
Ch.7 Magna's Initiation and Ranto's Prowess

'.....' (Character's thoughts)

"....." (Speech)

[…..] (Voice Transmission)

{.....} (Spell Names)

<…. > (Telepathic Communication)

Captain Yami and I walked out to the front of the Black Bulls building to see Asta crazily doing a bunch of workouts while being watched by Magna and the rest of the Black Bulls.

After I walked up with Captain Yami, Asta had just finished and was about to go talk to Magna, but Magna looked at me and did his original glare, trying to intimidate me.

"So you're the supposed Secret Weapon of the Black Bulls?!?! You have to do your baptism as well. I want to see your physical prowess, same as the other newbie." Magna said.

I stared blankly at him as I said. "Sure as long as you do it first. I am not willing to do any task for you without knowing you can do it to."

"You can't just say no!! It is the only way you'll get your robe." Magna said.

"Fine, you don't want to give me my robe, I'll just go join the Golden Dawn." I said as I turned around and started to walk away.

"Okay fine, but you have to do the task that Rasta is about to do, he has to in whatever way he can, take on my attack magic." Magna said after some hesitation as he got a glare from Captain Yami when I said I would leave because of his dumb test.

"Alright, I can do that." I replied with a smirk.

Asta then got prepared to take on Magna's magic by taking out his anti-magic sword. This action caused some comments from the other Black Bulls.

"Whoa, what's he got there?" Luck said excitedly.

"So big." Vanessa said uninterested.

Charmy gasped and Gauche simply stared blankly.

The fight continued and Magna started launching fireball after fireball at Asta with his flame bat which Asta just dodged. And when Magna saw they were not having any effect, he changed his strategy and decided to just launch one big attack at him.

"Take this {Flame Magic: Exploding Fireball}!! Now die!!"

Asta had never dealt with such a quick attack before that he couldn't slash, so he ended up reflecting it back at Magna with the flat side of his sword. This caused mixed reactions from the watching squad members.

"Whoa ho ho, he did it, he did it!!" Luck said.

"Woo-hoo!!" Charmy cheered.

"Wow, I didn't expect that." Vanessa commented.

"That's the first time in a while we haven't had to rescue the newbie." Finral stated.

'He couldn't slice it with the edge, so he hit it with the flat. So he can reflect magic as well as cut through it. Interesting.' Yami thought to himself.

As Asta was having an internal freak out about his new discovery and the worry that he may've killed Magna, Magna walked out from the fire and ran toward Asta scaring the hell outta him before congratulating him on a job well done as the other black bulls cheered.

Asta remembered when Ranto had said he should've been able to reflect magic as well, but he never actually tested it so he was very excited at the new ability

Just as Magna was praising Asta he was interrupted by Captain Yami speaking.

"Hey, you're up string bean, why don't you show why you're our secret weapon."

Magna got serious again and walked back into his place for the fight.

"You got it Captain." I reploed as I got ready as well.

Magna opened his grimoire again and got ready. I walked up and had a smirk the entire time.

"Y'know, this isn't exactly a fair fight." I said.

All but Captain Yami, Finral, and Gordon, misinterpreted what I meant as if I was saying that Magna is so strong that it wasn't fair. Magna himself didn't forget to comment on it.

"Don't worry newbie, we have Finral on standby if we need to get you to a recovery mage."

"Oh, I think you misunderstood, I meant it isn't a fair to you" I said as I took out my grimoire which only four people in the Black Bulls actually knew about.

'What the hell, he has a four leaf clover grimoire?!?!' Gauche thought to himself.

"Ohhhhh is that a four leaf clover grimoire?" Charmy asked in amazement.

"Oh, he has a four leaf clover grimoire? Mysterious and strong." Vanessa said while looking at me as if I was a bottle of rare wine.

"He has a four leaf clover grimoire, Captain Yami, how is that possible a guy from the middle of nowhere was chosen by the four leaf and chose our squad!?!" Magna asked.

"Just shut up and fight already." Yami replied.

"Alright Captain Yami Sir." Magna said and looked at me seriously.

"Let's see you deal with this!" Magna said before he started rapid firing his spells at me.

I dodged some while I was casting my spell.

"{Storm Magic: Wind Dagger}"

I cast the spell and met every one of Magna's fireballs with my wind daggers and whenever they hit, they would create a small explosion of wind that dispersed the fire. This went on for about a minute before Magna stopped and got ready to cast his large attack at the end.

"{Flame Magic: Exploding Fireball}!!"

At the same time, I had started to cast my skill.

"{Storm Creation Magic: Wind Golem}"

After I cast my spell, a giant wind golem appeared in front of me. It was about 10 meters tall and I felt it was plenty powerful enough to take on Magna's spell. If it couldn't overwhelm the spell with pure force, it would tank it.

"Ooooh I have never seen someone create a golem out of wind before." Finral said.

"SOO COOL!! " Asta said.

"That's some great power he's got." Vanessa said.

The fireball was finished and Magna launched it toward me. The golem ran forward at a pace that didn't suit such a large creature and punched the incoming flame attack. The golem's punch caused an explosion of wind that matched the exploding fireball, but the fireball's explosion actually destroyed the golem which caused and even bigger explosion of wind and completely dispersed all the fire.

Everyone was amazed at how powerful my spell was whereas I was surprised at how powerful Magna's spell was that it actually cancelled out my golem.

"That was great Magna, I didn't expect your spell could actually cancel out my own. You're a lot more powerful than I gave you credit for." I said with genuine praise.

"Yeah, you too! And you definitely can back up your words about being strong. Although I don't think that makes you strong enough to be our secret weapon." Magna replied and jokingly commented the last line.

"Well, then let me show you a little more." I said.

Magna looked confused, but I just ignored him and looked toward the others watching the fight.

"Hey Luck, how about that fight I promised??" I said to the battle freak.

"Oh yeah, I am so glad I get to fight such a powerful opponent!!!" Luck responded while bouncing in excitement.

Captain Yami looked at me and I nodded back at him. Yami then addressed the rest of the squad.

"Alright guys, give them some room."

The squad complied and moved back about 100 meters or so.

The battle was about to begin and we were both making our preparations. Luck summoned his lightning gauntlets and boots and I cast my own spells.

"{Storm Creation Magic: Storm Sword}"

After I cast my spell, a magic blade formed in my hand. The blade itself was clear silver like my wind spells were, but was coated in a blue blade made of lightning and the handle was covered in a silver aura.

I then cast one more spell because I knew who I was fighting.

"{Storm Magic: Combo Spell Wind Flash}

I was then covered in a silver aura like my wind magic and also had sparks of lightning coming off of me just like Luck. While I was casting my spells, the black bulls were having a conversation on the crazy things I just did.

"The hell, he has two attributes?!?!" Magna said astonished.

"This shouldn't be possible." Vanessa said shocked.

"Whoa!!" Charmy exclaimed.

Luck saw what I did and got even more excited if that is even possible.

"Hahahahaha, you are even more powerful than I thought, I can't wait to start fighting!!!"

"And Begin!!" Captain Yami said as we both seemed ready.

Luck and I both shot off instantly and all everyone could see was flashes of blue and the clanging sound as if metal was hitting metal. That was the sound of my blade hitting his gauntlets and boots. Luck then started to fire balls of lighting at me rapid fire, all of which I slashed with my sword as with every swing of my sword, I created wind slashes that directly clashed with the balls of lightning.

Luck realized I was matching his power step for step so he somehow increased his speed and appeared behind me, although I had already prepared something for that I had created a different kind of golem made of lightning. It looked like a medieval knight with a sword and shield.

"{Storm Creation Magic: Lightning Guardian}"

The Guardian stopped Luck with it's shield and then quickly slashed with it's sword which caused Luck to block the blow by crossing his arms. The attack sent Luck flying away from me only for him to come back at me and send a large bolt of lightning toward me which I blocked by throwing a lightning spear at the bolt. It didn't completely stop the large lightning bolt, but gave me enough time to dodge out of the way.

The fight was getting tedious so I decided to finish it. I cast one of my Advanced spells that I created based on one of Yuno's spells.

"{Storm Magic: Rising Maelstrom}"

A huge tornado began to form and it disrupted Luck's ability to move and to make it worse for him I also sent many wind slashes into it to attack him as well. As he was spinning in the tornado, trying to get his balance I did two more things that I felt could stop him.

"{Storm Magic: Wind Wings}"

After my magic was done being cast, a pair of wings made of wind that looked like the feathers of an eagle appeared on my back, but the wings were huge, big enough to carry a Yami sized person through the air.

After using the spell a silver aura then coated my fists and I gained some distance before I flew directly into the tornado and hit Luck so hard in the head with my force magic that it rattled his brain while sending him flying out of the tornado. All I did was apply Newton's Second Law. Force equals Mass Times Acceleration. Even though this is a fantasy world, it is still true that the faster an object goes, the more power it can deliver when it hits another object. This was possible through my body being strengthened by my wind and lightning magic and the force magic taking the brunt of the impact.

Luck's unconscious body was flying through the air and before he could hit the ground, Finral used his spatial magic to make him land on the couch that was outside.

"Hahahahaha, now do you see why he can be our secret weapon?" Captain Yami asked while laughing boisterously.

"Yes sir!" All the Black Bulls said.

"And just so you know, he didn't even use all of his power to fight Luck." Captain Yami said with a smirk.

"WHAT?!?!?!" -Whole group.

"Anyways, it's been a long day. Magna, show the newbies to their room and everyone get some shut eye." Captain Yami said.

"Yes sir." Magna replied.

"Let's get going you two." He continued.

Unbeknownst to most of the squad except for a few, myself included, there was another individual who watched the initiation.

'Hmm, I will meet her tomorrow. Though for now, I'm ready to sleep.'