

" I d-did it !!! "



Yami's sword coated in Darkness and Licht's light sword clashed as they engaged in a close combat fight.

A portal formed on the body of Yami absorbing the light projectiles aimed at Yami.

The priest teleported behind light and tried hitting him with a slash of spatial magic but Licht was faster and dodged.

On this side, Yami and the priest were holding pretty well against Licht but the same can't be said about the other side.

Charlotte and the priest's wife were getting pushed back by Rhya.

Due to having copy magic, Rhya'a attacks were completely unpredictable making them only defend leaving no chance to attack.

Both Licht and Rhya knew Julian was present somewhere within the temple so they couldn't afford to go all out against their opponents.

Currently Julian was their biggest threat.

At the same time, the transmission of the battle between the Black Bulls against Vetto was visible to everyone.

"Bhaha! I knew those brats could do it!" Yami said seeing Noelle's spell blow off Vetto's body.

Everyone had a ray of hope expecting one of the members of the Eye of the Midnight Sun dying but Licht and Rhya had no chance in their expressions.

"You humans underestimate us too much…..

This is just the beginning…." Licht said out loud.


"Stay with us …don't throw your life away in despair. The ones who should feel despair are the people of Clover kingdom, " said a silver-haired man with red tattoos on his face.

Licht…..is that you….

" Remember what they snatched from you… "

The scene changed to a cheerful environment where two people stood under a shed with other people raining flowers on them to celebrate the moment.

The next second the scene changed the same people lay dead with a river of blood flowing and burning homes.

I can't die till I get my revenge….

I will make the humans suffer for what they did to us!!!!.

All of a sudden huge mana fluctuations emerged from Vetto and the entire chamber started sharing.

The mana was more sinister than earlier giving everyone a sense of crisis.

A third eye opened on the forehead of Vetto and mana fluctuation increased around Vetto.

A magic circle formed near Vetto's arm and regrew it in a fraction of a second.

[ Forbidden magic: ḯ̷̭̘͚̞n̴̨͉̈́͗͝c̶̝̭͓̓̆͐a̵̰͌r̵̡̨̥̈́͝ņ̸̓̃̐ã̵͚̎̃͝t̶̢̠̥̻̆͒̉î̸̢̮̖̖̉͝͠ơ̶̡̥̗̺̔̽ǹ̴̰͍͉̈̆ ̶͎̈́̽̔o̵̮̺̱̒͘f̵̧̙͕͚̾̚ ̵̉͜ ̵̧͑d̶͚́͠ḛ̷͖̈́̆̍̒s̷͓̞̊͆͛ͅp̵̜̐̆̅̍͜͜ȧ̵̰͆i̷̮̼̩̤̾͝r̷̙͖͆̓͝ ̴̗́ ] a distorted voice escaped from Vetto's mouth.

Vetto 's height increased and his skin turned dark.

Fur started to appear on his back, chest, and limbs and he released a roar shaking the entire underwater city.

The amount of mana that monster was releasing surpassed all common sense.

Seeing the monster in front of her Noelle remembers a story she used to hear in her childhood.

' Once upon a time, there was a village of evil demons in our world.

They wanted to take all the mana of the world for themselves.

The strongest of them used magic which was considered taboo and became something akin to a god.

He tried to eradicate all of humanity and if not for the first wizard king humanity would not have remained. '

The monster standing in front of her was the spitting image of the demon mentioned in the story.

Asta, Noelle, Vanessa, and Finral could not move their bodies anymore as primal fear gripped their hearts.

Asta's sword fell from his hands as he saw himself getting killed in countless ways.


A big magic circle appeared behind from which emerged the head of a monster with horns.

[Forbidden magic: b̴̛̜̩̣̭̤̩̃͑̒̍͗̋̊͑̒̍̏̕͠͝ȩ̴̢̪̞̖̬͓̰̉́̿̌a̴̙̱̟͔͐̐̈́̐̌̑͂̚͠͝ś̴̡̡̩͍̺̘̮̱̮̼̘̩̀̂̏̓ͅţ̶̢̨͎̳̝͈̪̜̤̺̤̺̹̬̒̐͐ ̵̨̮̲̹͎̳̪̔̇̽̏͜͠ç̵̮̻̠͚̤̥͕̣̥̤͎̹͎͐́̾̏̓͆̈́̌͐̌̒̕̚a̴̫̝͚͕̼͐̈͂́̉̄̌̊͒̓͘͝ͅͅͅn̷͉̮͔̺̬̩̠͋͠ń̶̛͈̟̟̠̣̱̩͕̪̀͛̂͑̉͂̀̆̕ǫ̷̛̬̜͉͌͑͗̈́̑n̴̥̘͈̄̿ ̸̢̻̦͚̳̼̘̙̘̟̻̼͕̗̹̬͌̀͒̍̈́̒̽̿̂̕͝͝ ]

The monster opened his mouth a fired an attack with constrained so much negative energy that even people in the city felt fear grip their hearts.

The remaining Black Bulls members closed their eyes as their lives flashed before their eyes.

But instead of the attack touching them, they felt a warm embrace as their injuries started healing rapidly.

"You are right, this place will indeed become a graveyard….but yours " a familiar voice reached their ears as they opened their eyes.

[Mana zone: Dark Light cloaked Dimensional slash]

Vetto's attack got sliced from the middle and completely disintegrated.

Wearing a blindfold and long black hair tied to a bun and with clothes that looked like royalty, Julian stood in front of the Black Bulls with a sword enveloped in light and darkness.

"You all did great holding till now, now leave everything to me"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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