
Chapter 20 Beautiful bedtime story

Mike, it's time for bed it's getting late and daddy and mommy promise that Michael will come home soon" Elizabeth, their mother said and Mike and Paula left their room.

"Elizabeth, please don't give me that look. You don't expect me to tell my son that his twin brother will die because all the hopes I have are cutting my call on me"... he said in a very emotional manner, he couldn't hide it from his wife not her, she would see right through him.

" I know... sigh but we don't have to lose hope. We won't ever right"

"Right" he replied very quick

Mike tacked Paula in bed and when he turned the little girl said" daddy said tell me a bedtime story remember" she gave a very cute look that was just irresistible.

" I wasn't going, I was just closing the door, because I'm about to tell you a very beautiful bedtime story and I don't want any interruptions or sounds". Her big brother said in an attempt to redeem himself. He closed the door and took a chair and sat on it, right bedside her bed.

" it's a story of a 4 siblings who lived together and one day a great storm came and they were very scared, but the older sibling said to the younger ones don't worry if we're together and United no storm can over throw us, the 4 siblings walked through the storm with only one loaf of bread and bottle of milk. They shared it in bits and bits and bits till the bread and the milk was left with very little and that little could feed only one. The older sibling decided very quickly, to give it to the youngest and the youngest refused to eat. She felt it wasn't fair to eat it alone even though it was very little. But the older siblings argued till the youngest had eaten that small bread and drank the milk. Further in the storm they approached a house and they knocked in the door. No one answered but the light was on, they assumed, someone was home but just didn't hear the many loud knocks, they went inside and they saw no one but plenty food on a table. the oldest was skeptical about the whole situation, she decided they had to leave but the others were too hungry to listen to their sanity. She took some of the food and eat first, that was if anything happened to her her siblings could run for their life's. She took the small first bite and nothing happened she took the second and down the ground she went. she fell on the floor and become pale, she had to pulse or that least that was what it seemed like. The other siblings were supposed to run but they didn't, they bent by her side and cried and prayed, minutes passed and the older sibling started moving again her pale body was gone and she had a pulse. Love is defeated or their storms. the physical one and not so physical ones too."

the little girl was fast asleep, the big brother crept out quietly making sure not to wake her up with his foot steps.

"Good night Paula" he murmured and went to his room