
Black clover: black bulls' prodigy (rewrite in progress)

set in the world of black clover, an adventurous teen journeys through the Clover kingdom. this is my first fanfiction please give advice where you see fit,

Lgknight · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

the dungeon

Hey, the author here. I just wanted to say thank you for the support. I have a terrible naming sense, just like Yeon-woo from Second Life Ranker, therefor I will be taking inspiration from his swords from games, animes, manga, and manhwa. If you guys want a sword in his collection, feel free to suggest it here.

Also, I plan to make Tessa have plant magic or something similar to William's world tree magic

Thank you and let's get back to the chapter


Once we made our introductions we quickly made do with what was remade of the giant wolf that attacked Cain. they took the fur and the claws and fangs of the best and put it in an enormous bag that Cain found in the dungeon.

they then continued to explore the dungeon. while they found more creatures in this place Cain found out about Tess's magic and that it's a type of plant/tree magic that allows her to control most if not all plants in the dungeon making it her planning field. we then used the vines she made and looped them threw the holes in the fur to make them a sort of cloak to keep us warm.

'' hey I have been wondering but what truly is your magic? it will illuminate your dagger, can launch an attack from far away, and can make your dagger-sharp,'' she says curiously because of the non-elemental magic that Cain possesses.

'' I have no idea what it is, and I can only truly guess it is light magic. but I won't know until I can get my grimoire.'' the reason because of this is people say when you connect with your grimoire you will automatically know what it is and what you can do with it.

with that said they continued to fight off the creatures in this place at a certain time Tess's stomach starts to growl. her face starts to get red because of this. cain sighs and looks around to find something to start a fire to cook these animals.

'' hey, Tess can you make a tree grow real quick!'' cabin shouted to get some firewood.

Sure that should be a problem" Tess replied quickly making a tree shoot up ou from the grown. Cain then uses his dagger and magic to cut it down and then proceeds to make a fire with said wood and light it with sparks from two stones. He then uses some of the branches as sticks to hold the meat they gathered to place over the fire to cook the meat to an acceptable level.

They both found it to be acceptable, but not very tasty because of the lack of herbs to elevate meat to a great level. However, they continued to eat it, for their lack of nutrients.

When they finished with their meal Cain realized there is only enough fur for one big blanket.

"Hey Tess, there isn't enough for us to make two blankets so you can have it," he said towards Tess, who was falling asleep on his shoulder. She then figured out what he said and quickly refused.

"No no no… there is enough for both of us so don't try to walk away and act tough." She says looking fiercely at Cain. He raised an eyebrow and says" It isn't because you scared of the monsters and the dark and I'm can take care of both. Now is it.

"...n-no….." she quietly mutters, while caught red-handed,

" fine," Cain said while wrapping the fur around both of them. tess starts to dose off and eventually falls asleep on Cain's shoulder. after putting so much weight on it her head falls on her lap. cain can hear her start to mumble something. cain starts to see his vision fading from the cozy environment. something that he hasn't felt in a long time, heck even being near someone and being alive has to have been a few months. he then falls back and starts to fall asleep, which was the first time he willing fell asleep.

after what seemed to be a few hours then woke up on his back, feeling better than ever, compared to the previous time he tried to sleep. he noticed that something is on him and struggles to move his head upwards. he then notices that Tess is on top of him which causes him to sigh, but smile warmly at her. he starts to think of what they will be doing today, and the reason why he is thinking this is that there might be a treasure room here based of of the stories that he has heard about these places. however, the risk that also comes with it. As he is thinking about his tests starts to wake up from her deep sleep.

'' tests it's time to get moving'' Chain said and started to shake Tessa a bit to get her moving. while doing this Tess then realized where she slept and blushed a bit then quickly moved away from Cain's lap and acted like this never happened before.

they continued to march down the hallway but fortunately for them, there were not as many monsters as they thought. Originally in the beginning tons of monsters would pop up at any time.

'' hey isn't it weird that there are;t as many monsters as there were in the beginning'' tests said after thinking about their situations over and finding out what was wrong.

''The reason why is that the amount of trap multiplied by three.'' chain replied after thinking about the amount of trap that they evaded.'' oh. that makes some sense.'' tests said, but then realized what Cain said'' You know where the traps are!'' she exclaimed.

''no, but I can sense them because of the amount and feel of the mana around it... you can't'' he said curosly.

''not really I can feel something but and the same time the mana from Dungeon'' she said.

''so you just slow'' Cain said not thinking about the repercussions of what he just said. in response to this Tess got angry and started to pout. also, she started to hit Cain in the head rapidly without care.

"owowowowowo.. stop that Tess" Cain said while holding his head, and starting to remember what his mom said about treating gurls correctly. Tess on the other hand looked somewhat smug that he got this monster in front of her to feel pain for what he said about her being slow.

'' no I'm not slow your just crazy strong, AND SAY THAT ABOUT ME AGAIN OR YOU WON'T SEE ANOTHER SPECK OF SUNLIGHT!'' she exclaimed proudly. it was at that moment Cain felt something incredibly wrong with this encounter. like he signed a contract with the devil.

<40 minutes later>

they were walking down the hallway and found an open door which they struggled to open, but as Cain's impatiens wore off he took out his dagger and then cut the door to form a small square for them to walk in and out of. what they found inside the camber struck them with awe. inside they found a giant room with books on a shelf from the bottom to the top. and the sides thater small piles of gold and tables filled with notes and other things. while they examine where they are tests step on a pressure plate which cause the books to move around as a spirit passed them,n books fly out and back in other sorts the books started to move around them. In front of Cain, a grimoire that was glowing a brilliant white floated before him., I was grey in the middle. with gold and black batters on the corners. it integrates design is golden marks/patterns. but the most surprising thing was the four leaves in the middle of it.

for Tess a grimoire that was dark green with grey parts near the corners and just like Cain, there were golden marks around the grimoire. plus there was a four-leaf in the center as well.

they both looked a each other in awe, but Cain snapped out of it and smiled at her. '' well I guess this is where the fun begins.''


hey, author here I'm sorry io dint get this out earlier but i had to visit the doctor about something and couint move after the proceder was done.

about the magic you know that cain will be getting sword magic but tess is a bit of a struggle for me if you guys can suggests some names for it that would be appreciated.

thanks and see you guys two days from now.