
Nalexa managed to implement the virtual channel for ecological talks


The journalistic account was impressive for the Ancash community, since a young journalist from Diario El Ferrol was lucky enough to photograph the event and negotiate the photographs with much more wealth than the accounts of mermaid sightings.

Vallemar no longer had to hide his identity and purpose, and being of the aquatic lineage by his father and sailor by his grandfather, he had a lot to tell and the expectation to see his virtual channel was world-wide with millions of views .

Vallemar's father migrated from the sea to live between rivers and bays, while Vallemar's grandfather only limited himself to the sea and the ocean depths. Vallemar advanced further, mutating Alghalys skin to human, residing in swamps and small lagoons and by his lineage and genes between rivers and seas not so deep due to his age and organic maturity. Living with humans allowed him to live in communities adapted to his usual environment. The Interworld and interstellar portals are known as the Villamaría swamps, the Plaza Mayor of Nuevo Chimbote, the Cerro de la Paz, among others.

Nalexa managed to implement the virtual channel for ecological talks by putting Chimbote on his feet in each presentation, thousands took to the streets to applaud, his wisdom that mitigated the impacts of marine erosion, the reduction of the greenhouse impact by the ozone layer avoiding the advancement of skin cancer. Identifying the path of the Covid cloud including mitigating its reproductive influence. The University of Shantay and the University of the Altiplanoy and the Emerita of Chuscoy, have created faculties based on this knowledge, given that predestination, marine prophecies, sidereal interpretations. They have a real emissary, a wise Inter worlds and a living referent.

Xuli an entrepreneur, he managed a breeding ground for endangered marine species with the advice that Vallemar gave him, managing to repopulate swamps, rivers and beaches. Xuli, Nalexa and Vallemar, formed a multidisciplinary team.

Although there are times of lunar phase transition, contact with the public must be avoided due to Vallemar's genetic changes. It is leaked into the networks that Vallemar has a zombie background. And that he hides or escapes from the hunt, so the contact in those lunatic times is of great secrecy, idem of handling the celestial map, the constellations of stars, passes of comets or eclipses.

You need a couple of friends from Bierny, Nalexa, Xuli ... with academic, cultural or artistic tendencies. Maybe a yoga, a painter or cartoonist or an astrologer? Any ideas to share…? From what country or sector of the world, would it be? Must it be a woman who makes Nalexa jealous? Or that she falls in love with Xuli and takes away his secret attraction to Nalexa? What name would you give it? Eye hair skin color, similar to what race? How many languages ​​would he speak? If he has traveled the world, what countries did he visit? What is your home, family, beliefs or customs like?

"Ay!" Nalexa shouted, "in Vallemar's first attempt to take her by the wrist, her powerful Alghalys hands knew nothing but crush the bones of their adversaries and crushed his skin and meat."

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