
Timeskip and confrontation

After searching the forest for the 100th time with no trace of clay I decided it was time to move on because for some reason I knew clay would be okay and was with people who would protect him, so I decided to go off on my own and wait for the future when I could see clay again I hope he recognizes me but maybe I can keep my promise to Elle and have some luck finding my sister Elena hopefully that is.


It has been fourteen long years since I left Louisiana and I still have found no trance of either clay nor Elena, but I have finally found some good news in the form of a book written by my little brother Clay which also tells me where he currently is teaching which is weird I must say but still I guess I'm going to college I just hope he remembers me maybe I will do that telepathic move in him if nothing else works, it looks like my brother is an anthropologist for NYU which I am enrolling into at the moment, but let's backtrack a little I've been hearing this voice in my head he calls himself wrecking apparently but when I ask who he is he deflects and just says the same thing every time ' you will see soon enough' which is really testing my patience I might add but what am I gonna do so I just continue with my thoughts but I'm broke out of my daze when the desk clerk starts talking to me.

" Excuse me sir, can you tell me your name?"

"Oh yea sorry about that first day jitters you know.... anyways my name is Jason Michaels."

"Okay lemme look really quickly...ha here you are Jason Michaels room 1402 single bed nicely done, well have a wonderful rest of your day!"

"You as well Ms. Wells," I say as I look at her name tag.

As I am walking towards my dorm I look around the campus and I can't help but think ' maybe taking a break won't be so bad and college life shouldn't be so bad either' after making it to my room I get myself situated and just can't help but wonder about what will happen this year.


it's been three months since I started going to NYU and I have been loving it so far I love the classes the different students and everything else still haven't found clay since that clue from the book and yes I know I'm supposed to be on break but I'm sorry he is my family I can't just stop okay what would you do if you were in my place huh.

Now for the last three months I've been feeling someone watching me but I could never figure out who but today is a different day because currently I'm walking in the park but there seems to be two people who have been following me for tge last hour now so I have a decision to make now I can either run and hide or I can stay and face them and continue to live my life which decision do you think I'm going to make haha haha.

Logan POV:

Hey my names Logan I'm part of the stone haven pack based in bear valley, New York and currently we are following a student named Jason Michaels who is apparently a wolf, clay our resident anthropologist and strongest warrior caught his scent months ago and our alpha Jeremy gave the order to observe and report anything worth reporting so that what we have been doing the last three months, nothing really worthwhile on the Jason front but apparently Clay our own feral warrior has gone and fell in love with a girl named Elena Michaels I wonder if her and this guy are related I guess we won't know until something happens huh, but based on how happy Jason seems to be here at school is as if he has never been to a school before which honestly worries me because if he wasn't in school then where has he been exactly that's what worries me the most but if he tries to hurt my pack I won't hesitate to kill him.

Nick POV:

Hey names Nick same pack as Logan here I don't really know what to make of this guy Jason here we are tasked with following but they way he acts around campus is like it's the first time he has actually gotten to see and enjoy life if that's what's going on here then what exactly did he do before coming here and where is his pack if there not here already but that's a whole different problem but this guy Jason does the same damn routine everyday I mean everyday cmon atleast change it up every once in awhile this is his routine just like clockwork: he wakes up, showers and the normal hygiene, goes to class from nine am to one pm, then he goes to the gym flirts with the girls there( really starting to like the guy for that one), then goes back to the dorms showers and does homework, then he leaves campus until eleven pm, after that he just comes back and goes to sleep and has repeated this same routine for the last three months now I followed him one night just because I was suspicious of what he was doing till eleven but it turns out he just goes for a run as a wolf then comes back to rest which is normal for a wolf.

Now I really get to g bored of watching this guy maybe we should just introduce ourselves to him and see what happens but in the middles if that thought I feel Logan tense and I look over only to see the guy we are tasked with following walking straight towards us with no care in the world.

Jason POV:

After making my decision I decided to just walk up to them and let them know I know they were following me and see where things go from there, but as I get closer I see the two guys more closely and from my memories the dark skinned flat top man is Logan and the Caucasian Justin Timberlake one a be is nick and I see Logan is on alert ready to attack at a moments notice and nick is looking more worried about being spotted so I decide to take calm and chill approach to keep a fight from starting so when I get in front of both Logan and nick I say:

" hey I've noticed you guys have been following me a lot lately so you probably know what I am and I know your the same as me from one of my runs at night, so if you want answers or just to talk and get to know me meet me at my dorm and I'll let you go first so we can atleast establish a little trust before you get my life's story cool?"

" alright deal but if you try anything I will not hesitate to kill you" Logan says while glaring at me.

" alright as long as you understand I will do the same to the both of you!" I say back to Logan while my eyes are glowing red.

" Alright alright everybody chill.. we will meet you there and you definitely have to tell me how you did that glowing thing with your eyes." Nick says excitedly while looking at my eyes.

I chuckle at the statement he made breaking the tension between us.

" alright man, you guys can go first and I'll wait here for ten minutes then follow behind and we'll all meet at my room!"

After the conversation with the guys they both headed off to my dorm while I continued my walk around for another ten minutes before heading towards my dorm myself, as I rounded the corner to my dorm room I saw both nick and Logan waiting at my door I nodded at both of them and once I reached the door I unlocked the door I opened it and let them both go in before heading in myself and closing and locking the door back before heading to my desk and sitting down only after cleaning up all the bras and things that were scattered all over the room which I got an approving smile from nick for having which honestly made me like the guy more for.

Nick POV:

After Jason let us enter the room me and Logan immediately looked around the room for any traps or weapons that could do us harm but we found only bras and panties scattered all over the place which I must say made me like this guy more and more but he had no weapons or anything if that sort so me and logan visibly relaxed enough for Jason to see and say

" I get that you guys worry for your pack and stuff but I'm one wolf why were you so worried?"

" What do you mean one wolf don't you have a pack of your own?" I asked suspiciously towards Jason.

" no I don't have a pack never had one honestly been by myself since I was five!"

" Wait do you have been alone with no pack since you were pack when we're you bit?" Logan ask worriedly towards Jasons calm demeanor.

" I was but when I was five so it's been more or less fourteen years I guess" Jason says surprised at how long it really has been.

" Wait so what have you been doing for the last fourteen years if you were not in a pack for all that time?" I ask surprised and also wondering how he survived for so long by himself.

" Well I've been looking for my family both of them both adoptive and biological, you see when I was four my biological parents were killed in a car accident and me and my sister Elena were put in the foster system I was sent to Louisiana to be the adoptive son of the carters and I don't know what happened to my sister but I had an adoptive brother named clay who disappeared the day our mother was killed by a wolf and I've been liking for both of them all this time I followed a clue I found about clay which in this book he wrote which led me here but I really enjoy college life and plus I haven't found any signs of him here so I just decided to stop looking for awhile and enjoy being here while I can!"

" Wow man that's crazy so for the fourteen years you have been looking for both of your siblings without any luck until recently and now just want to enjoy college life until you find a new lead!" I ask while listening to his heartbeat as I have been doing ever since we came in his dorm.

"Bingo got it in one so do you guys have any other question or anything" Jason ask ready to go to sleep.

" Yeah just one if our alpha tells us to bring you to him for a meeting will you come willingly?" I ask still listening to his heartbeat.

"Sure I don't mind it would be a nice change of pace I've always been used to being alone so it would be a welcome change!" Jason days unknowingly showing the great saddeness in his eyes.

When me and Logan saw the sadness in his eyes we understood how much he really wanted to see the last of his family and I wanted to tell him about clay real bad but I know I couldn't atleast not until Jeremy gave the word to do so.

After the conversation with Jason we decided to head back to stone haven and report everything to Jeremy and see what he wants us to do next.


After the conversation with Logan and nick I knew they both wanted to say something but couldn't which confused but I let it go thinking it was pack rules or something so I didn't dwell on it, they told me they would be reporting everything I told them to their alpha Jeremy I didn't really care though and they told if their alpha gave the word tgat I should be ready to go at a moments notice which I was okay with since that's how I have lived for the last fourteen years so who cares, so after they were gone I decided to take a shower and head to bed because I was so exhausted.

As Jason fell asleep in stone haven Elena was just bit by clay which is already affecting Jason in a very angry way

Stay tuned to find out what happens!!!

Hope you guys enjoyed that chapter I really like making that one see you guys next chap drop comments tell me how it is or what I can improve!!!

Sam_Naborscreators' thoughts